장음표시 사용
The Decollation o S. Jolin Baptist,
accomptished the ac o matrimony, and she Onceived, and a time a delivered os a son, hichin his baptismoas named ochus o Rocke. An this Roche had impressed in the lioulde onliis est fide a ross, hicli as a token that he
devout mollier faste twice in the week, and theblesse chil Roche abstaine hi twice also, when his mollier fasted in the week, and would suc his mollier ut once that day, hich Was toal a great wonder, and that ay he was gladder, merrier, and 8Weeter tha the ther. An after, whenae camerio sive ears of age, he disposed him to the work of penance, and was much obedientio ather an mollier. An in the wel fili earo his age e faste many and divers fastings for
Christ' love. An the more his member greW, the more the cross, that tofore a spΟken Lappeared large and more apparent.
In that time the fallier of S. Roche was sichand sa his las en approach, and called to imhis son Roche, and saidci O mine ni son Roche,
an command the to accomplisti. First, lihea thou ast egu that thou serve busti God. Secondiy that thou remember pOOr peOple widows and orphans. Third ly I constitute and ordain the governor and dispense of at mytreasures, that thou dispend them in charitabi an mee works. And o thly that, illi aldiligence thou hauni and frequent the hospital o
sic and poor men These foresaid thing Roch promised to his ather o fulsi them to his power And non after his ather died, honi och burie honour ably, and laid in a sepulture, and irthe wentieth ear of his age e buriel also li
And after many desert places he came to Ome, ut tofore e came into a town calle in Latin
then o fuit os pestilence that unneth in ali thelown could not e found ne hous void thereos. In hos day there mas a Rome a cardinal of thetille of Angleria, Whicli is a province of Lombardy, and the lessed oche came into his cardinat' splace And as e stoo tofore ina a litile,
sud dent a marvellous Coniseri and ope enteredinto the ourage of the cardinat. He understood the oung man Roche tot right dear illi God, for his cheer, his manners, an his attemperanceshowed it, heres ore e commended in te
Roche that he should deliver in frona the pestilence and conserve hi m. And then Ochedi sign in the cardinat' forehead an mademith his finge a ross. An anon an apparent Sig and a very cros mas seen impresse in his reliead, and so the cardinat was preserved Domthe pestilence. Nevertheless for the novelt of
sin Then the cardinal egan to inquire of Roche of his lineage and of his country, ut Roche affectingis morta glory, id his lineagean received again of the ope his tessin and departe fro him. And abod a Rome illithe fame cardinal three ear continually, and laboured in visitin and helping the oor eopleand them that were sic of the pestilence Andas te three years the cardinat, eing old died, andRoche orgoo Rome an came to the ow of Armine, a nobi cit o Italy, hich also hedelivere froni the aid pestilence And whenthat town was delivered, he wen to the cit ofΜanasem in Lonabardy, hicli as also ore oppressed illi sic me of the pestilence, homwith ali his heartae serve diligently, and by the
always in the hospital And when he had been long in the hospital f iacenga, and ad helped
oli , , in that that ere in the hospital ere
deprive of thei fleemand est of the night Where- fore S Roche rose fron his e and went tolli ulterest place of the hospital, and a downthere abiding the light of the day And when itWas day the eople goin by sa hina, and accused the master of the hospital f offence, that hesussere the tigrim to te ithout the hospital, but e purge him of that defauit, saying that:
The tigrim as mitten illi the pestilence as esee, and unWitting to usae ent ut Then theciligens incontinent ut ut . Roche rom thecit' an suburbs, est y in the cit might
be the more infected. The S. Roche, sore oppressed illi fervent ain of the pestilence,