장음표시 사용
Aius CORNELIU TAcITU was probabi bor in tho reim os Nero, but Deither in place of his birili nor the exac date, ichnown, nor is an ining ascortatued of his parentage Thero is no reason sorsupposita that he elonge. to tho illustrious patricia gens os tho Cornelii norinny evidonce of his havin been bor at Interamda, in Umbria tho modern Terni), ascis Omotimes stated Tho se facts of his lis ars hiost collecte Dom his own ortis, and from hosetters of his Diend the ouuge Pliny. Tacitus as about tho amo ago a Pliuy, ut the older of the wO. Plin Wasior abolit A. D. 61, in the rei Nero, Lich commenced A. D. 54. A passage os the olde Plin Η. N. Vii. 16 spealis os a son o Cornelius Tacitus, the procuratoris the emperor in Belgio aut Lipsius concludes that this Cornelius acitus a the historian; ut a Plin dised in A. D. 79, it suem hardi probabi that the passage an appinio him. Ithas been conjectured that the procurator a tho sather of the historian. auctius statos that he wed his sirst promotion to Vespasian, and that he was indebic sor the favors to his successors, Titus undDomitian Hist. i. 1). In the ea A. D. 77, Gulius Agricola, thon consul, botrothedri him his daurator; and the marriago oo placeastor Agricola' consulfhip. Tacitus oes no stato hat places hofilled unde Vespasian and Titus, ut in the cim o Domitiani in- us that he assistod asine os the Quindecimviri, ut the celebrationis ilio Ludi Siaecularcs, hicli event too placo in tho ouricentii consulfhipis Domitian A. D. 88 . At that imo he was also praetor Ann. xi. 11 . He was nova Rome hon his sather-inda , Agricola, di orthoro A. D. 93), in the rei gnis Domitian; ut it icto much tollisian a Some have dono that he was an oxilo during tho time os this inporor. It has ulrondy been hown that ho was ut Romo in A. D. 88. Λ passago in his is of Agricola c. 45 ratho load totlio insoretico that he was a Rome during manv of tho trocitios whicli Domitian perpetrate uster thoracath os Agricola, though holiud beon absunt si otii Rome sor our cars prior to Agricolu' death. On the decens os . Vilaginius Rusas, in the eignis Nerva Λ. D. 973,
X11 LIFD AND RIT INGS GF TACITUS. he was appolutei Consul Suffectus, an Pliny onumeratos it a thocrowning even to the good ortune of Virginius that his panegyricwas pronounced by the ConSul Cornelius Tacitus, the mos eloquentos speukeΓS. Tacitus is recordodi his Mond Plinyras ne of tho mos eloquentorator of his age. He ad ulready attainexto Ome distinctio asan advocate hen Plin Was commencin his career. In the eigno Nerva, Plin and Tacitus ere appotnted by the senate A. D. 99 to conduci in prosecutioni Marius Priscus, holad been proconsulo Africa, and was charged illi various flagrant crimos. O this occasio Tacitus replied to Salvius Liberalis, ho had spolion in defetice of Priscus. His reply says Pli ny was mos eloquent, undinarked by that dignit whicli characterige his stylo of speahing.
