장음표시 사용
texi saying In the weat of th visag thou halteat thy read, and that he hould return to thelown, and leave ali his good to his heirs, and follo the way o Chris and demand rea in the nam os esu. The Gotard was ashamedio do o here he was nown, ut at the las by the bus admonition o S. Roche, Gotard went toΡiacenZa, herea he had reat noWledge, and
Was ahen ore illi the pestilence, an many other that dented alm to Gotard. And thenano the cit os iacenZa Was infeci illi contagious pestilence, and Gotar returned to the
pestilence, and est Gotar in the ood Andthough S. Roche were fore vexe With the pestilence, et he with great labour en to Placen Z and with touchin andalessing he helpedandineale them ali, an also cured the hospitalo the sanae city. An he ein fore sicli and almos lanae returne again to Gotar into the wood And many that heard that he and Gotard
1 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe province of Lombard called Angleria, and applied
light and shining in the prison, and . Roche kneel in on his nee praying, hicli ait thesethings he old to his ord And the fame hereos
ran ali about the ity so that many of the citigens ran to the prison ecause of the novelt of thisthing. And there a an bellet i and avelaud thereos o Almight God, and accused thelordis crueli and woodness. The at the last, when S. Roche ne by the wil o God that heshould sinisti his mortat iis, he called to in theheeper of the prison, and prayed hi that he wouldgo to his ord, and to Xhor hi in the nam ofGod and of the glorious Virgin ary that he
Lady which life is translated ut of Latin into Englisti by me, William axion. Here folio et the se of S. Bernar l, si melli- suous doctor, and irs of the interpretatio of
Bernard is sal o ber, that is, a pii or ell, and nardus, hicli, a the glos salti upon Cantica,
is an umbi aer and of ho nature and wellsmelling. He was ho in burning love humbi in conversation, a et in flowin doctrine, a pit in
An a Bernard was et a litile chil he was sic of the headache, and there came a Woman Ohim for to char him, and thereb to 88uage the
14 THE GOLDEN LEGENDThe Lila grievous ache of his ead, ut e ut he hom0VS him cryin by right great indignation, and thexn' mere of God Diled notato his infanc in good ove,
fora aros and fel that he was delivere hereos. In theatesse night of the nativit os uri ord, when the child Bernard abod in the church theossice of matins and ovete to no what our Jesu Christ a born the child Jesus appeared tollim a he had been bor again ut of his mother' sbelly, heres ore, a long as e lived he supposed that ou to e the our of the nativit os ur ord And everras terras longin heclived was givent hi in that our more perfect it, and speechmore abundant in such things as appertain to thesacrament. And after that he made a nobi Work, amon alliis other orks, of the laud an pratfingo God an his tessed mother. In the whichwor he expounde the lesso evangelic how theange Gabriel a sent to the Virgin ary Andwhen the ancient enem sa the purpose of theehild ut of health helent against immany ginhos temptation Andi a time,lien he had holdenhis yes an figed them po a Woman, he had anon ham in himself and was a cruei venger ihimself. For e leapi non into a pond fuit imater, and froZen, and was therein o long thaalmos he was froZen. And by the grace of oche was coote sto the eat os carnal con
About that time, by the instigatio of the devita main laidae in his edi him ali aked heri Whereae lepi, and whenae fel her, he te hercli in that fide of the bed she had ahen, an turne hi in to that other fide and lept. An site arrie a pace of time, and fel him and kitiled im, an would have drawn him to her intent. Andis th
and many ther to religion. Nevertheless, Gerard his rother, a nobie knight, supposed always that the were ainword an refuse always his monestemenis and
way to hine heari, o to take the counse that thouno refusest. And a hori time after Gerard Wastahe of his nemies, and was uri on the fide in
brother, know thou that w shal go horti andenter into the monastery And that fame night
door pened by himself, and he ed ut, an saidi his rother that he had change his purpose and would e a monk. An this as in thenm carnation of ur Lord elevenhundred and welve, in the fifteenili ear of the