The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


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Some res restiment, While Socrates sor omenim ate illi

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Here Aristomenes concluded his story and his compinion, ho had distenod lo it rom tho bogi in With obstinate increduliu, no turning round an ad dress- in himself to me, Was Ver, V aid he, a mores idous ille invented, o more absurdestes everrioid Z Thou Vae continued, Whom thyrares an appear-ance pronounce tot a personis liberal education, say,


22 ARRIVES AT HYPATA. BOOK I. in generat, there happen many onderὶ oecurrenees, S Wonderfui, orsooth, as to have been perhaps istin