Posthumous tracts

발행: 1847년

분량: 175페이지


분류: 미분류


stitute the second or vascular substance of iis medullary portion. With regard to the origin of the vascular Stamina, theSO, inasmuch as they pnss into the gland, cannot arise immediatelysrom iis simple fibres, but must nccompany the carotid arteries Doni the Lingdom of the body : for the innermost tunic of the arteries, their membranous and fibrous tunio, is What ultimatelyremains, and enters the cortical gland . This innermost tunicos the arteries arises Dom What We term the corporeat fibres. For the truth is thret ali over the circumferetice of the body,

underneath the cuticlo, there are planted an infinity of glandswith litile mouilis and offerent ducis, Whicli exhale the subilest ossiuvia of the body, and also imbibe similar but Desh essiuvia Domthe bosom of the atmospheres und of the ether. Similar glandular congeries are also found in the stomach, lungs, and Other paris of the system. From these subculaneoUS or miliary glands,as Weli as Others, proceed fine ducis, as it Were corporeia fibres,' or fibres aspiring to the character of vesseis, Which Weavethe innermost coat of the arteries, and at last terminate in thecortices glands, the vascular substance of Whicli they generate. That such is the production of the stamina Which enter the cortices gland, is proved by the Sanctorian perspiration; by various morbid, pestilentiai and pol sonous contagions; by the soothingand erilivening effecis of spring breeges alid exhalations; by the long continuatice of life Without either mod or drink Whichis usual With certain animais especially; by the infinite pulm0- nary pipes of insecis, Which pervade ali potnts of their viscera,

nerVOS, Rud Vesseis, even to the innermost paris of the brain and spinal marroW; by the Wonderi ut communication Of the glandsWith the atmospheres, as noticed by Hippocrates; also by thu Ocean of essiuvia surrOunding us in the air and the ether. It maybo inferred froin the origiti of these fibres Or Vascular Stamina, that they carry no Other than the elemental Or materiai fluid, whicli in laci thoy imbibe se in the atmospheres and the purest aliments. Τhis then, married to the purest essence in the


minute porc or cavlty of the cortical Haud, produces the animal spirit here trestted O And hero We might shes by an tufini ty os experimentalproose, that these vesseis imbibe a most pure serum of the nature above described, and transmit it toWards the cortex; and that this serum is impregnated With sulphureo-saline principies and elements ; also that these elements are so formed, ns to fitand adapt themselves to that pure essence; We might, We repent, sheW these potnis is this Were the place to trent of the sortiis Ofthese paris. The subjeci hoWever is One that demandes a Separate treatiso, Whicli indoeil We have bestowed upon it, but We must not venture to exhibit it here, as it Would cause too long a

Besides the living source and spring of the animal spiriis, there is also their perpetuat circulation, Whicli the most instructod of the learned have not only suspected to exist, but evenappuar to thinii they have rendered visibie by thela microscopes. The arteriai vesset runs up to the cortical gland On the one haud, tho medullary fibre issues hom it on the other: in the glanditsolf there is a cavity, Which like the chamber of a heuri draWs in the advaticing blood, and sends it out into the fibro as iis own litile artery. Τhus there is a perpetuat circulation Domitio arteriai vesseis through the middie of the glaniis into thos ,res. It is further observed, that the red blood never appronches the gland tOO Πear, So as to ruit into it, but only the whito blood does this, that is to say, the red blood astor it has undergone resolution, in Whicli case it hecomes identicat withthe animal spirit. Τhe animation Or alternate expansion and

constriction Os the glaniis, is the means Whoroby this biood is


attracted and expelled. Wore it not sor this circulation, the System Of the fibres Would novor bo accurately fillud with thodue Supply os spiriis, an immense abundance of Whicli is momentarily required to ensile the sensory and motory Organs, and the Severat viscera, to perform their Ossices agreeably to thocommands of the foul. The animal functions One and nil cease in an instant, the machinery labors, and deuth usurps it, asSOOn as ever this circulation is arrested, either in the vesseis,

in the fibres, or in tho glands. The puror blood Whicli malles this circuit, brings also similis elements sor recrutting the animal spirit.