Plin. Ep., H. 11. The contemporaries of acitus ere Quintilian, the two Plinies, Julius Florus, Maternus, M. Aper, and Vipsanius Messala He uso term of therarentes intimac with tho ounge Pliny, in hoso Qxtant collection o letters ther aro eleven episties Dom Plin to Tacitus. In one of theso letters vi. 16 Plin describes the circumstanc of tho deuth of his uncto Plin the older, and the letter pus Purposely writte to suppi Tacitus illi facts for his historical ortis. It is notanown whon Tacitus died nor hether hedes an child ren. The Emporor Tacitus cluimod the honor of being descendod Dom him, hui, have o means O judging of the accurac of the emperor'Apedigreo an Sidonius Apollinaris Ep. lib. v. ad Polemium montions tho historia Tacitus among the ancestor o Polemius, a Presecto Gaul in tho fifth centur of OU Era. alie extant Ork of Tacitus aro tho ais os Agricola, tho Treatis On tho Germans, Histories, Annuis, and the Dialogiae norators; or tho Causes of tho Decline of Eloquenco. Non of his
alio ais of Agricola' sine of the earliest Work os Tacitus, and mus have been writtonii ter the deuthis Domitian A. D. 96). ThesProoemium, o Introduction to it was written in the eignis Trajan, and the whole or probabi bElong to thorars o secondbear ocinat emperor' rei gn As a specimen o biography, it is much and justi admired. ike at the extant,ork of Tacitus, it sinencumbered illi minute irrelevant matter Thecliserandiortraitis Agricola are helched in a boli an vigorous style, correspondin to the dignit of the subjeci. The biographe was the friend and son-inda os Agricola, hom h loved an revered, ut he impresses his readermitti a pros uti conviction Os the mora greatnes of Agricola, his COUruge, uti his prudelice, ithout ver ecOmin his Panegyrist.
alie Germany os Tacitus has been the subjectis ome discussionas to iis historica value. The author does no informis henco hodro his materiat so tho descriptioni the usage of these barbarians, many of whom could ut be nown by earsa even to tho
Roman traders and adventurer On the frontier of the empiro ThowOrti contain numerous minute audire is detulis for hicli it mustbo assumed that the writer liud ut leas the evidenc O person conversunt illi the German tribes On the frontiers; und there is nothingin the description os Tacitus hicli is substantiali ut variatico ithwhat weanow of the early Germans Domither Aources. The foundinosi conclusiou is that the picture of the Germans is in tho main comrect otherwiso, o must assum it to e either a more fiction, O a
rhetorica ossa foundedisti a se generalty known facis; ut Deither of thos assumptions it satis Da curesul reader. alio mistories, whicli sero ritte besere the annuis, audastor tho denthis Nerva, comprehended the period si om the accessionos Galba to tho deam os Domitian to hicli it was the author' intention to add the eigns of eo an Trajan Hist. i. 1). Thereare otii extant the first Our book and a par of the fifth, and thos comprehend litti more than the event of oue year, DOm hicli,ema concludo that the wholeo orti mus have consiste of many books. Unfortunately the fifth book contains Only the commence-ment of the siege of Jerusalem by Titus. alio intinals comprehende in histo is Rome rom tho deatho Augustus to thoraeuthis ero, a period o fisty-tw years, hichon ded with the extinctio of the Juliu hous in Nero A partis the fifth book of tho 'Annals is tost; tho eventii, eighth, ninth, enth, thelegitining of the eleventi, and the end of the ixteenti, and lustbook ure uis,lost. These lust Portions comprehended the whole reignos Culigula, theirst years o Claudius, und the last two years of ero 'Arei gu. It is suid that the preservation of the historical ortis os Tacitus is duo to the Emperor Tacitus Vopisci Tacit. 10), hocausod them to e transcribe ten times a ear, and optes O bo placed in tho libraries But the work of Tacitus, and more particulari the 'Annais, were neglected during tho declino Os the empiro, d se coptes Os them ere Preservo l. The sirstrave book of tho Annuis were uot ound tili ho bo ginning of tho ixteenth century,
whon the were discovered in the Abbe Os Corvey, in estphalia, and published ut Romo tu 15l5 by Philip Bervaldus. alio Dialoguemn the Declineis Eloquenco may have been rit-ten in the ruignis Vespasim it is ut least probable that it is unis ly
