장음표시 사용
important subjecta Dom able Catholic Writem, be me more nume ous. Teach your children to talio a species interest in the histo os our oWn munuy. We consider the intablishment of our munio independenoe, the inaping of iis libertim and laWs, M a Work of
tho heroes that reared ii, of tho virtuos stat cementod ii and of thorighta on whicli it resis; or ready to sacrifice principie and virtuo to the interesis of party or Aelf AA me destre stero re that the histo of the United States Ahould be carefulty taught in ali our Catholio schoola, and have directed that it be specialty dwelt upon in the
education os ecclesiasticat studenis in our preparato Seminarim; So
os morais and os doctrine, to eradicate the errore Whicli are M Widely disseminated in these corrupt times.' And St. Paul doctares that What thino a Ver mere Wriuen, Were Wriuen sor our leaming;
amongst iis Without a correct Version os the Holy Scriptures. Amongother versions, me recommend the Douay, Whicli is venerable M used by our soresathera sor three centuries, Whicli comes doWn to us Ean tioned by innumerable authorizationa, and Whicli mas fuit ly ann
But in your reading remember the admonition of Α'Κempis: ThoΗoly Scriptures must be reta in the fame spirit in Whicli they were Wrium: f thou Wili derive profit, read With humility, simplici and faith V Bk. X., ch. V.). And k p ever besore your mi the principio laid down by St. Peter in the fimi chapter of his secondEpistio : Understanding this firet, that no prophecy of Scripture is made by private interpretation, for prophecy came not by the will osman at any time, but the holy men os God spolie, inspired by tho Holy Ghost.' Αnd this oster givon by St. John, in the so thchaptor of his fidit Epistle, in the name of the Apostolio te hingChurch: Dearly beloved, belleve not every spirit, but try the spiritais they be of God. . . We are of God; he that knoweth God, hoarothus; ho that is not of God heareth us not; by this me know the spiritos truth and tho spirit of error.' In these two divinely inspirodrules you have alWays a Sure fas uarii against the danger of error.
6. The rutholio Pre . inalty, Christian parenis, let us beg yo eam i consideration of this important truth, that upon yοu, singlyand individually, must practicatly depend tho solution of the question, Whether or nos the Catholic press is to accomplisti the great morkwhioli Providonoo and tho Church expect of it at this timo. Sofrequently and so forcibj has the providentiat mission os the prossbeen dWolt umn by Popes and prelates and distinguishod Catholio
Writers, and So assiduo ly have their ulterances been quoted and requoted every Where, that no one certainly standa in need os arguments to be convinced of this truth. But ait this mill bo only worci in the air, uni s it in be brought home to Caeli parent and made
ediffng; not one that would bo, while Catholic in name and pretense, uncatholic in tone and spirit, disrespect&l to constitute lauthori , or biling and uncharitable to Catholic brethron. Beloved brethren, a great sociat revolution is Am ping over themorid. Ita pur se, hidden or avowed, is to dethrone Christ audreligion. Τhe ripples of the movement have been observed in Ourmunto; God grant that iis tidat wave may not broah over us. Umn yοu, Christian parenis, it mainly depends Whethor it Ahali ornot; sor, such as our homes are, such shali our people bo. 've Mech you, ther ore, to ponder carefulty ali that we have iniit concerning the Various constituenta os a true Christian home, anil, to the ulmost of your ability, to carry them into esse M. And weentreat ali pastora os fouis to bear unce ingly in minit, that upontho Christian school and tho Christian homes in their paristi must mainly depend the fruit of thoir primi ly labore. I et them concen
homes What they ought to bo; thon indoeil Will they carta to the Lord of tho harvost suli and ripe ineaves, and future generationSWill blom thom sor having transmitted unimpiared the primi S gifisos salth and religion.
