장음표시 사용
juxta Periculosum osset a LiVy S dubio incerto, sereno Annal. , iv. 5, initio G Syria in ther passages e read initio-orto us, Hist. iii 44, initi a prima Adjutrice legione orto iii. 28, dedit jura, quis pace et principe uteremur i. 59, aliis gentibus ignorantia imperia Romani ineaeperta esse supplicia. Comparo Caesar, D. Q ii. 23, Caesaris naves ejus fuga se receperunt aike this is horas os the ablative of substantives in the place of au adverb, as in the olde writers, utSO, GSu, consensu, nomine, ratione judicio ascis adhibito ero to hoadded), and similar ord are Ound Annal. i. 59, non enim e proditione-sed palam-bellum tractare: Dial. 25, solum inter hos arbitror Brutum non malignitate nec invidia, sed simpliciter et ingenue judicium animi sui deleaeisse Annal. XiV. 5, Acerronia imprudentia cum imprudenter ageret)-navalibus telis conjicitur, hicli SerVe, asit ore, sor a transition to thatis of the ablativo in hicli, ostenserthan in the writers, it is ussed by itsol 'ithout the participio hicuis commoni joiuod illi it diιctus, commotus , O XPreS a reRSOH; Annal. i. 57, juvenis conscientia cunctabatur, Hist. i. 63, non ob praedam aut spoliandi cupidine, sed furore et rabie Annal. xii. 10, non se foederis ignaros, nec defectione a familia Arsacidarum venire. The perfeci passive participi is put absolutely the substantive beingomittet much stone tu Tacitus than in the olde writers Annal. , i . 35, strictum obtulit gladium addito acutiorem esse. Thus adjecto,
cognito, intellecto, comperto, audito, inplorato, nuntiato, quaesito, ponsitato, praedicto, credito, distincto, repelito, 'certato, disceptato, ea-
spectato interdicto, are mund in his riter, and what is ver raro in Other authors, even ithout the addition o any ord to holit thoplaco of tho object Annal. XV. 14, et multum inτicem disceptato,
h. The su PIXΕ, hichio rite usos more frequently than acitus, is sed Loth in tho uccusativo and ablative so the ah o brevity;
se example, ultum, perditum, raptum, inti sum ire, oppugnatum venire pudet dictu uppears to e Sed by Tacitus alone Missu, admonitu alicujus, ud Simila Phrases aro uot ithout oxamplo in
l. Greatio crities in tho se os PREPOSITIO X When the are ut, cordin t a rather uulaequentisage, sor a simpletus, Sometimos, but notis osten, tho genitivo or unother case is sed contrar to thccommo mode of speech, in Placem a Preposition as, Hist. i. 46ne volgi largitione in Vulgus centurionum animos venere Fioxam Ple, Annal. xii. 25, adoptio in Domitium estinatur xi., isque illi Jinis inscitia erga domum suam fuit in thing relatin tori, housoy Hist. ii. 56, in omne fas nefasque avidi aut venales ἰ Annal. , iii. 24, Silanus in nepti Augusti adulter xv. 44, in crimitte incendii
-convicti sunt l. 12, a didit laudem de Augusto His . i. 67, de caede Galbin ignari Annal. ii. 39, forma haud dissimili in dominum
lios hid whon, in serni os oxprossion notiein perfeci and preci se,und the ordinar connectio os,ord bein neglected the Delingulono illi hicli tho soles of tho writor is mouod, and tho thought
whichi has conceived in his mirid, aro expressedi a structure fine sontence hicli is callod PREGs ΑΝΤ Thermare, indeed, Such PASS- reges in the writers of the forme age also cliten in Livy; ut notso sed a to formis essentia sentur os their style Hist. iii. 49, Primus Antonius nequaquam pari innocentia post Cremonam incensam agebat Annal. iv. 40, posse ipsam Liviam statuere, nubendum post Drusum mortuum , an in penatibus isdem tolerandram haberet Annal. i. 39, jus legationis violatum atque ipsius Planci-casqιm- facunde miseratur; Agr. 18, qui classem, qui navis, qui mare z- spectabant; that is, the Violence of tho sen, and tho id to eas inodsrom heiace Annal. ii. 40, os erant pecuniam, dem atque pericula polliceantur that is, o hare the anger Hist. iv. 59, ceteros, ut quisque sagitium navaverat that is, had exorten himself in perpetratin tokedness, in in Cicero Me ma Vin navare rempublicam proemiis attollit Tho preposition in and ad are osten uso to formn regnant ense Annal. i. 55, dissidere hostem in Arminium ac Segestem that is, the quarreledri Suchis degre that ome entove to tho side of Arminius, and ther to that of Segestes Chap. IVii., zor Arminii eque victa in lacrimas that is, o as O hedictal S), neque voce suppleae iii. 19, ceteris ad dicendum festimoniumerterrilis that is, o us to ulter thei testimony Compare Liny ii.,
40 Coriolantis-consternatus ab sede sua cum ferre matri obviae compleaeum undisii. 42, multitudinem ad arma consternatam esse.
