장음표시 사용
firming that While hebounge juStly attracted an amplorshar of tho publio notio by the more activo par hobore in quoslion and mea suros assectinitho public Wolsare, and whil in a species of inspiration Whioli ho in parto 1 to mirili and it though by no means his most valvabio characteristic, e mong the mei of his own, and perhaps of any time ma With truth bo pronouncedinimitabis; at th sume time, We bellovo that tho most discorning of tho contemporarieS Who,ere happy enoughto irio tho rivndshil of both-we aro suro that tholam ut d Sydno himself-Would in sexton os acquirement in origina fore of thought in master os minit,
Wo anno protonil olive a sullis accurate account
of his lis . o was born in 1770. Atintonao Was the intimato associato Os Canning Frere, and Ord Hollanii, and a contributor to tho torocosm. At Cambridgo hematoriali addod to tho seputation sor scholarshil and classica composition Whieli ho h ad stablishod a school; an is tho mos fastidiotis critio of ou day Would dili
Lucretian rhythm oncilio three systonis of Plato, Des-oartes, and Nowton, Wo bellove that, Ahould not untho lsast is of incurring the charge of exaggeration indoctaring ouriolios that thoso compositions in Latin vorse hau notison sexcellod sine Latin Wa a livinitangvage.
and aliis tu hin member os committoses, hi h mighthavo put many an illo modiocrit to thoilush. o finaltyrotii sed fronti artium ut in 1826. He spont thyroma indor of his lis in comparative reti rement in the Serene On-joyment of the various litoraturo h loved, and the clipei sui intor Ours of the restricted socioty that dolightodhim. Nothinicani imagine i moro ricli and acy in iis variotyis materiai and in iis fore of roflection, than his
la Chambro de Communes δ' suid adum do tuo tollim ono day, after ii Steninisor somo timo to iis loquent flow; though there Was incit nothing of the haranguo in