religion had passed, is lapse of time, into hostilily to religion, this
os irreligion. The rosuit is the lament te dosecration whicli ali Christians must deplore. And the consequences of this desecration are as manifest as the
around the altars of the one Father in heaven; but men are dramnaway from this biossed communion of Minis, Dd M a naturalconsequenm they are lured into the munio eit communion of cialism, and other Wild and destructive systems. Tho Lorti's myis God's day, rendering ever nearer and more intimate the unionbetween the creatum and his Creator, and thus Onnobling human liso in ali ita relationes; and where this bond is meationed, an inori is made to cui man i se Dom God entirely, and to leave him, accorsing to the expression of St. Paul, Without God in this worid V Ephes. it., 1η. The prosanation os tho Lori 's DV, Whalaver bo ita pretexi, is a defrauding both os God and His creatures, and retribu
min lim at the bouom of the movement. Even When the preten put forWard is popular convenienoe or popular amuSement, theclamor sor larger liborty does not come so much Dom those Whod ire the convenience or the amusement, DOm those Who hope to
xcitidissipation mould be morae. We earn tly appini, theresere, to ali Catholios mithout distinction, not only to inhe no part in any moVement tending toward a relaxation of the observance of Sunday, butio use their influence and poWer as citigens to resist in the opposito
There is one Way os profaning the Lord's DV Whicli is so prolificos evit rosulis, that me consider it our dub to ulter against it aspectat condemnation. This la the practice os selling boor or oster liquors on Suntay, or of frequenting places Where they are sold. This practice tenta more than any other to turn the DV of the Lordinio a My of dissipation, to use ii as an occasion sor brooding intemperance. While me liope that Sunday-laws on this potnt mill not borelaxed, but even more rigidly en rced, me implore ali Catholios,sor the love of God and of count , never to inhe pari in sueti Suntay trassic, nor in patronize nor munienance it. And we notonj direct the attention of ali pastore to the repression of this abuse, but me also cali upon them to induce ali os thoir flocks that may boengaged in the sale of liquore to abandon as Aoon as in cari thedangemus tram' and to embram a more, M ming Way of mahing aliving. Aiad here it bellooves us to remind our Workingmen, the bone
spring srom so bad a mot. Honest but weali and erring immannature is apt to be so talion up With one fide os a question as to do injustice to the other; to be so enamored os favorite principios as tocany iliern to uiri ustis te extremes; to be so intent iapon securingsome laudabie enit iis to ignore the rules of prudelice, and bring abolitruin instoad os restoration. But no intention, no matter hom honest, can malle lawsul What is uilla sui. For it is a landamental rule os Christian morais that evit must not be done stat mod may come ofit,'' and that tho ODd in nover justis y the means, ' is the means areevit. Ηenco it is the evident diity of every rea'onable man, bos areallowing himself to be drawn into any socioty, to malle sum stat bothiis eniis and ita meana are consistent With truth, justice and conscience. In mali ing such a decision, every Catholic ought to convincediliat his surret guido is tho Church of Christ. Sho has in lior custodythe moria deposit os Christian truth and morais; Ahe has the experienis os ali agis and ali nations; Ahe has at heari the true welsare os
manti .id; Ahe hius the perpetuat gui lance of the Holy Ghost in hor
She has boheld a sociations which had thoir origin in ille spirit of the Ages of Falth, transs med by lapse of time, by l s of faith, and by the manipulation os designing leadem, into open or hi idenenemies of religion and human weal. Thus our Holy Father Leo XIII. has latoly shown that the Μasonio and hindred societi ,- although the oisspring of the ancient Guilds, which aimed at sancti-sying trades and tradesinen mith the bl sings of religion; andalthough retaining, perhaps, in their ritual,V much that telis of tho religiousness of their origin; and although in sonae muniries stili professi ng entire friendlines. ωWard the Christian religion, ave
either openly or in secret, against the Church, or against lammiauthorities, then to M a member of it, is to be excluded Dom thomembership of tho Catholio Church. These authoritative rulos, ineresoir, ought to M the guide of ali Catholios in thoir relations with societies. No Catholic in conscientiousj join, or continue in, a boh in Whicli ho knows that any of these condemned staturos exist. Is ho has joinod it in mod salthand the objectionabie statures Moome known to hini asterWarci, or is any of these evit elementa creep into a society Which was originalty good, it comes his dub to leavo it at onoe. And even is he wereto Suffer Iom or ruit rish by leaving such a society or refusing to Joinit, he should do his dii and brave the consequenore, regardiem os
impose ecclesiastical penalties or disabilities on iis members without the previolis explicit authorigation of the rightsul auctorities.
xcviii CONCILIUM PLENARIUM BALTIΜORENSE ΙΙΙ.is tho age in Whicli me live. Τhis is Ρr eminently an age of action, and what we need to*V is active Virtue and energetic piety. Aminand again has tho voice of the Vicar of Christ been hines, giving
but also as a powersul means os accomptishing much of tho mod thatour times Mand in need of Not only should the pastors of the
some sodali or confraterni to foster piety among the pmple. Wetheresere lae iij endorse aneW ali approbations previousty giVen toour many time-honored and cherished confraternities, such M those of tho Sacrod Ηeari os Jesus, of the Blessed Sacrament, and of the Blossed Virgin .
NeXt come the various associationa for Worha os Christian gini and