V. puri allied to thes examplexare the serms of speechao whichtho Groo grammarians have applied in ternis συλληψις and Θυγμa, in hicli,ord that roser o different hind of things, o to disseront Persons, are oined together, and include in ne and the samo hindo construction. Compare, O TII VARIE TY, C. V. b. neu tho
a. ho term SYLLEpsis I would appi chiefl to thos passages in icti things os an ontiret disterent nature re mentione in Onuectio With ach other as, donec ira et dies permansit; quia di
simulationem no et lascivia etemerat tibi nocte ac laetitia inealuissemidet inlaeti copiis et laetitia Germania a Sarmatis Dacisque mutuo
metu aut m-tibus separatur tribuni cum terrore et armatorum catervis
volitabant. In ali these cases Ome affectio of tho in is o connectod illi ining not pertaining to themiud stat on account of this ver dissereno belween the wo notions, o mota expect them tobe disseronti expressed, eitheri me se of word Whic properlybelonito each or, at least by gomo variatio in the constructio ostiis sentence To his head I would also refer hos passages heroth prepositioncin, oined with in accusative, includes at the fame timoth ablativo o somo ther ense Germ. 46, in medium resinquam, i. e. in dubium vocatum relinquam in medio Annal. iv. 25, aderant semisomnos in barbaros, i. e. aderant et irruebant se below, O THE POETICA COMPLEXION, c. III., α, .) md moreover, hos in
41, ut-Gallias et mercitus et Germaniae gentes novumque bellum cieret. Compare HSO, Hist. ii. 56, in omne fas nefasque avidi stat
b. The term ZEUGMA applies to thos cases in hicli a vor statoni suit thes ord immediatet precediniit, an not also thoso
whic are more remote, is et made to embrace in lalter as et astho forme within tho fame in os construction, ome simila verbboinc , ascit ere, implied in tho ne Sed Annal. Vi. 21, tum compleris eum tiberius praescium periculorum esse fatetur et incolumenι fore gratatur chaP. XXiv. ut, quemadmodum nurum Iliumque fratris et nepotes interfecisset domumque omnem caedibus complevisset, ita, . Germ. 2, quoniam qui primi Rhemιm transgressi ac nunc Tungri vocentur), tunc Germani vocati sint; hap. XXXVi. ita qui olim boni requique Cherusci vocabantur nunc inertes ac stulti vocantur Annal. i. 58, qui Romanis Germanisque idem conducere putabam et pacem quam bellum probabam; iii. 56, deesse nobis potest terra in qua vivamus, in qua moriamur non potest Hist. i. 8, τἰ facundus sit paris artibus expertus), bellis ineaepertus But the Zeugma is not al-ways in the veri, but Sometimes, ulso, in 'ord oine to it as, Annal. ii. 73, et erant qui Germanici formam, fatem, genus mortis, ob propinquitatem etiam locorum, in qui1us interiit, magni Aleaeandri formae aetati, et fatis adsequarent.
