장음표시 사용
to ille serms os angular bodies; so likeWise the membrano Ofthe nares. And that the cortical gland is fashionod to the formos the modifications os a bighor ether, may be concluded frOm
ments. The eis is furnished With the tympanum, With the fenestrae, With cylinders, With the cochlea, the malleus, and other machinery, Whicli constitutes it the most perfeci exemplar ofacoustic art. So the eye in iis Orbit represenis the master-pieceos optius, heing framed With express relation to est the nature of the influx of the solar rays. The sume too may be said of the other sensortes, in Whicli nature's inmost secrets lie concented aud represented. The consequence is that the foul, Whicli is the formative substance and force of the body, thOroughly linoWS, sees and enters into nature itself, and somoulds her instruments that they present nos the stightest oppugnancy to the order and form os iis fluxion. For the solitis in a manner above nature; and lienee is the Science, ari, ordor, and law of ali JOWer things in the microcosm; Wheresere in acting 1 rom Science, ari, Order, laW, the foui acis DOm itSeis.
No one, I imagine, doubis that the first soae, I mean, the foui os the sirsi man, Was created by God immediately, and infused into a neW body; in laci, that his foui, Whicli perhaps Was like
a Vegetabie foui, Or Was not only spirituat, but natural too, Wasso puri sied as to acquire a spiritual essetice and nature. The vegetative foui dispers hom the living solvis of the animal Ling-dom, especialty in the circumstance of being not Only a spiritualbut also a natural form; that is to say, in having the loWer Rrms, as the sirst, second and third naturat, added to it; butWhen these natural servis are cast Osr or Separateri a pure Spiritual form, Such as the human, remaius. But let us dismissilieSe Speculations. Any one may frame guesses indeed, but letno Son of earlli preten d to penetrate into the mysteries Os creation. Our only intention ut present is to trent of the successive Origin, Or propagati On and transmission, os fouis Dom One body
It will bo impossibio to doubi that the foui os the os&pring comes originalty Dom that of the parent, is We consider that thesout is ali in ali in the whole and in every part of the body, sitis ali in ali in tho simplo fibres, and is the principes and rulingossonce in both the white and tho red blood); that it is an
essenee so real that it Mone is, lives, Deis, acis; that the foui isthe vertest creative and formative substance of the body, that isto say, the insormitig substance of ali the Organic sortiis, Whereos
tho body is tho last. Without the soci or first form no organicsorius could possibly be erigendered or exist. Whatevor is to undergo formation, Or derivation, Successively, must HWVS begin Dom a frst form. We shali be surther confirmed in Ourview of the origin of the foui, by attending to visibie phenomena : to the likeness to both parenis Whicli the common omspring exhibits both in milid, disposition and bo ; a likenessnot merely Observabie in man, but in the brute creation; and even in the subjects of the vegetable Lingdom, in so sis that like procreates line. In the animal kingdom the imago and likenessos the parent are transmitted to the children's child ren; nansrom Adam to his universat posteri ty. Moreover there is a generat and specisic, and even an individual likeness in familius, whicli is it dous not pass immediately to the nexi descendant,
the parent. Τhis is again corroborated by the examination os the generative Organs in both sexes, Dom Whicli, is Wo solioWtheir anatomy, and the visibie experience of phenomena, Wemay clearly deduce the mander in Whicli the sirst essence of thebloods is disposed sor procreation or propagation. Τhe Soci, RS We indicated above, consists of innumerable simple Substances or first forms. Τhus the foui of the parent is propagated in theompring, although the Whole of it is nos transferred, but onbsuch a stiare, Or is We may be alloWed the expression, Such a minute portion, as Wili suffice for initiating the organic or cor
organs When intimately examined aud considered. It is proved, We Say, by the Spermatic arteries, vetus and nerves; by the testicles and seminal vesseis, anh the epididymides attached tothe upper border of the sortiter; by the vesiculae seminales orcellular receptacles; by the prostate gland s at tho nock of thebl adder; by the urethra, and CoWper's and Litire's glands; by the feod itself, and the living animalcules it contains: moreOVer, by the corresponding organs in the semate, as the uterus, thes allopian iubes, the ovaries, and the Other members; than nil
Whicli, universat nature Offers no more Wonderfui spectacle toliuman eyes. But the ossices of the severat organs of this series,can' Only be explained in Our special Τreatiso on Generation.
I may hoWever state, that on opening them up in to their causes, I seem to have discovered a connexion and progression in those causes Whicli prove that the sirst rudiments of the brain areconceived in the organs of the male; and by the sirst rudimenis, I mean the purer cortex contained afterWards in the cortical gland; and that the organic fornis are projected Dom this as the initiament of the body, and asterWardes, so commenced, RdVRΠce successively in the ovum and Womb of the mollier, thereby producing the bo . Τhis successive order is also proved by thegrowth of the litile members of the chia in tho ogg. Is theposterior larms are to be eligendered by their first sorm, this must be accomptished successively. Nothing that involves
Τhe simple cortex, or that Whicli is the intimatu agent in
the cortical glands of the brain, is the srst of the fouPs organicsorms, and iis operation is intellectual or rationes, heing that os humati thought. In this simide cortex and noWhere else canthe first animal essence be conceived and procreated. Thoughtor the operation of this cortex is even spirituat in iis nature, and actually undergoes infinite changes of state, containing asin a centre, and contemplating in a single simple idea, allthings that there are in the body. As soon there re as everthis form is conceived, it is conveyed in to the simple fibres, and by them to the universat body; for the simple fibres dari Domitiis cortex as rays of the fours intellectual light. But this conception and generation are effected in a transcendent Way.Αs tho brain is the organ for the preparation of the red blood, so the cortical gland is the organ sor the preparation of the purer bloon or animal spiriis ; consequently the simple cortex is the organ sor preparing the srst essetice of the blood or the firstliving esse ce. These cerebra and cerebellula mutuatly correspond to each Other in succession. But as this generation is not essected by the cortex, but in the simple cortex, and this, by a transcendent process, So it Will require to bo investigatod om the laws os ordor and by the doctrine of sorius. Theresore the subject does not admit Os a Shori Statement.
Is in the whole body there be nothing substantini and alive but the foui, and is the fout be the one Only substance that reigus universalty in ali singulars, and most singularly in iis universe; and is it be the fource Dom Whicli est the organicsorms are derived, including at last the ultimate sori or thobody : is moreover it be the principes and intimate essetice of the animal spirus and the red blood, and so proli sic as toas ord initiaments for the propagation Os neW fornis, s ali these predications of the fovi be triae, it Will solios that it musta risu unceasingly, in adaptation to ali the usos and neces-