장음표시 사용
goldon mean in the,id career o victory, which may checli an moderate in some meastare theinbridled licenti Ousnes of ambition. Were Pto solio the rise, progress an sal of the respective monarchi es, Edu in evenis distinctly srom thei causes, a natural unduniversali applicabie dea ould immediatet present itself that poveri ha been the incentive to conquest, Conquest o luxury, and luxur to effeminaCy, rom Whence his series originates By whaola vitias so uninterruptedly obtaine through ali record of history, a tosee almos a necessar ConsequenCe, I hope, i a judgement may beformed froni facts to explain by an idea quali naturai. Firs thon ibis evident that every empire has been more forcibi impollod by a geat for increasiniit dimensions than rostraine by the prudontia polic o settin bound to iis conquest8. Heiace, a themin o man more naturallyriinlis unde prosperit than adversity, whether rom the contagion of the anquished, o their Wn supposed security, a supine an insolent negligene has universalty crepi ponthe manners of the Conquerors. Thei province are oppressed the iniquity of the magistrates connive ut the violence an rapacit of the soldior en oui agedci in hori While the remembrance of fre edom yet glows in the hearis of the conquered, their flaverycis embittered by every species of insuli. o forcibly thes things impol tho iud of men, With What resentinent the excite, exalt, an inflam e them, it is easter o feel than describes an neve so much so a When the Opportunity os time an place seem of themselves t favour a revolution when the founta in head of overtiment is exhausted -hon the distanceitsel retard and embarrasses the conveyance of ali militaryotores, andrendercit angerous to delach them sola froni the capital For, a theright of Liberi is no circumscribe by climate, o determined by thostate o civi society, ut is the unalienabi hereditary luim of allmankind, s is regret for iis os infused and rivetted a weli into tho ferocit of the barbarian, a the polished virtve of the philosopher.
NOHis it possibie by any violetice, muclides by the ineffective terroris a nominal command , o entirely to extinguisti it bucinat it Wil somelimes heloused to action, and blage forti With redoubled ardour Witnes thebloody and dear bought victorie of artus, Julius Germanicus i it-nes the Courage of Our ancestors, Whos struggles for freedom in the ver vestiges of O many and 8 great deseat the Roman though an ene-my, admired and honoured i and sa With reveretice the fouit a Camillus, Fabricius, and Regulus reviving in the patriotismis these barbarianslobserve, Gentiemen, the word of Augustus oti his subject in Julian: Sensibie,' sayche, of the angors,hichahe commonwealth has been frequently exposed to by the revolis of iis provinces, Pso disposed iis citrength that, a fur a in me lay might secure it to posterit on a Dundation o adamant for it Was not rom an immoderate lusi of Ῥower, ambitious stat the Roman empire hould comprehen ste ,hole habitabie globe, but rather employ iis strength in supporting cit present greatness, than uiminiat useles and burthensom acqui- sitions and with this vio I fixe on the Danube and the Euphrates in the oundaries hi h natur feeme to have marked ut a the boundaries of it dominion ' The wis emperor et line that asin the naturali Ody a weli compactedieatnes of hape is more adaptedio the purpose of strengili an activity than a buthy an unwioldylargeness so the strengin of the od politi consist notis much in the extent a the siluation of iis provinces, and the regulation os iis internat overtiment, and the securit o it frontiers oti hicli the
But lotis qui this methodis arguinifroni the passion or opinion Sof men, forcit is handlinia politica potnt rathe perhaps to philosophicatly, and examine the proposition by the est of history that emay judge Whether Augustus, a decidinion the present frOm the X- amples of the past, a deceived in his opinion. The Assyrian empire extende by Semiramis ori ne side to the
51 Indus, on the the to the order of Egypt was overthrown in thereigni Sardanapalus by the revolt of the Medos under Arbaces iusirgovernor, unde a hinc conses of the mos abandoned profligacy:nor,ill any one deny that such times are peculiari ripe foris revolution But observe ho matteris fac declares O me an emperor immure in his Seragito a city the metropolis of ali Asia, injudicioli styentruste to the fidelit of a viceroy the force of the stat dividodandriwallowedis in remote province in hori, the whole empiro stretchediu like a isties and misshapen bul k, Whose enervate lassitude Was unequa toriis oWn support. The Whol East followed tho revolt of the odos and tho dominioni ein divide into three paris,' O centuries asterward Babylon again comprige ali Asia si om tho Cuspian Se to tho Gulf of Arabia, together illi Tyre and Egypt itfel and in an expedition against the edes Was again ta ken and strippedis hersOvereignty. In the fame a Croesus kinio Lydia, O covetous ofempire los liberty with his hingdom himself a ad example ho in satiabi is ambition an ho dangerous to a state is thoinbridlod indulgetice of a love for enterpriges of the edes I say nothing, a thoirempire seem rather o have been transferredulia overthrown Letis hasten into Greece, an instances more generali known, With whose annalcas the ersian histor feem interwoven, W may ake in both utone vieW. The norinous dominion O the ei stans by the paternat
wisdomi Cyrus, continuo in a flourishin condition ill tho timo ofDarius, heia me states of Ionia ore stimulated ora revolt by the in soletice of the barbarians Havin reduce them by reachery the monarch on a retended offence turne his ambitious vlews toward sGree e. At Marathon an Salamis, on the loodylla in o Plataea, tho lord of Asia learn this sata trulli' and wore theniselves asterwardsso nearly verWhelmed by the returni nitide of war, stat thoir old in the Grecian Senates scar et rescite that diadem hicli thoi sworiis in the sield of batile sere unable to defend.
