장음표시 사용
to tho Spirit 529 intonde to goto Spain. 533 achnowlodge his obligation to Prisca an Aquila,
540. Pelagius, his error a to origina Sin, 20 his evasion a i graee, 358. PerseVeranee, final, dented by Sophisis,
263, 264. Prido, innato in man, 459 realis uni , 470 much in the Romans, 525 526. Priosthood, tho, o ChriStia paStors, 527.
tho, os the old Tostament, deemedoni temporali sanaticS 520.
GENERA INDEX. Prophecy the gistis 459 460.
Regeneration, and justification uni ted,
tament, the Same l67. Sainis, the, thei purpORes Some times
Unei reumei Sion, the Gentiles 110. Unelean, nothiniimitself, 504 505.
Wrath, tho, o God What it imporis,
stoc by tho light os nature 263.