장음표시 사용
These important an valvabio Volumes for the Thirteent and
another Volum boing substituted, o prevent dela in the regulari os the SSueS. Tho various Works hic Wore specisse in the las Repori asbein in preparation, are Stili in active progres in Manuscript ;and the translator are exereising the ulmos care an vigilance inrevising thei respective anuscripis, and in collectin usos ullandiniorestin materies for the illustratio an elucidation of thotexi and Commentaries O CALVIN. It is earnesti re queste of at the Subscribors and othors ho
The in croasing interest,hic is attached by tho Subscribors and tho Christian ori to the periodicat appenrance of theSe important an invaluabio publientions cannot ait o have adde largolyto the ea an energy of the variou TRANSLATOR and EDIΤORS, whos Ioarne and laborious services e have been O fortunate ast secure. The Secretar feel that it is justi due to thom an toste Members, thus publiely to expres the approbation Os ali ho Subscriber Who havo corresponde Withaim, and the unanim usOpinion entertaino by the Evangelieal Churches, an periodicat preS throu Out the Empiro, in regar to tho able and kilsul manne in hic the have fulfilled theriask assigned to them, and the indolatigabie exortions hich the have maderi presen to the Chiaret, o Christoti 'ORK o CALVIN, in the mos salthful,
4. Parish, Congregationali Vestry Libraries, Reading lubs, Theologica an Publio Institutions Societies and Libraries, are invite to Oin his Scheme.