The Latin & Irish lives of Ciaran

발행: 1921년

분량: 218페이지


분류: 미분류


displicebat, uolebat enim eum secum semper habere. Thisis our last glimpse of mor Darerca, and it cloes mutato sollen the rather lurid limeliot in which our homilisis place her. The Division V Kine and Calves. his miracle isone of the most threadbare commonplaces of Ιrishhagiographical literature: it is most frequently, aShere, perio ed by drawing a line on the ground be- tween the animais with the saint's wonder-workingstass. It is attributed. inter alia, to Senan LL, 1958ὶ,

A miraculous abundance of milh was also oven by


upon the hide of the Dun Cow. There is actualty acopy of this tale in the existing book: but the book was

written not long after the time inen Our homilisis were describing the relic as an unbroken hide. Either there were two dun cowS, or the name of the Manuscript has arisen from a mi SunderStancling. The stanea in UG is another example of ae frestigemetre. The literat translation is Fisty over a hundred

complete i the Dun of Claran used to feed, si guesis and lepers t people of the reiectory and of the partour 'The School of Findian. Findian was horn in the fifth


Ο, whicli at the moment he was tracing, unfinished, to

on an authentic incident. The two versions before uS disser in Some respectS, as a comparison Mil inow.


central veme of the wspei, is not one- fifth of the waythrouo the book. Had the original narrator of the tale a copy with misHaced or missing leaves λThe Stanta in UG. his is apparently sliotly corrupi, but the metre is evidently meant to be aefreflige. It probably belongs to one poem Mili thepreVious Sta as in the Same metre: iis fimi lineechoes the stanga in incident XIX. Literalty With

thereafter 'The Saying of Alexander. I regret to have to aCknowledge that I have been unable to get on the track of any explanation of this appendix to the incident; as related in VG. It is probably a marginal gloss taken into the text. The V Alexander V is presumably one of the po Sof that name, and is so, must be Alexander ΙΙ 1O611o733, as the firSt Ρope Alexander is too early, and the

There is a Jewisti formula described by Lightioot λ in

whicli, when severat take their meaiS together, One SaySLet tis bless, and the rest anSwer Amen. But it is notclear why a response inould have been required by a


The fuit delatis of this narrative have evidently been offensive to the author of LB, who has heroicatly bowdierised it. It is obviousty an independent Marchen, whichlias become incorporaled in the traditions of Claran. The Famine. Famines are frequently recorded in the Iristi Annals and it is noteworthy that they were usualty accompanted by an epidemic of raids on monaSteries. The wealth of the country was largely concentraled in these establishmenis, So that they presenteda Strong temptation to a Starving community. Thebeginning of the Story is thus quite true to nature andio history, though I have found no record os a famineat the time inen we may Suppose Claran to have beenat Clonard. Transformation of Oais to meat, and of other odio Flour. Such transformations are common in thesaints' Lives. We read of swine turned to ineep