The missal for the laity, according to the use of the Holy Roman Church : containing also the masses proper to this country in the respective places

발행: 1846년

분량: 834페이지


분류: 미분류



Alleluia. V. Tho Lord on Sinai, in tho holyPlace, ascending on righ, hath led captivitae

captiVe. Alleluia.




heavens. Alleluia.

Wo have received. Through.


Vocem meam, qua Voico, mith whicli Iolamavi ad te. Alleluia. have criω out to thoe. Tibi dixit cor meum: A lleluia. Μy heari hath Quaesivi Vultum tuum, suid to theo: Ι havo vultum tuum, Domine, Eought thy face: Ι mill requiram; ne RVertas seeli thy face, O Lora: nis1em tuam h me. A tD- turn not thy Iace Domisia, Alleluia. Pa. Dω me. Alleluia, Alleluia, minus illuminatio mea Ps. Tho Loro is myet salus mea: quem light a ad my salvatione timebol V. Gloria. Whom ahali I sear V. Glo a COLL. O almioty and eternat God, inspirΘthy servanta mith true devotion, and grant that me may servo thy clivius Majesty With sincero hearis. Thmugh.


II. PROPHECY. In thora dam: It camo tovam in the moming Walch, and TRACT, Let ussing to the Lord, papes 352, 353. Let us pray. Deus, qui primis.


he tor evermore. Alleluia.

plevit orbum terra- - hath filiod tho wholorum, Alleluia; et hoc emis, Alleluia: and that quod continet omnia, Which containeth auscientiam habet vocis, thinis hath lino Iedgo Alleluia. Alleluia. Pa. of the voice, Alleluia. Exurgat Deus, et dissi- Alleluia. H. Lot Godusntur inimici ejus: et arise, and let his en fugiant, qui oderunt mies bo scauered: 1et eum, a facie ejus. V. thom that hale him fleo Gloria Dom helare his dico. V. Glo .