The Latin & Irish lives of Ciaran

발행: 1921년

분량: 218페이지


분류: 미분류


narrated in the metrical Lise of Senan though the passageis absent from the CS copy: it will be found in the Bollandist edition, March, vol. ii, p. 766ὶ Brieny, thiS


probable that this incident inould be transferreo to that section of the Lise. In the other incident; which maybelong to the Ιsel period, Claran flings grain into the

excessive singing of birds on a certain istano to be an interruption to his devotions, compelled them to keep


Paralleis. The nuns of Brigit mado a similar complaint against the excessive charity of their abbess LL, 15983 For the stag compare incident XXI: also the tale of howBrenainn was on one occasion guided by a hound CS, 116ὶ. Ruadan; haring given in alms his chariot-horses

The Presbyter Daniel.-For the presence here os a Welin or British priest, See the remarks in Plummer, VSH, i, p. cxxiv. But it is probable that in the originalform of the story the presbyter Daniel was a fictilious ecclesiastic, perham the Eril one dismised. We may compare the two false biinops that came to expel Colum Cisse from Iona LL, Ioo7ὶ. Biblicat names were Some- times used in the early Iristi Churin, though native names


were preferred. There is actualty the monument of a person called Daniel at Clonmacnois: it is a flab, bearingan engraved croSS and inscription, probably of the ninthor tenth century. The Gist. This is sald in VG to have been a cupadorned with birds. Such forms of decoration seem tohave been common, and are Sometimes referred to in Iriin romances, though few, is any, examples that may be compared with the descriptions have come down to US. In LA a word antirum is used, which does not appear to

raphem. It is possibiy a corruption for an n)ulum, V aring ' Naturalty this tale of the giit must be a later accretion to the story, ii it had the origin just Suggested. Note, in the long eulogy of the saint whicli the author of LB gives us here, that the writer has not hesitated tointroduce reminiscences of Phil. ii. 7, 8, thus hinting atthe generat Tendent of the Lives of Saint Claran. Therest of the eulogy is a free paraphrase of Rom. Xii, 9 n. There is extant a metricat Μonastic Rule V attributedio Saint Claran; which was edited by the late Proi.

Ιriin Learning in vol. ii, p. 227. The Subject-matter of this composition is a series of regulations On moralityand mortification of the flesti, but the language is SoobScure, and the texi of the single ΜS. whicli alone contains it is so corrupi, that even the pre-eminent Celtist who edited the poem would not Venture on a


Parallels -AS Claran recogniSed Οenna by his voice, so Colman piched out by his voice one of a number of


the incident of the consecration, as SucceSSOT, of an unPre' SSeSSing intruder, compare the tale of Findian consecrat-


by Claran to Donnan introduces us to the human ast of humen V Mael-Odran, a Servile functionaryoccasionalty met with in Iristi literature. A well-known incident of St. Adamnan introduces him travelling


Uwith his mother on his bach '' see Reeves, Vita Columbae, p. 1793. Αs to the bell, it may be worthnoting that my friend Μr. Walter Campbell, tormerly of Athlone, has informed me that an ancient bronge ecclesiastical bell, mund on the lake inore opposite Hare I Sland , waS long preServed, and used as a domestic bell, in the cottage of a man named Quigley. The owner


and ain a spirit os hindly tolerance on the part of the