mean those that the medullary fibre of the brain and the nervous fibre of the body me the Only elements to enter Rud construet. Such sor instance are the primitive cerebrum and cerebellum, the medulla oblongata and spinal marroW including ali their delicate members and paris, the initiaments of the viscera, indulso of the hoari and the motory and Sen80ry organs; in a Word, ali paris Whatever to Whicli the compound fibre runs. The Wholeos these in the primordini stages of formation, are engenderedos the fibres alone, and uot of the bl OOd-vesseis; according to the Observations of Alalpighi and others. The simple fibre apari Dom the compound whicli it forins by circumvolution, gives birili to no Organio producis; as neither does the SOul, apari Dom the animal spirit, produce anJ issiae excepting the simple cortex, Whicli is the sirst os organic serms, and the Dearest to the foui. Everything then that is organic, partakes of the simple and of the compound fibre, or of the spiritual and tho



According to the theorems of our Treatiso on the Fibre, it ilows, that there is nothing substantiat in tho body but thosoul and iis fibre; r.e., the simple fibre. The reason of this is, that tho simple fibres by their determination sorin the medullaryand nervous fibre; this in iis turn, the blood-vesseis, and these again in conjunction With the fibres sorm the glands, Dom Whicli proceed ducis and emissary canais, as it Were neW fibres Or neWVesseis. of these then, namely, the fibres, Vesseis and ducis, the whole system os the body is constructed. Thus the blood vesseis cannot exist Without the compound fibres, nor can thelalter play the part os fibres Without the animal spirit. So Whenthe foui is abolit to inform or create iis body, it has first toproduce an intermediate spirit. Moreover the red blood it-self has no existence Without the fame spirit, sor this spirit istis principat essetice. Accordingly When the red blood-globuleis dissoluod, it is resolved, according to Our proposition, into the purer, Iniddie or White blood, in a Word, into the animal spirit.


leptic cases; also by the circumstance iliat the notion os themuscies is tost ut once When the fibre or blood-vesset is dividod, compressed, Or Obstructed. I herelare in Order that action m procoed froni the will, and the Will Whicli regards such action, om the choice of the milid, both the spirit und tho blood aro solutoly necessa . Τhe spirit is the middie substance Whichis under the command of the solit, While tho blood is the ultimate substance, Whose duty it is to obey. Τhe anatomy ostho bra in hoWever teaches the manner in Which the foui determinus iis Will into action; shewing tu faci that this talios place by the constriction and expansion of the cortical glands, Whereby the animal spirit is expressed in to the fibres, and at longili intotho motive fibres of the body, just as the bl ood is expressed om the heari into the arteries; and constantly the blood

rencis, and recovers iis state; and in this Way action becomes


All the organs os the senses are provided with particular nervos. The eye is surnished With the optic nerves; the ear Withthe audito nerves of the seventii patrue the longue, With thegustatory nerves of the fifth and ninth pairs; the nares Witti theolfactory nerves, whicli lie like testis oti the front of the cerebrum. When these nerves are either divided, compreSSed, ob- Structed, or their action OtherWise wealiened, the particularsense to Whicli they minister is instantly deprived os iis Aharp-ness in exact proportion to the extent of the violenue Or lesion. I his is a plece of simple experienee. The nerves, hoWOVer, consist os medullary fibres, that is to say, of the fibros that arise Dom the cortical glanus; consequently there can be nonctuat sensation Without the fluid and spirit of those fibres. ΑΠd indeed sensations cannot ascend immediately to the Soul; they cannot rise thither Without an internuncio like the animal spirit.