VI. Tho figuro hicli is properi calle EI Lipsis is et with oxtensivol tu Tacitiis, nud has very great pomer in augmentin tho brevit an coucisones of his an age. In the lay of tho come-
dians also, and in tho letters of Cicero, this formis expression is ostenmet with se examplos of each caso Pit,ill sussico. u. ΝΟΠΝs are mitted Papita oppina lex), Sulpicia gens), postero die), octingentesimo post Romam conditam anno , ad duod eimum lapidem , laureatae litterae), irineus Allico oroe portus , Apicata Sejani uxor , pretium est operae). Also, PRONOUΝs: tho
Substantive Pronoun, Annal. i. 35, i vellet imperium, promtos se ostentavere: in demonStrut e Pronom; V. 60, gnarus proe ferocem eum esse): the relative pronoun Annal. Vi. 7, eius Quadratus, cujus originem non epperi ch . XXXVi., quis neque boni intellectus neque mali cura, sed qui mercede aluntur. Ther Rr exumfeS QSO,
in liter riters of thes omissioni the relativo in thos phrases hichare place in apposition illi the principat sentence eithe to assorda explanationis to expres the intentione Annal. Vi. 10, L. Piso pons eae, quod rarum in tanta claritudine, fato obiit i. 3, Augustus, subsidia dominationi quae essent Claudium Marcellwn-Marcum
Agrippam-eatulit. b. VERA are omitted. a. Tho infinitive of the SUBsTANTIVE VERA ; und in severat Passages this construction is such that the accusativo Or nominative appenra
infinitive depends Hist. ii. 82, susscere videbantur adverδus Vitellium pars copiarum est dum Mucianus es Vespasiani nomen ac nihil arduum fatis τo nihil arduum esSe); Annal. i. 73, eorun injurias dis curoe. ut even the indicative and subjunctive mood of this verbaro omitten ostenor than in forme writers and thes indicativo chiossyin thos passages hicli XPres the more vehement emotions of themiud Annal. ii. 82, a Romoe postquam Germanici valetudo percrobruit-dolor ira Hist. ii. 29, ut ver deformis et sens et proeter spem incolumis Valens processit, gaudium, miseratio, favor iv. 46, ut ero huc illuc distrahi coepere, metus per omnes et praecipua Germanici militis formido Annal. i. 65, wm-apud Romanos invalidi ignes, inte rupice voces eSsent , atque ipsi passim adjacerent vallo.
teneri poterunt), sine valido prcesidio-nec id nobis virium erat, C. ;Agr. 19, nihil per libertos servosque publicia rei actum y Annal. i. , 47, ortos igitur anteferret ' ac Verendum ne postpositi contumelia incenderentur; iV. 8, naia Agrippin quod nemo flio veniret aene Agerinus quidem rediret).
audentissimi cujusque procurset conspiciebantur Annal. i. 7, u
tuque composito, ne laeti viderentur eaecessu principis neu tristiores primordio, lacrimas, gaudium iscelant ChuP. XXXi. non unus haec disebat)-sed multa seditionis ora OceSque. c. PARTICLEs ure mitte by O the writer mors frequently: Annal. xiv. 8, respicit Anicetum a trierarcho-comitatum; u. 19,
is nis fuit in ulciscenda Germanici morte i. 12, ex vultu ostensionem conjectaverat xiv. 40, tabulas cum iis quos memoravi et aliis minus inlustrιbus obsignat Agr. 35, ne simul in frontem, simul et in latera suorum pugnaretur Annal. iii. 30, incertum est,fato potentio raro sempiternae, an quia satias capit, c. o quod, cum sol-lawed by tum , licet, magis, tantum, tanto eo, potius, alii hiuc, primum, modo, aliquando, ut ita, tamen, sed re omitte in many Places. WhOle Seutences ure omitte bes Ore the particles nam undenim jus as in the Gree writers a is sed in the fame Way):
Annal. xiv. 44, at quidam insontes peribunis and no Onder nec mirum nam et effuso Gercitu-etiam strenui sortiuntura ChaP. iv., nam et ejus sagitium est qui, C. To the fame ea bolong tho figure AsYNDETON, o much uSed by acitus Hist. i. 3, futurorumpi a sagia loeta, tristia, ambigua, manifesta ChaP. lxxiii. consulari matrimonio subniza, et apud Galbam Othonem, Vitellium inlaesa; Annal. iii. 26, eiustissimi mortalium-sine probro, celere coque sine poena-agebant Hist. iv. 75, eum, qui attulerat, ipsas epistolas ad Domitianum misit.