52 Onio brittio a mundation id Alexander bulld his poweri rasti,
young, and inexperienCed more greedy of Onquest than possession, and allurod by his present fortune to the flattering ope of neve fallingprosperi ty, he rushed like a torrent ove ali Asia, and stiflod in his mi lcaree by runkenness, test his extensive empire tot dividod an dis sipate hyincertain successors. What debilitated Sparta ' hat ruinod Athon ' ut in adoptionis foreigia nations and the patronage of distant coloniec so the relie of Whose anger and necessities, attemptingahroada extend their arm to sar, and undertake enterpriges beyondthei strongili, theyinnerved thei domesti govertiment. What eis sto repent the sentiment of Augustus does the Romanrepublic so many years harassed by the disturbances of iis provinces, but doctaro his ruism l What eis from the massa re o Cannae, and the ignominy of the limantino truce, to the uiter dissolution os the empire, oes the bl ood of the flaughteret legion construi, ut that o defend is more disticuli stan to conqueri What thon is a complete and perfeci empires That, and that onlywhichias notther externa dependericies, nor draWs the ources Diis prosperity froni foret gn assistance hicli can reconcito the lainis friva natioris, and attach rebellious provinces no more by militarysorce thun the ait intercoui seis life and manners; hichiunio Onlygive an ear to the complaint of the subjeci, but prevent themi strikin a thei roo in the oppression of the magistrate: hos strongwallis defunc is to moderate very thin by equat la : hose benigninfluenco quali distused like the Stin's penetrates, examines, undii urishes ali iis constituent paris otiose dimension are S proportioned that it can deson it frontier Without the diminution o iis own interna strength; hos fore is so balancedis to byneither suspected nor despi sed by oreigii ΡοWers and whose justice is solii an distributive stat though the governnient houldie in anger, the attachment of the subjec may countei ac the ambitionis the magistrate.
Τurbavit, ingenteSque aquarum Luce nova tremefecit umbras; Τum firma disjecto semicuit mari Moles, et immotum Xeruit caput Atlas, et aeternum nivalis Caucasus Haec tibi Τerra, Sedes viae esto,' dixit, per fremitum sequori S o liquo ulmon, per rovolubiles 'Intacta sectorum mentuS Porpotua stabilita lege. Disterminatum ut sentibus imperi iossit romotis figore limitem, Cortoque Naturae retentoS Fin vagos cohibere niSUS.
ait, cujus almo primitus in sinu
Secreta rerum omina vividas 'Sumsere vires, et VenuStatem
aucta tuis biborint latobris; Nagare latos, Unda per ambitus Ierrarum, ad usque extrema furentibus Supposta auris, aut propinquo altiora servidiora Sole. Non tu arduis victoribus addita in gina crinoui in pulvere Coerulum iones, triumphalisque SAEVOS Imperii patiare fastus: Sod inquistis vorticibus cmo Volata longo in gurgite proruaS pselaea turritumque a XiS altius agas resonante nimbo VErgo insolentis quis furor imperi Inauspicatos mollis Iboris Excivit ausus in Britannum, et Arma suis ali ita satis l
Quippe ut superba undantia purpura Voxilla, laetis sola Aquilonibus Monstraret, et nostris negatus Puppibus ingrederetur undaS; Quod noc Choaspis potor Olympiae
Nec saeva proles, nec domina urbium Lato catenatis ad axem Sorvitium imposuere terri S. Sod nec parentum colla minacibus
Dignata deduci imperiis, jugum
4 ut ore, nec finxere noStrae Indocores animo.juVentae. Erecta virtus tondit in arduos Inormis hostes, et rapere OCCUPat Excussa sublato lacerto Tela suae fabricata cladi. Jam decolorato agmino funebris Iborus, atro in vortice saucios Devectat artus, et Suoriam Caedo gravi ruit amno BoetiS.
CARMINA.Cerno in remota rupe micantium Discrimen armorum, et nee forvidam
Calpen, triumphantem gementeSInter aquas rapidum tuo bolli
Fulmon secundo sub Jovo concitum; AEquo coruscum lumine lugubri, Planctumque clamoremque late Per trepidos equitare fluetus. Quo fracta terror abstinuit manum Spes impotentis vana Superbiae, Martisque sublimoin Britanni Horruit exagitatu VOCOm.
Ergo alta victrix fas tibi liboros Intro fluctus sus maria hospitis Sulcare proris, ultima Sque Iro domos utriusque Solis; Ad usquo laetas littoris aurei
Sedes remotae regna PerUViae, Et rura, qua ingente Amago Rumpit aqua violentus amniS.
CARMINA. Diva, sacrorum incola sontium,
Quae sobili diale dine temperas Cantus ad sticam cubantem, et Praecipitos Anienis undas; Intor lumis alti carminis arbitrum
Major plectro sollicitas chelyn, Bellumque deposcis minaci set
Arma virum socianda chordae Non usitatam poscit adoream Donanda longa laudo Britannia Non illa vulgari amoena, Aut humili tomeranda OrSU. Tu Diis amicis pectoribu Sacrum
Largiro Phoebi flumen, set humidum Libothron, o Pindi sonantis Maeonia juga nigra laurU. Μ prona lympharum unda loquacium, Lenisque Musae spiritus Atticae
Componet aurita relabentem In tenues numeros, Sub Umbra.