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for Subscriptions and Arrear are equeste toae ad payable here, a formerly to the Secretary ROBER PITCΑΙRN F.S.A. c. To admit of early arrangements bein complete for the pristin and circulatio of the Morks a speedit ascis consistent it caresu and accurate editoria, it is earnesti requested that ait Subscriptions and Arrears may be prompti transmitte at the winning of the ensuingyear, an Sentinisecta thia meo. Want of attention to punctua an early remittanoes has itherio greatly retarded the Issues of the Books. Manuers of Publio Parochial, and Congregationali Vestry Libraries, an Readis Gubs, are respect utly inviteda conside the a antas of subscribin to thes Translations Parties ishinga male present to Paris Libraries, Ministera Student of Divini , or private frienis, wouldfnd these Moris libet ery ιsesu an acceptabia sist.
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My NEM SUBSCRIBER may stilli admitted on the originalterius, and obtain ali the Morti, o transmitti, the Contributionsu orparties may tale one or more e re Bootiit a time, an pu F the -- mainder of the Subscription a convenient intervala. Members, an ali ho re friendi to THE CALVI TRANSLATIONA' SCHEME, are particular meque8terto co-oserate in increastam e numberos SubscriberS.
in tho Durtes by Theodoret in the fifth incumenius intho toniti an by Theophylaci in the leventi centur . But sine the Reformation many Separate Exposition have been publisliud buside a learno Introduction by Luther, and Notus o Scholicia guingle and Melancthon.
His originaliam vas Wangier but e Grecised ii as Erasmus haddone and asither did in that age.
an meaSure connected illi the content of this Epistio whicli Pareus does no diseusM: at the end of every haptora number of question are state an answered, speciallysuch as referri the disputes etW0en Papisis an Protestants He also controveris the perversion Os Ostinianism. The noxi Nota that requires particular notice is that os Pur-rettin, a Professoris Theolog in the Universit os Geneo. It was published about the commendemunt of tho last cen
This or mus have been publishod oforo the ear 1615 Dr his patron died in that year. The op see by tho writer is the thir edition, and was published in 1633.
ossentiali maintaino in ali hos Works, an in os of thom in iis fullos extent. Oftur Amorican brothron, homost earned and the most versed in criticism is Professor Stuari th fullos and thominutes expositor is the Rev. A. Barnem; and the acutestand the mos concise commentator is Professorio e ThetW sirst Eoum, in ome instances, liho Turrettin, o deviate som0what rom ha may be considere Atriet orthodoxy, attens in thei modo fixplaining om subjecis therias is liabis to no chargo of this kind.
ReSpecting our Wn count men there is a more perfect
beautissili expressed, to hic that faculi mus have givenbirth. hero is also a nobi grandeur an dignit in his sentiments raret to be Dund in ther riters. Professor tuar has justi charactorige this or bysaying that it contain fundamental investigationis thologio an eours of thought containo in the Episti and that it umbraco very litti verbal criticism. Man adissiduit is solvo without an appearancem effori, O any Aho of earning. Calvin,' he adds, byria the ostdistinguishod fili tho Commentator of his times 'It,a mainlyrio suppintho defectiamed above, the anto verbal criticism, that orsis have been addod in the present Edition. The ars also designe to furnish the restiter illi
Such exposition as have been suggeste by posterior crities an commentators. An as e re generali destrous ofknowing the namos of authors, the have been or the ostpart givon. Mucii light is throWn on a passage by OnVeying the fui insaning of tho original This has been dono parti by givin sueti different version a seeme mos entitis to approbation, an parti by referring to the pas