VII. To inicia os brevit somodo sis expression appea toto OPPOSed, hicli ho ever in reuiity, increas the Orco and livetiuessos the narration. a. ho figuro hicli is called by Quintilia AN ADIPLOSIS, O adjection; that is the repetitionis ove more frequent roiterationis thosumo ord chiess of particlesywith a certain force Thicis gene Hlyis managedaliut the repetition answer in purpos os an omitted
copulative conjunction, Only that ita areater Omer: Annal. i. 7, mi es in forum, miles in curiam comitabatur Hist. i. 50, mansisse Cato Iulio, mansisse Caesare Augusto victore imperium Annal. ii., 82, Halim credita, statim vulgata sunt Dial. 40, apud i os Omnia populus, omnia imperiti Omnia ut se diserim omnes poterant nostra quoque civitas, donec erravit, donec se-confecit, donec nulla fuit in
foro az, nulla - concordia, nulla- moderatis, nulla - reTerentia,
nullus olus, tulit, c. his Passage is a clear mof that it Waschies as an orator that Tacitus sed this modo os expression, Athere are ery many oxamplosis it in Cicero and Quintilian, ut se
in the historical writers is yo except Livy, who affect the Stylo os
h. ord whicli are commoni called sYNONYMous, but which, in truth, are of Such a natur that the ne augments explains, and amplifies illi a ne sense the significationis the ther. Generally, substantives, of whicli Tacitus is ver land aro constructed in his manner seditio et turbae, fulgor et claritudo, dolor et ira, odium et invidia, modestia et pudor, sanguis et credes, vires et robur Ueteres et Senes, antiqui ac veteres, domo S much belon to this head a theydo not expres the fame things. O adjectives, adverbs, an verba soused the number is tess. The solio in ure examples incertum et ambiguum, immotum faunique turbide et editiose, tenὶere ac fortuito, occultare et abdere, pollui foedarique.
we have an example in the wellcinown passage, pateris libamus et auro. ut the examples of this figure hicli aro ound in Tacitus and the are very many prove that there is a greuter Power in Substantives an adjectives, Constructe aster his manner, than in theusual form o speech: gr. 16, nec ullum in barbaris invitio genus omisit ira et victoria this has reater orco than ira letoris it is unger aud the licens of victo , ather than of the conquerors); Germ. 33, Super Seinaginta milia-oblectationi oculisque ceciderunt notsimpi oblectationi oculorum, but Ormur entertuitiment und the mero Pleasure of the spectacle . The copulative conjunctio osten servessor an explanation Annal. i. 40, incedebat muliebre et miserabile agmen no miserabile mulierum agmen, ut a troo consistin ofwomon, and O that reason cliten miserable .
d. A to the example o PLEONAsΜ, the procoeded les stom thogonius of Tacitus than from in common usage of the Latin language, nor do the detrac in an mea sure from in brevit of the discourse; since nono of the old writer has give offence by thus, ascit ere, expressing things abundantly But there arct also many amon these passage of Auch a Lind that the ne or add somethin to thomeaning of the ther. Thus, mare Oceanum is spolion of jus as Rhenus amnis corpus in Q writers contra the sage of urlangvage is sed pleonasticuli in suci, paSSages, corporis morbus,
corporum verbera, libera corpora liberi homineSy ante praevidere, ante praedicere re also sed in the older riters ipse solus, Germ. 38,
and Dial. 5, 11d solus et nus, Dial. 34, are explained by referringto the Gree aυτο μονος, and uis to that Passage of Cicero, Verr. i. 2 sqviri ipsis solis satis es3et .