many respecis a marken contrast to tho annais, tho ork of his maturo Cars Messala, ne of the speiners, attributo the doctinoo orator i tho neglecti tho arduous methodis stud adopted by the olde orators, hoclearne thesi uri by attachin thomsolves tofome eminent Speaher, nudi experieno in tho actua businos ostis Q in Mossala' time, tho Echoo of the rhetoricians a the onlyplaco os disciplino so the oung. ut Maternus, unother Peuker, iudicatos more trul the cause of the declinem eloquenoe, o u eLor nco to the political condition of the Romans, and the suppressionos thei energies unde the empire, a comparet,ith the turbulent activit of the Republica period. alio 'Annals o Tacitus aro tho wor os his ripe age, o whichnis historical reputation malui resis Though ontilled Annals undiu genera sussicienti tria to tho chronological ordor of evenis, thetitio of Annal conveys no exactio tionis the charactor of this ork.1ho writer moulde tho matter of his history, and adaptod it to his PurpOSe, hicli,ns notin complete enumeratio of the domosti and sol eigia event of the period but a selection o suci a portrnyed intho livolios color in charactor of tho Romans. The contra figaro in his picture is tho imporial powor, and the person ho ielded ii, the Princops, and puer event is vlewed in relation to him. The n tion of tho Romans of the ago o Tacitus is insepar ly ussociatesswith the notionis the govornmonti ono mari. Tholower that halboen sunde and consolidatod by Augustus ad beon transmitted through many princos se of whom han distinguished thenaseives by ubi lily, and soni liud ulliod tho purpio illi homost abominabio
firmi establishod, and the rosiorationi the old Republic a Devorsoriousi contemplaten by an sobor hinher. ho necessit of the imporial ower a seli, and th historian whilo ho describo tho vices and follios of thoso h had hold it anil osten casis a glanco os regi o toward tho Republican period, neve heiraysis suspiciontha this powor could bo replaced by an other, in thes abjoc nudfallon stato os thes Roman eople. It is his conviction hich givos to tho historicul ritings o Tacitus that dramatio chaructor hichilo rundo the whole, and is Seen in tho solectio of ovouis, and thoni des in whicli tho aro resonten to the reader. It is consistoniwith his that in baro facis, a tho may bo extractost smin his a Putive nro triae, und that tho coloring ith whichio has h ight nodi boni may oston o falso This coloring was his modo os viowingino Progros os evenis, and tho developinent of tho imperiat power:
Tacitus hin forme a fuit, und i may be, a correct conceptionos tho condition os the empiro in his Q n time, and tho problemwhichio proposexto himself was, nolint to urente the ourse fovent froin the lose of the eignis Augustus, ut o devolo thoircauses. Hist. i. 4. For his Annuis, ut least he could claim, sh does, tho meritis strict impartiality ho livo after the evenis that he describes, and consequently,ladio Wrong to OmPluin o mo Passion o projudices to mistea him. Ann. i. 1. He observesulso, in the commenco ment of his Mistories, that notther Galba, Otho, nor Vitollius ad illior consected on him an savor o dono him an inju . TO Vespasian Titus, and Domitiani ncknowledges his obligations. The rei gn o Domitian is, uni ortunatoly lost; ut we a collec si om in expression in the ais of Agricola' c. 43, 45, c. that illo avors hicli Tacitus had receivod didiot savo this contemptibi tyrant se in the historian's jus indignation. alio tono hicli charactorige tho historica work of Tacitus istin elevatio of thought whichiast iis foundation in tho moria dignityo the writer, and tho consciolisnes of havin propos exto himsol a nobi object He was a prosound observe o character it was his stud to atch in Alightest indications in human conduci, and by
correcti interpretin these utward sigus, o penetrato into the hid-den recesses of the cart. His power of reachin thos thoughis whicli are osten ulmos unconscioud the pring of a mari' actions, has Perhaps, neve been qualied by any historical writor Tacitus