TIe nature of the notion and 8en8ation, and even of theimosination ahid floruit in an individual, are corre8FOndent to the nature of the animal virit und the cireulation

This is a consequetice of the preceding theorems. Is the foui cannot aut in the body, Or seel in the organs, Without the animal spirit, it sollows that the action and the sensation are correspondent aud proportional to the animal spirit Whicli produces thum both. This is very manifest in drunkards, and in insane, idiotic and other subjecis Whose animal spiriis are either contaminated, or et se circulate irregularin Or too smali or too large a supply of them is sent to the Sensory and motory organs. Τhe Very Speech, gait, countenance, even the eyes of such per-SonS, olearly proclaim the state of the spiriis, and shew that theyare excited by various substances and the goads of alcohol; Domtho cross action Of Whicli di sorder invades the speech and actions. The subject of the imagination, hoWever, Whose ideas are changes of state in the cortical gland, and of thought, therational ideas Whereos ure similar changes of State Occurriug to the simple corteX-these subjecis Will be considered in the sequel. Meanwhile the nature of the imagination determines that of the sensation and action, Which lalter descend Dona imagina

The ianimal virit musteη νδ both viritual and corγoreat. By the definition os the animal spiriis, they partake both

of tho solii and the body. Aloreover the nature of the spirit, including iis circulation, determines the nature of action, Sensation, imagination and thought. By consequence from thenature and quality Os these spiriis We derive the saci, that wenre spiritual, and that We are corporeal Or materiai. The more


of tho solit there is in tho spiriis, the more spiritual We nre, and vice versa. Hence it appears that those Who eat gross and impure 1 ood, and sinii their minds in the earthy sphere, have an impure animal spirit, impregnated With materiai sorms;whieli indoed experience sheWA tO be the case.

The foui is above the animal spirit; the red blood and the stili grosser humors are beneath. The foui is spiritual, and the SOurs operation, Whereby it regards the bony, is celestiat.' Thoblood on the other haud, as it aboundes in saline elemenis, issor the most pari corporeal. BOth these natures, hoWeVer, are contained in the spirit, Whicli is equalty neis to both. Thehigher essence is also simpler, prior, more perfeci, and at thesame time more internat; the loWer is relatively compoHIid, posterior, imperfeci, and externat. Therelare the itiner man is above the animal spirit, and more perfeci than it; and the Outer man is beloW it, or more imperfeci. But the mode Whereby the internal or spirituat operates upon the eXternal or corporent, Will be explained in Gur Treatise on the Intercourse belWeen

It is to be observed, that SKederiborg does not here use the ternis viritualand celestial in the sense in Whicli they occur in his Theological Works; butwith the signification whicli they bear in his Animal Kinydom, Vol. I., P. I 26, Where the perpetuat vortical form is designated celestial, and the perpetuat celestiat, virituali the lalter being theresore above the former. - Tr.


dered Without the ministration os the spiriis, and ns in their production and construction they solioW the quality, quantitynnd circulation os the luiter, so it is ovident that the spirit cannever be absolutely equat or alitie in any tWO instances. Consider also that the persection Os nature, the nature Of nntiare, consisis in the suci, that one thing is never identical With an0ther in the whole range of iis essentials and accidenis. As forquatity, the spiriis are impregnated With vast numbers of sulphureO-Saline elemenis, and whicli are more abundant in somesubjecis than Others; also Witti diverse Other species of elements

that they imbibo si otii tho bosom of the atmosphere and 1 Omthe inner paris of the mon. Thus the causes of variety in this respect are infinite. The cortical gland also, Whicli is the organsor the preparation of the spiriis, dispers in different subjecis; prepares the spirit disserently in disserent subjecis; admittingthereinto, and mingling in the composition, n greater Share Osone nature in One Case ; a less in another. The quantity also is various in every instance, as the spirit is elaborated and expended according to the requiremenis, uses, and neceSSities Os


tho body. It differs in saci in overy case. LikeWise the circulation of the spiriis, Whicli depends altogether Upon naturalnecessity and rational use. For the cortical gland expands and contracis continuatly and variou8Jy; conSequently Such a quaΠ- tity of spirit is attracted from the vesseis and expelled throughtho fibres, as the body including the Sensory and motory organS requires. Τhus the state of the circulation varies every momentin every man. And this is completely confirmed by the assections and aliments of the animus, and by the disereses of thebody. Ν.B. The purer blood is a disserent thing hom the animal spirit. The sortiter is the fluid that arises out of the resolutionor disintegration of the red blood; but the lalter consists of the spiriis, With volatile particles, comprising the first salineaud sulphureous elemenis, inserted belWeen them.