That thero as among the Greelis in the mos ancient times agi ea resemblauce etween the poeta an tho historica writers is sufficienti proved by that well-known compariso in hicli, arowon to spea o Homer the suther of epio Poet , a an author resemblita Herodotus, hile e cal the lalter in Homer of histo . Among the Romans tho planis composin histor was disterent sor, havin ut irs attende otii to the registeringi amauis, an havingthusicen accustomed to et more valuein the facts themselves, hano the expression of the eelings hicli move themiud in narratingand judin of the severa evenis, hen after ard the were led On, chiesi by the example os the Groelis to aspire t moro perfect kill in tho ar o writin histor algo the then ought more aster lictornaments of rhetori thun os Poet . And thus, indeed, o would justi mention Titus Livius a the ostierieci mode amon ali ho Roman historians, an a this author lio chleil establis hos thoubilit of tho Roman so that species os compΟSition und above ait, a sar excelling thos writer WhO like Lucan Silius, and thers, by doinillillo more than nureatin event in stiis lunguage, essenedili gravit os opic verse and hur the dignit os histo , hile hsyin alii affecto poetica language in orde to mament thei recordsos baro sucis. Tacitus alone, amon uti these riters is Orthyri bocompared illi thos Greelis; ecause he mugiit no poetica Orn ments Doni vithout but was strong in the Ower of his own genius, and in the innato poetica sublimit os his mind. Auxas Horodotus Prosenla torus the likenes of the epic, o doesmur author chiest thatos tho lyri and dramati muse, by arrvngin every QVentae recoriis astor the anne os a tragio Poet, and in ut things expressing tho impulsos Os his o n milid, ny even tho inmos seeling of his oul. When, as e read his annuis an histories, o se in ossoris madob men orthyis uiciter ago against the crueit os princes and tho common cori aptionis marinor fallinii ruities to tho ground but est porcoive, ut the samo tinte, that there canio good und brave monivonundor ovi rulers ; he we belloid fortune sute, nay the god them- solves, rutinii a Wonderia undisve inscrutable manne the divors Charicos os human evenis; as e contemplate in his book of annalatho sata extinctionis tho Juliun race, and in his historius tho mightyossoris to est lisl ane an empiro atroad desolato anil sulling dowe notiscem to ursetve toto reudin sonae tragic coimposition suchus hos os schylus, Sophocles, Euripides Τ is no tho mo usuli mage os a Niobe presente besore urisyec are notisur ouis Per
I. Among these ex ples the COLLOCATION F ΗΕ ORD them- solve sirs claim Our attention. For in Ome passages in uoltus,oithor,hole rint verses are Bund Annal. i. 1 Urbem Romani a principio reges habuere XV. 73, donec consensu patrum deterritus est,ue Germ. 18, bellorqιm casus putet, ipsis incipientis Chap. xxxii., princellunt nec major apud Cattos peditum laus ChaP. XXXiX., auguriis patrum et prisca formidine sacram But Cicero has Hready observed that verses Osten salJ, ulso. DOm the Pensis riter through
carelesiness, os,hicli ther aro examples in Liv and many theruiathors: tW mor ver a mellis Tacitus, ejus tho resaco tollis book of historios ith an hexametrices exordium. Aud indoed, this circumstanco, speciali Whe two principat writer agro incit, I can no bellevo' have sullen ut at a venture; ut in the case of Tacitus specialty to hos langvago gravit σεμνόν is suid pecubiarly to elong I should supposo, Dot indoed that O OOh ain tos ramo a verso in the ery uise of his ork, ut that ho retainedono hichiad spontaneo ly offerod itselfio his mind. II. 1ΝGLE WonD aro used poetically. n. Ford in themsolvos poetices, anx longin to a sermo age:
secundare S . And of a lator age adcursus us), distinctus us),
honomis. Simple Verbs Sed sor compound asperare, celerare cire, fere aliquid), gravescere, julus, propinquare, radere, Solari, Suracere, temnere, os a later age ammare.
