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this sori os mania prevalle amon A me of the Germandi vinos in the last century, as o us clearly ho A in his Works, in hicli e notices an disprove many vagaries .assumin the amem critical oxposition and much of a similarain o spirit suum to provail stili in that count . It is a mania se criticism for iis Wii ake, Withou any concernis Solicitudo for the truth an ingonious criticismhas osten been resorte to by the oppugn0rsi vita Christianit a means for Supportingaeter0d0Xical sentiments. ut thor is a palpabis differsnc belWeon me of this character, tho more gladiator o criticism, and thos Who embrae thotruth, and whos object it is fatilis ullyrio explain it in consistency With th generat tenor of What is ovealed, and whohavo What is in dispensably necessary for Auch a Orh, spiritua experieneo, hieli osten afford botter assistancethan an critical acumen that an ver e possessed Theman ho has seen a thin has a muchao iter de of it hantheman who has ni heard it describ0d. Attempis have been mado by various authors to Aho and prove that the STYLE O THE EPISTLES, Speciali thos ofΡΑUL, is consonant With that o classical writers Blachwalliaboured uelici do his in his count , as et a many German divinos, particulari in the last centu . In common illi sonae of the athers, tho thought to recommendi this way the Apostolio riting to tho attentionis litera men But it Was a labour nos misely undorlahen a it mus have necessarii prove abortium D though omophrases may be classical, et the generat stylo is hal mighthave been naturalty expected hom the writers brought up,
pressin evangelica notions to empto sueti reis term achadapen Iongbefore used for the fame purposes by the Gree Translator of the NewTestament: and thus the Septuvini Version, hoWeVer imperfeci andyDulty in many particulars becam in thi respect notri therars age of the Churchinly, ut also to ali succeedin generations the connectinglin belWeen the languages of the old and e Testament, and wil beregarde in this te a long as ound judgment an real learning hali
It was,hil a prisone at this time a Romo that he rot his Epistiesto in Ephesiαns, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and the Hebreu salso; ascit is generali supposed. See Horne's Introduction, Ol. v. part i. h. iii Seci. I.
Tho inconsistendies of What the retallers of this tradition say, are quite palpabie. Irenouus amrms that the Chureli a Rome as ounde and constitute undat et constituta, by the two Apostles, Peter and Paul. Epiphanius says that the were therars Bishops' at Rome, as et asApostles, hile freninus declares that the both delivere the episcopalome into the hand of Linus;V and tris aid in hat are calle therapostolicat Constitutions that Linus as Orduine bisho by Paul, and Clement after the death of Linus by Ueter. V Seeir Barrowin the Pope's
paris of tho Acts of tho Apostlos and tho Epistis to tho
co oetur that it Was a figurativo term for Romen ut hyno for Jerusalem, o se Antiocha for Christians sero atthat imo reato evoryWhore lilio captives o alienS, an despociali in tho land of Judoa What thon are orio a a to this traditioni he amo, accordin to tho usi romar o Pareus, a What e must say os many the traditions of that ago that it is nothing
But his cannot be admitted a the fame informant, Tradition telisus that Peter an Paul sussered martyrdom at the fame time. The onlythin Whicli Peter appoars o have had tota in formin and foundin a Chureli a Rome, ait have been tho instrument in the conversion, at the da offentecost of thos Who in ali probabilit gere therarst,ho introduced the Gospol into Romo: and it is probabis that it vas this circum-Stance hicli occasiono the tradition that holad beo the Dunder of that Chureli. Les occasio has osten produce tales of this hiud.
mported there ero a tho fame time some contentions and
division amon it members, arising speciali from heprojudicos os the J0Wish bellovers. To remove the cause of this dissension, as vidently one of the main objects of
Let it notae supposed that by discreditin some things, e discredit ery thin sald by the Fasters. The ought toto reate Das allisther
r det this tale, fro Daris essening the eredit of history evidenti mis-taking the ground on hicli histor has a tilleno credit. The many authorities adduced respectin Peter ein a Rome a be reduce almost totWO Irenoeus and Tertullian. The were the rstrio staminas it wer akin os authorityi this repori, an also on sterito hi his credit is ove eveni those ho ould have the atherito have been almos insultible. The earne Dr. Copteston the present Bisho of Landam in his pamphletis the Error of Romanism, justi says, di is even a matter of serious oubt,hether St. Peter a everint Rome There is no good historica evidence of the faci and there is uel probabilit against it.'
J0ws and Gentiles, XV. t Ver 13. V. CONCLUSION,
mado evident by observation, nables us fullyrio account OrWhat,ould otherWis remat an enigma. O truth is more
Thor is indeo a specia res son hy, o theSe OintS, Henlightens mon Ahould contrive means to evade the obvious meaning of Scripturo for the are uel things a come inconstant contae With a principie, the stronges that bolongst human natur in iis fallen state. Other doctrines maybe held a speculations and est, ascit ere, at a diStanee; but when e comerio merit an grace, to or an faith, man's pride is ouehod an a longos heci unde iis pro- valliniinfluonee, he illae certain, in Ome Waym an Other, directis evasive, o supportierit in Opposition to grace, Or
advocates of a System, hieli alloW a part to grace an a part to Ortis an amalgamation hieli aut expressi repudiates Rom. i. 6.
convorte them to another purpose, and like the eathens, regarde them a meritorious performances, an expected God' acceptanc so the ver religious acts hicli the exercisex an in orde to mali up ascit,ero, a sussicient quantit o merit, the made addition to thos services
hind was to rende thei salvatio more certain. The verysam evit erept early into the Christia Chureli, an stili continues to exist The accumulation os eremonios is ofitsol a sufficient proos that salvatio by faith was in a gruat measure os sight of We antis other vidonem it is What has been ver done lieneve tho light of truth hasbocome di an obscure. Ne se the samo ovit in tho present day. Outward privileges and utWard acts of worshi are in effect to osten substituto for that grace
duites, is an unequivocat videlico that salvationa satili is