The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


is ritton throughout in 'ighly morat tone, evidently ith a moralis eo in ieW moreOVer, that the pagan hero of his tale, after ein conductod through various vicissitudes, terminates his careo in the rank of the riesthood of the goddes Isis, and that the descriptions of religious fornis and ceremontes exclusivel compos the whole substance of the eleventhan las book the pagos nevertholos reflecting the spirit os a period eventeon undred ear ago, re occasionali deforme by passages Such as, in the present state os civiligation in the ineleenth centUry, ureno to e tolerared. oroover, in addition to tho ove objectionabie qualities o Dee curreney, Apuleius passes illi extraordinar abrupinos froni sui eo tosubjeci, an expresses himself no vnfrequently ithsuch concisenes and brevi ty that here and there more timo and attention re requisite horoughlyrio comprehend his meaning than an reade unde ordinarycircumstances could e expecte to estow. Indesed, it a b cito as an instance of the prevallin obscurity that in Valpy' London editionis in original, the proportion os explanator note in comparison totho textis in Metamorphoses are more than Ouble. Finalty in ali ho Latin editions the whole texi, includin narrative, pisodes, c., is Confusedlyjumble togethor, ithout lan space etWeen para- graphs, invertod commas to distinguisti dialogue oran auxiliar mar Whatever-save in fuli tops that divide the sentenoes-to assis the eye of the reader, r


v111 TRANSLATOR' PREFACE.enabi him to anticipate the frequent chames homine subjectri anothor of a totali disserent nature, hich, occurring Suddent audinexpectedly, are calculated tobrea in continuity, and thereb perplex the main scheme of the Story. In preparing the present translatio sor the publie, I have no been actualed by the presumptuou eZpeetation to enlighten the classica reader but have merely

ossene to the mos Serupulous reader an in thenexi, haVe endemoured to placo the compositio in the perspicuous Orm necessary to iis perseet lucidation.

thought an imago emanatin fro tho ind of thoauthor, and iving the value and true signification of

serve and devolope tho fuit scope and charactor of his performanee Phave called it in m titio-page, in addition to iis original Esignation, A ROMANCE OF THESECON CENTURY, - titte hicli, I rust, hether in book o resorte to merely as a versio of the Lati original, or illi reserenue to the light alnusing qualities of a romance, illiso bo ound calcula ludoithe way to disappoin the reader. Accordingly, inorde to assimilate it a much a possibi to the above-


mentioned description I have arranged the paragraphs, mark0d tho dialogue in the usual Way, and , Specialty Willi rogar to tho pisodes have ive a distinctnumber an a nam to ach, an separatu 1 al byblanti pace ut the egimin and at the end in ueha manne that, ein thoroughi delached romoliobody of the texi, the reade ma have opportunit Ofperusing narrati V or episodes distinc from ne unotherasae mansues inclined. The perio and the circumstances under hieli Apuleius composed his Metamorphoses are notanoWnwith precision, netther has taeen ascertained When holhimselffourishod, sarine than stat he is supposed toliave been about contemporary With Lucian, in thebeginning of the econ centu . It is, at ali evenis, generali admitted that he was ornis a good amit ut Madaura, received the first rudunent of educatio at Carthage, thene prooeede to Athen to complet his studies, and afterWard set ut o lsis travel throughItaly, Greeee, and ASia.

There is hoWeVer, ne romanti event recorde toliave happene to his that possibi may avo insu-0ncod his mind with reseretice to the compositionis the Metamorphoses. Whil on his a to Alexandria, he happenedri sali sic a thoriosi os Oea,' Where his protracte visit in the ous of a oung man, hiShost te to a matrimonia allianeo Mith ah oung


tii Connexion, in orde to prevent tho alienation ofPudentilla' property. Aecordini the rosolve toaccus Apuleius of the crime os itinerast, on theground that he had Won the ady' hear by means os spolis and incantations On hieli ridiculous oharge, susta ined on proos in mos absurd an frivolous hewas arra ign0d with ali in duo formalities of the law, and thematis actualty tried a Sabrata, then a Romaneolony, osore Claudius Maximus, the proconsul. Onthat occasio Apuleius pronounced in his doseno thocelebrated APOLOGY, V ono of the principat os his Works no extant, and des eate his antagonisis triti phantly. Although in that os enuo Apuleius neVer Venturedi dony the existence of tho dea di scione of hieli ho Was oeused his sorbearane is probabi ruthor o boattributod to illo destre of payin respeet to the superstitious400lings of tho age in hich ho lived than tollisim actua boties in the poWer of sor ery At allevenis, it replete illi satirical contempt of tho

A maritim town in Africa, 70 miles rom Tripoli.


charge of his adversaries, and in iis tone is prociselysuch a might be expected om him at a seriodwhon,itchorast had been denounced by the enlightenedmen of the ag more than a undred ear bes ore. Horace, sor instanee, ad give the oridis graphic picture of his sentiment o the subject of Witcherast in that miti apostrophe. Where, turning into ridicule the mysteries of Canidia and Sagana, he immortaligestheir doingsima oonlight night o the Esquilino, and describes hom eiged With a sud de ridiculous ante, tahing 1light, an running Way in ismay, helter-shelter, leavin salse air, eeth, an ali the edoubt- abi implements of thoi art 0hind them Aster ali, Canidia, hom in his si fili pode se attach so virulenti in a mock heroi stra in Was oubiles no moreos a Witch than somo objec os a forme attachment who Eghtod his in hor ovili, and theres ore e assever after Wittin heroinde various illos, sor in-Stance, unde the nam of Lydia,' or of Lyco. and lastos ali in allusion to her age indire hair, CANIDIA.NoW, hether o no the in os Apuleius may havo been insuenced by the opinions of ais earn dpredecessors, Ven is it Were ni permitte to dr

an inserunce rom in sarcastio tone of the defende ove alluded to there are sufficient round of probabilit to come to the conclusion that, martin Tinderili vexatious and ludicrous charge of Witchcrasit made

Satir 8. t Lib. i. d. 25. Lib. iv. d. 13.


