The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류


SECRET. Μ these incred mysteries, O Lord, diministi in us tho Iove of tho things of


Introit. H. xerit.

V canticum novum, AD N now canticle, a lleluia, Iemia, quia mirabilia bocauso tho Lord hath focit Dominus, Alleluia: dono monderful things, antΘ convectum gen- Alleluia: he hath r tium xEVelavit justitiam vetaod his justico in thomum, Alleluia, Alleluia, sight of tho Gentiles, Alleluia. H. Salvavit Alleluia, Alleluia, Au sibi dextera Hus et ruta. Pa. His righthrachium sanetum ejus. hand hath Wrouot sorV. Gloria. him salvation: and hisam is holy. V. GlorΥ.

Alleluia, Alleluia. V. Tho right hand of tho Lord Min strongili: tho xtulit hand of tho Loxdhatti exalteo me, Alleluia. v. Christ rising fmin


soul. Alleluia.


our sins may bo forinven, and that mo may booslivored froni ali dangora by the sacrament, Whicli me have received with Iaith. Through.

Introit. Isaias xlviii.


PTRVer, nor has mercy Irom me. Alleluia.


fitio heavenly nourishment Wo hine received, that ws may destro What is right, and obtainour destre. Through.


vom Porsecutors. Alleluia.


rYRΙΕ eloison. 6 Christo elelaon. Κme eleiSon. Christo audi nos. Christe exaudi nos. Pator de coelis Deus, Miserere nobis. Fili Rodomptor mundi Deus, Miserere nobis. Spiritus Sancte Deus,

serere nobis.

Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, Miserere nobis. Sancta Μaria, ora pro


Sancta Dei genitrix,

Sancta Virgo Virginum,


Sancto Ilichael, Ora. Sancto Gabriel. ora. Sancte Raphaei, Ora. OmnQS sancti Angeli ot Archangeli, orate. Omuos sancti beatorum

spirituum ordines,


Sancto Joannes Baptista, Ora. Sancto Joseph, Or Omnes saucii Eatriarchm et Prophetae,


Sancte Petre, Ora. Sancte Paule, ora. Sancto Andrea, ora. SanctE Jacobe, ora. Sancte JoanneS, Ora. Sancte Τlioma, Ora. Sancto Jacobe, Ora.' Sancto Philippe, Ora.' Sancte Bariliolomaee.

Sancto Matthaeo, Ora. Sancis Simon, Ora. Sancto Thaddaee, Ora. Sancte Iinthia, Ora. Sancto Barnaba, Ora. Sancto Luca, Ora. Saucte Marce, Ora. by COOste