The golden legend; or, Lives of the saints

발행: 1900년

분량: 275페이지


분류: 미분류


an person, and is an have fallenes have hid it agmuch a I might. I have eve trusted es mineown it than an others. I I were huri I neverrequire vengeance of the hurier. I leave o oucharity, humility, and patience. An after that he had done an miracles, and ad made ne



great abundance of virtves, that he surmounte thelis of the ancients. An a the paynim hallowed the east of Venus, Symphorien a there and would o worshi the mage tofore Heraclius the provost. An thenae a long beaten, an after se in prison. And the would have constrainedhim o do sacrifice, an promise to hi many gistis. He answere an sald Our Lor canwel reward the meriis, and also e canoeli punish the ins Then the lis that we We to


Here bes inneth the Lis of S. Bartholomere the

and in the id of God Not by his merit his



. The life hone, ut by the id of God of the secondLila os eam the deepnes of his isdom, of hicli deep- tholomein V. O WMOm Denis salth, in his mysticaltheology The divine Bartholomew of whom i much divinit an right litile, and that the gospelis road an great, and ais it is hori. Andaster the nient of S. Denis, Bartholome Willshow that at things may be affirme and showedo God unde one consideration, and by another consideratio ma be more properi dented. of S. Bartholomem the postis. S. BartholomeW, the postle, en into India, whicli is in the end of the worid. And therei heentered into a temple here an ido was hichwas amed Astaroth, and e, as a tigrim abodethere. In that ido dwel a fiend that aid thath could ea ali anne sichnesses, ut e lied, for e could o mahe them hole, but might belle them ut for a While. An the temple assul os sic people, and could have no an8Wer of that idol, heres ore the went in t anothercit Whereas nother idol as Orshipped amed Berith, and they demanded him heres ore AstarothgaVe to them no answer. An Berith aid:

nelther dare dra breati ne spea after that BartholomeW, the postle o God entered into the



convenable ui88ance, justice, and wisdom. Forit a convenabi that he that ouercam the sonmade of the arth, that was Adam, hile he Wasyet a Virgin, hould e overcome of the so of the

thus, as e that ouercometh ome tyrant, endethhis fellows tofore se to et up his ign ver ali, an to cast ut tyranis, in the wis Jesu Christsent his messenger ove ali foro tahe way the

longer For it is rightis that he which by thear of the devit Was despised that by the ar of Jesu Christae houldae anquished And like asthe falcon aheth the bird, right so ook he Jesu Christ in desert ecause e fasted, and would assa is he had unger an is he had unger, that he might have deceived in by meat, an is he hadiso hunger, thenane he well,ithout doubt


ne to his temptatioΠS. tholomewAn when heia preached the sacraments of the

am bounde mitti chain os re by the angelsis Jesu Christ, hom the Jews crucifie an supposed toliave rought o death. Whicli death, that is urqueen, he halli imprisoned, and ath bound urprince in chains stare Andrino the the set cord o the mage foro puli down and verthrow the idol, ut the might not. The postlethen commande the devii that he hould issueand go ut an brea the do alicio pleces, and hecissuel oui and destroyed an brahe at the idolso the temple. An anon the postle made his

Isaac, and God of Jacob, hicli ast give to ussuch power that, enlumine thetlind, and cleanseth lepers, I destre an require that this multitudemight be ealed, and the ali angwered, Amen. And orthwith at the sic peopte ere cured and healed And then the postle id do hallowand dedicate that temple, an commande thedevi to go in to the desert Then the ange of our ord appeare there, and e round about in temple, an ensigne an graved illi his snger the sign of the ros in seu corners of the temple, saying Our ord aith his: theas I have o cure and made o ciean fall)our sichness, o et his temple e made lean


the angel aid o im : Because that thou hastheard that theraposite ath commanded, and hast

a great brayin an hoWling, and the ange of our Lor mounte v to heaven in the sight of themali. An the was the in baptized, illi his wife and his hildre an ali his eople, and est his realm and was made disciple of the postle. The at the bishops of the idol assembled

them together and wen to Astrages the king, and brother o Polemius, and complaine of the los of their god and of the destructio of thei temples, and of the conversio of his rother made Dari