b. oriis poetica in thei signification chiost thos so sod by metonyme) curato libro demissus triginem trahens, fides, iducia applied ora man who inspires consideuces mst. ii. 4 5. Titus-ingens rerum fiducia accessi et praecipua concordia Mea Titus), fag
acies oculorum , triste used as a substantive in tho poets of tholute rege: annus se Proventu anni, transigere se transfigere, transmittere se transire Silentio ABSTRAC TERIIS M used sor concreto
much ostener than tu other proso Titers auetilia, vigilior, militia - milites, Hist. iii. 18, quos militio legionarii oequctaret; Om- Paro Plin. Hist. Nat. iv. 27, Glessaria a succino militiae-by tho soldiora, militibus nostris-appellata a barbaris Austrariis , delectua in
civitates remittere, Hist. iv. 71 , matrimonia, c jugium, nocessitudines, ad nitates, amicilior dominationes, nobilitates, remigium, clientelae servitium, asilium Hist. i. 2, plenum asiliis mare , antiquitas, consultationes, mors, ingenia pavida, servilia). SUBSTANTIVES ARE UT FO ADJECTIVES , pecuator populus domus regnatria, c ruptor animus,
victor zercitus, bellator equus accordin to tho Gree formo ora Pression). DIEcTIVE G also sed in the laco os substantivos, suo III. b.
Annal. m. 31, sive ceperat ea tempestatem; ut Tacitus apocara O havo writte ea designem to e res a les conspicuous object annining of tho Mnd species ejus . Compare Liry, XXXVii. 24, speciacultam capessit oculis. O Lucret., iv 242, speciem quo vertimus, unxostener Vitruv. LX., 4, si taliuis intererilis nostra species potest id anim certere, and in ther places.
Pare Cici Balb. 2 mihi quidem dignum rei idetur. Oncerning thopoculiaris of the partitivo genitive οἱ φρονιμο των ανθρωπων), Seo, ΟΝ ΗΕ BREVITY, c. III. b. The genitive is nowhere found morofroquently than in acitus joine to relativo adjectives an partici-Ples a taetrat aρβίνων raldων , and the Samo mayio suid of the Ac-
ac laboris, morum non pernendus, proecipuus circumveniendi, primι3luendae poenoe anatus potentiae, virtutum sterilis, insolens obsequii, manifestus delicti, fero linguet, atro odii; confectus humeros, nudus brachia, adlevari animum, cetera degener, cetera egregius. The DA-T1v is put so the genitive astor the anne of the Oeis Hist. iii., 5, retia, cui Porcius procurator erat Annal. xiii. 23, cui cujus per nuptias Antonioe gener erat Cio , Demochares-qui fuit Demostheni sororis Ilius); Annal. i. 3, Augustus subsidia dominationi-Marcellum --Agrippam-eettulit; i. 64 immittere latronum globos, oscindere castella, causas bello Chap. 46, missus tamen Drusus aes Irmator pili. 14 Sario rumore, custos saluti an mortis Mactor sequeretur. For
preposition Annal. H. 37, forentibilice haud concors Hist. iv. , 52 Domitiano mitigatus, i. e. mitigatus in Domitiani animo. Theroisin brevit βραχυλογία in tho us of tho dativo of the participio:
Annal. xiv. 49 se optimum quemque jurgio lacessens et respondenti seticens that is, hoepin silenco i any one ungwered There is a vetactos resemblance to this in thoisse of tho dative absolute, borrowod by tho Latin stomaho Grooks thus Herodotus: ληθί λύγω χρεωμενω), Agr. 11 Germ. 6, in universum restimanti Curi.); Hist. , V. 17,τere epulantibus, Galliam suismet iribus concidisse. Compare Lisy, xxVi. 24, urbium Corcyrae tenus ab toti incipienti solum tectaque tolorum esse so Herodotus, ii. 29, πῖ Ελε ραντίνης πολιος οντι uvaντες ἐστι χωρίον). On the Similar se of the genitive, ee, OsTHE BREVITY, c. III. b. Annal. xiv. 61 and xi. 23. The dative,