YE TRANSLATORS PREFACE. against his, he had recourse to the compositionis the Metamorphoses Whicli is senserati bellove to si a satire o the superstition and vices of the age-as avehiclo sor his sarcasti humour Upon hieli Supposition, heres ore, it a b taen or granio that hoavailod himself, a tho ground-Work of his composition, of alleusant ille os previous celebrity Whieli relatingto the miraculous advent os os a certain LuciuS, O, by the magi ar of the Thessalia Witches, a tranS-s med into an 8s, an sussere a numerous train ofvicissitudo tili finali he was restore t his propersti e-particulari suited his purpo8e. Thi tale, howevor, commoni recognige unde theties of tho GoLDEN AsS has been Ointly attributed toApuleius andri Lucian, hicli alter Version, Writtenti Greela, is unquestionabi suntlar, an identicu in the main eatures of the story although-With tho exceptio of the nam os the hero Lucius, i chris thosam in both-the ames of eoplo and of lacusare disserent. Indesed, it is universassy admitto thateither both Apuleius an Lucia derive it rom a

Patrae, though it is probabie ho ook it from Lucian.


But, o the ther and it is linos incredibi toimagine that Lucian too it fro Apuleius, sine hewouldinares have condescended even adine availed himsulf of tho performatico os a contemporar Latinauthor, o Send e re the ori a Gree version o infinitolycit inferior. Indeed the MetamorphOSES, Swed iis excellene of compositio a in quantity bears an VerWhelming proportion to the versio of Lucian, an contains, of matter hieli consessessi an undisputessi bulong to Apuleius an to obod et se thewhol of the levonth book and est the pisodes, to-gether With very numerous increment an emheldishmunt in the bod of the narrative. Bolongin to the lalter portion he literar propert of Apuleius exclusively, to hi his directolaim o the par of an other author has ver been made tho talo of Cupid and Psychesis tot ospeciallynoti ed; hicli celebrate sabie, Writte evidently with in intention to represent allegoricatly the eareer of the human Soes, 4wχαὶ through cenes of mortaltribulation to a state os colestia beatitude after death sine Apuleius entertained a deadi enmit to the Christians and thei ceremontes, and there is more-ΟVer no preVallis indicationi the par of the writer

of in diroci desinit idous os a Christia throughout

the story-mus theres ore e lone attributo to thebeautis ut images suggested involuntarii to his poeticul

See note page 306.


xiv TRANSLATOR' PREFACE.min by thos mysterious ovouis hicli ad . been promulgate during the procedin centur : hicli splendid mage ho Engras ted on a struetur of heathen mythology, and thereb producing the able in question, gaverit a prominent place in the Metamorphoses. Withali Oxcoptionis Cupid and Psyche, hicli forinsili fifth pisodo in tho volumu, at the romaining nine

episodes, containing tales relatin to crime, Superstition the procoedings of criminal ouris of justice, c., being incident of a character calculatexto promote the

aecordis y in orde to compos the Series of MILESIAN TALES, Whichae states in his extremoly hori presaeeare trun together so the entertulament of the reader.

Fro Miletus, a tow of Asia Minor, capitali Ionia, hose inhabitant mere celebrated sor a descriptionis pleasant fictions that, ρα eaecellence, Obtaine among the ancient the epithet ove cited. Miletus as also remacta te for the oraclo fApollo siluated heroe and may b considered in theatra rosidio that easter solarce heno the Arabian irat an othoragree te imaginative productions os a like natur have conti-


the procis sensu in hieli it was intondet to e applied by Apuloius Whethor to the numerous incidenis and aneedotes comprisod in the narrativo of the oldon Assis to his opisodes-mus remain a matter of On-jecturea though it is mos probable that ho morolymeant to se it in a generat ense, as applicabie to thestyle and character of the Various detaehed pieces ollecto togotho in hiis composition. Unquestionably, rom in bo nuin to tho end of the adventu res of his hero Lucius, it Was himsulf homlio intende to personato Indosed that such Was his Ο eet, appear Ver clearly by a passage in theeleventh book Where e designates Lucius as a native of the eit of Madaura, his own birthplaeo Andagain, in the description of the mock tria at Hypata, Where Lucius a triod sor his lis sor murder of hiclidescription of the prooeedings of the coliri, and the ludicrous circumstances conneeted illi the charge, stat appea tot directi potnted ut the rea chargeos itelicras on whichae himself was actually uised ut Sabrata, no a Word is to bo ound in Lucian, ut eve syllabi is the puro inventionis Apuleius exelusia ely. In addition to tho bove instanees, there are VariOUS other throughout the wor that might 0 ited in suppor of the supposition that Apuleius and Lucius aroe to te considerei as in and thoe same perSOn