had lived through a time heri tho aluo of the losson os philosophyliud toto testodi thei practical application, and his historical studies carrised him through a period in hicli ho mass ero sunt in Sensuultly und tho reatly good and grout lini no consolation ut in the consciolisnos O thoi own thoughis Thoughi appears to eloti tot sectis Philosophors, his practica moralit was of tho Stoicschool tho oui schoo whicli, in hos degenerato times, could sus-tain the sint in spirit of the Romans, und whicli even unde favor- ubi circumstancos, videi tho conduc O tho is Cornelius, tho nobios mau that ver Possessed fovereigi Power Tho religiolis opinion os Tacitus partook of the character of his age ho had nostron convictions, no Settiei belle os a moria overnnient os howorid his lovo os virtuo nil his abhorretice of Vico ero Parolymorul the had noue renco futuro existence. Ann. iii. 18; i. 22. In ono os his artiost Productions helopes, ather than Ox-
ther aro no traces that his opes o his isties ad ver ripenedint a belles ab stylei Tacitus, especiali in his annais, is in api expressionis his thought concise vigorous, and dramatic. He has, e haPS, attained usareat a degre of condensationis is compatibio illi Perspicuity Sometimes his meaniniis obscured by his laboro bobrief. His historical orks areispecialty works Osari, constructed ona fixe principie, and elaborated in obediencorio it He love to dis- play his rhotorical kill butae subduescit to his dramati purpose. It is a sauit that his aricis to apparent, that his thought ure omΟ- times imperfecti O Obscuret expressed that he affect an uir of mystery that his reflections on evenis are Osten an inseparabie Partof them, nud, consequently the improssious hicli tris his object to Produce an onlyio rectissed by the vigorous scrutin os a maturedmiud. et hos wh have malle Tacitus a stud generali en in admi nihilia even sor some of thos qualities hic at sirst repelled: ulmost very Ord has it place an iis meaning and the contrastbet eo the brevit of the expression and the fultuos of the thought, ascit multas tho highest power of a riter, socii furnishes fit mattersor reflection to those ho have attaine diu liho intollectuat maturity. Tacitus mus have had abundant ource of information, thoughhe indicates them otii occasionalty He mentions severat O thosΘhistorians hociive non his own time, as Vipsanius Messala and Fabius Rusticus he also speak of the memoirs of Agrippina auditi, ers. The rationes Principum, the Fasti, tho Acts of the Senate, und the Vari Ous legislativo mensures, pro also ources of whichioavailed himssis It has eo uir ad intimated that in minute de-talli event was osten foret g to the pumose faucitus, nud acCord- ingly, he is ometimes satisfied illi iring the genera essec ormeanin os a thing, without uimin ut perfect nccuracy. Thus ecanio ulways collect with certaint froni Tacitus the provision ofilio Senatus Consulta of hichae spealis and so the purpose of any historica investigation o Roman legislation his statement muStgometimes o enlarge or corrected by reseretice to ther ources,undiarticulari to the migest. U
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CAIU CORNELIU TACITU was probabi bori in this ear, ut Interamna, in Umbria, called ut tho Presentia Terni. Claudius dies o the 13this October, an is su coodedi Nero. Quintus Veranius succood Aulus Didius in thocommand of Britain uni die in in Same eur. Quintus Voranius is succoodod in tho command of Britain by uotonius Paulinus, diti consularlegatus, hocis accompanted mos Probably, b Agricola a militat tribune. Agricola a ut that time twenty-two OP
Expoditionis Paulinus to Mona. Genera insu roctio of tho Briton unde Boudicea. Suetonius Paulinus is succeeded by Petronius Turpilianus, fixili consular legatus. Agricola agent enly-sive retiarns O Rome, marries Domitia Decidiaria, and is a caudidat for the quaestor-shiP.
Agricola age twenty-six quaestor in Asia. His oldest son dios astor the irin f a aurator.
Petrouius Turpilianus is succoedo by Tro Dollius Maximus, severath consula legatus Britain ussa a Angloson mostly unde tho Roman Ominion Agricola retium to Rome, an speudstho res of tho our in quiet.
Piso' conspirac against Nero Seneca and Lucan puta death. Great fir ut Rome Persecutiou of tho Christians.
Agricola aged wenty-nino is a candidato so tho
Praetorsiti P. Tacitu receives instructions Domsomo os homost celebratei rhetoriciniis of his timeri mong thors, DO Marcus Aper, Iulius Secundus, uia Quintilian. Death o Paetus
Agricola agod hirtyhi praetor.
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17 18192 122 2324252627 282932
Tacitus egius tothirty-ono the investigation respecting the treassure of the temples.
