The Latin & Irish lives of Ciaran

발행: 1921년

분량: 218페이지


분류: 미분류


miracle to Claran.


The Four Versions. his incident is told in ali four lives, and it is instructive to note the disserences of delati inicii they display. In LA Oengus goes tofetch Claran, after consulting with his frienos. In LBhe sends for him. In LC he goes to him; and in VGClaran comes Miliout Ming fetchecl. The sta a interpolated in the precessing section of VG introducesus to another variant of the tradition; in whicli Claranwas a swadvied infant when the miracle was wrought. In LB the incident is oven a homiletic turn, by Mingtold to illustrate the saint's care for animalS. Parallels. similar but not identical miracle is attributed to Saint Patricli VTΡ, 228: LL, 5653. Herethe gaint resuscitates homes with holy water: but in this case the saint's own curse had originalty caused theliones' deallis, hecause they graZed in his cliu hyam. Saint Lagrian also restored a home to life CS. 7963. Tir na Gabrai the land of the home Vi is unknown, thoum it presumably was near Raith Cremthainn. Thestory was probably told to account for the name of the field. Ιt has been noticed that the Latin Lives are tessricli in delatis as to names of places and peopte thanthe Ιristi Lise. This is an indication os a later tradition,

Oue of the numerous imitations of the story of the Miracle of Cana. Compare incident XLIV. An identi-


imperfeci fermentation and over-fermentation of the


The Process of Resuscitation. he important minito the tale; though the versions do not ali recomise this, is the collection of the hones of the cali. VG preserveSthe essentiat command to the wolf not to breah these. Colum Cille reconstituted an ox imm iis bones LL, 10553. Coemgen gave away to wayfarem the dinner prepared for the monastic harvestmen, and when thel alter naturassy protested. he collected the bones andre-clothed them with flesti, at the Same time turning water to wine VSH, i, 238ὶ. Aed performed a similarmiracle in the nunnery at ClonmacnΟiS, replacing