Galba is putri deuthin tho 15thi January, andis succo ede by tho Otho' partisans, ut theptunder of Intemelium, hili Agricola' mollier, in the begmning of April. Otho dissin tho 16th of April, and is succo dedi Vitellius Vespasianis proclaimo emperor in gypt and Judaea. Agricola ago thirty-two join Vespasiati'sparty. Vitellius dies O the is os December. Mutin of tho soldior in Britat against Trebellius Maximus, hocis succoeded in the command by Vottius Bolanus, eighth consula legatus. Agricola agod hirty-thrso his intrusto with tho command of the wentieth legion in Britam. Jerusalem talioni Titus. Vettius Bolanus is succeodo by Petilius Cerialis,
Spea in public Agricola aged hirty-sixyreturn to Rome undae-
Agricola aged hirty-seven commences hi gov-ernmentis the province of Aquitania. Cerialis succoede by Julius Frontinus, in tenth
Frontinus subdiae tho Silures. Agricola agedthirty-nine recallendrom Aquitania.
teen to Tacitus, and ives her o him in ana ringe asteriis consulfhip. Agricola age forty-ono succeed Frontinus intho command of Britain. e conquer the Ordovices and subditos the fland of Ona. Tacitus is appointest vigintivir an quaestor. Vespagia dies o the 23dissune and is succeed-
vances a farin the Solwayarith, and subduos almos the wholmo England Introduces civiligation umong the Britons. Tacitus either aedito or tribuno of the plebs. Agricola agod forty-three subdues tho Outher nations of Scotland a far a the Frith of V. Titus dios noli 15t of September, and is succos lodi Domitian. Agricolas agod sorty-severi de ais the Caledonians unde Calgacus ut in Grampia Hilis. Tho Roman eo satis round the orth und wost consis O Britain. Expedition os Domitian against tho Catii.
Agricola ageddorty-eightyis recalled Do Britain, and is succecdedi Sallustius Lucullus.
Appius Sabinus and the Roman arm ure deseated by the Dacians unde De Cebalus. Severat Roman armies aro de ate in Moesia, Dacia, Germany an Pannonia Tho publicvoico ad sor Agricola a generat. Domitianset out formacia, and remains in Moesia. 88 841 36 Tacitus praetor. The Ludi oeculares ro e
89 42 37 Unsuccosssu expedition o Domitia against tho Marcomanni and Quadi Civica puto death. The philosopher aro anished Dominomo by Domitian. 90 843 38 Agricola ago fisty-throe declines the provinco os Asia Tacitus retires illi his is Dom
91 44 I9 Triumphis Domitian. 93 846 41 Doathis Agricolain tho 23d of August. Tacitus
rotum to Rome. Helvidius tho Ounger, Aria-lenus Rusticus, and Herennius Senecio condemn-od o deam. 94 47 42 ocondbanishment of tho philosopheristo Romo. 96 49 44 Domitian is putrio deathin the 18thi September, and is succeededi Nerva. 97 50 45 Tacitus consul. o writes an publishes his Agricola in his ear. Nerva adopisar an ontho 19t of September. 98 851 46 Nerva dies o the 27th of January, and is succeessiod by Trajan. 100 53 48 Tacitus, in conjunction illi Pliny accuses artus
Priscus, Proconsulis Africa, os extortion in tho administrationis thi PrOV111Ce.10 854 Tradan mahos war against the Dacians and des aisto to to them, an eventuali reduces Dacia into tho105 858 53 formis a Roman ProViΠCO. Tacitus appears to have livo tili in timo os Hadrian who succeededar an A. D. 117; ut hotoo no part in Public assair uster his consulfhip. NOTE. Tho procedin tablocis ac Dom tho Englisti odition, and differs, ns illi porceived from in Account of tho Lis and Writ-ing o Tacitus, in relation to the birth-year and nativo place of tho historian. In a motor of this ind whero O certaint can eis riveii at, the variationiecomes comparativel unimportant.