The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


Boox XI. LUCIUS ADDRESSES THE GODDESs. 403 delights of sociat conversatio at a deliciolis anquet. On tho hirdia a terward the Same religiou Cere- montes ere repeated includin a religiolis realisast,sollowed by a final consummationis ceremonial.

inCeSSant Obs, ere almos in articulate: - Oh olyand perpetua preserve of the human race, Ver readyto chorist, mortal by th munificendo, and avrd thy

parti et os duration thou ho trotolles sortii thyhealth bearin right an ove tho land an ove thesea for the protection of mankiud, o disperso thestorin os disse, to unrave the inextricabie entan ement of tho ob os sute, to mitigato the tempest os sortune,


404 LUCIUS ADDRESSES THE GODDESS. Boox XI. an rostrain in malignant influences of the tar8,-thegod in heaven adore theo the god in the hades bolowdo the homage, the star obse thoe, the divinitiesrejoice in theo tho elements and the revolvin SeaSonSserve thoe. At thy uod the Wind breuthe, eloudsgather, Seed groW, ud germinate in obedience tothee, tho arti revolves and the sun ives his light; 'tis thou ho govern tho universe and troad Tartarus

that Wander ver the mountains, the serpent that hi de in tho artii, and the monster that Wim in the ea. The barrennes of m hear render me incapable tota iter thy raises, and y lendor patrimon to osserthee eoomin sacrifices Deither lavori eloquence of


Boot XL LUCIUS ARRIVES AT OME. 405givenes for ut inabilit to equit him sussciently an in a prolonged conversation repentin ove and ΟVer again, expression os gratitudo I finali badolii adleu. I ad no determine to revisit mypaternat abodo aster a long protracte absenue, and in the ourse of a se days, accordin y hastil collectingtogether my packages Itot o board shil and sol suilloWard Rome Corta in os a savourable ind the Voyage a ConSequently rapid, and avin spe0dilymad the or of Ostia I procoede in a carriage to Rome, and arrive at he hol cit o the evening of the da provious to tho des ' os December. Thendes orWard it a m principat stud and praetice to osse ii m supplication every ay to the supremo divinit of Quoen Isis, in a templo in the Campus Martius, called Campensis, V hicli is re quo ted With tho deepost veneration There, a Strangerto the templo though indigenous illi the religion I

Whilo in his manno I passed in succession ait myday althe the glorious su traversing the Sign bearing circlo of th Zodiae had compi ted the periodis a year. When another Xample of the vigilant care of the trulybeneficent divinit Was manifested o me in my leep,

Whether Win to error and omission in the various editions Orither se the period hetween the departur os the consecrated hi in the spring and the Ides, O the 12this Decembor comprising the time hile Lucius remaine a Cenchren and wa On his ob age to Rome, eems insuffcienti accounte sori: Apuleius. But, sic in Orig.


406 INITIATIO TO THE BOOK I. and I as Warne to undergo nother initiation, an mae preparations for the eremonial. Naturallyastonished and ombarrasso a the thought of hat Was to e dono, and what event Was bout toto de-Veloped since I considereti myseis fuit initiated atroa , I arrised ut ast at tho solutio of the wonderfui saet, parti by revolvis in my in m own religiouSScruples, and partly by applyin to the priust sora dulce and information. I earn finalty that m initiation ithorto related exclusivel to the goddos Isis, and that, as et I Was insusticisently illuminato in stomysteries of the reat God, sumomo parent of at thoother gods, the invincibi Osiris. For although herois a Strict connexion etWeen in religions os both deities, and even in essuriose of both divinitio is identical, the eremonios of the respective initiationsare considorably disserent. Whoros oro I came to comprehend that it Was as a servant of the great god Osiris that I as no calle upon and admonished Mymiud homover a not alloweda remalilonii a stato os uneertain . For on in sollowin night Iaad adream, and thought statine of the reli ous function- aries clud in linen arments and bearing in his handsthyrsi, xy, and severat therulaings I am notiormittedio mention entore myχWelling, and aftor laying the articles at tho sese of housohol gods, eate hi-solf in mythair, and recite ali the things necessa riobe prepared sor a Coptous religious anquet Then asis sor the expres purpos os assording me an opportunity


walliod with a genti hostiatin stup that tho ankle sono of his sese Was a litile Nistud Consequently ullmanne of dar nos and ambiguit Was remoVed romtho manifestationis the wil of the Gods so tho noximorning after persorming the salutation to tho Goddess,as I Was diligenti scrutinigin the apposta ance of allthe religiolis fiuictionaries in orde to comparo thoirlikonos Nith him homes ad eo in m vision Ib0hold 110 of the astophori, ho no Ont With o-gard totis figuro, but his ankle also resembled the noe turnal imago illi extraordinary preeision Aceord- in sy, Without delay addressin myself to this person, vlos numeri afterWard learn Was Asinius Marcellus a nauio Asinius bearing some degre os relation to 1 lato metamorphos into the fori os an ass,-I ound that he, as et a myself, ad been arne in adream, undinad received the necessary instructions yelative to the coming ceremonial. For, omine precedingniit ho had imagine in a vision that whil he was placingiliaplet oi the mage of tho great god Osiris, a voice procoeded from iis mouili, hono the docreos offate re proclaime torul manliind, announcin tolim that thoro ould e sunt o lita an inhabitant of lio cit o Madaura, homae must sortii th initiato in hi mysteries a person ho ould obta in glor through devotion to his religious exercisos, hilo through the providenuo of the deit considerable profit Would accruo


408 INITIATIO TO THE Boo XI. Theso ere the circumstances that caused me to beassiancedri tho hol ministr of Osiris, notWithstanding that in period of the ensi iiii Ceremon WaS, Contraryto, inclination retardo in consequene of an os money, proceedinis rom the diminutio that in patrimonia refoureos ad sussero duriti a long ourney, and Ninito, expense in Rome greatly Xoeedingmyiisbursement in provincia cities. Urge theressere o the ne haud by divine ominand8, and tormentedin the steri rigidiovorty I Was in aluinfuldilemma, an a say the ancient proVerb, in a StatebetWeen the tone and the ovenant, While tho admonitions os in deity continuod non thocles incessantlyto urge and impet me. So frequently indoed mero mynocturnal vision repented that stimulate at astrio an excessive degre os perturbation os spirit, I took rommyaac tho mali armoni that I Wore, and solliniit, Was thus nable to complete the sum os money re

term of the precept announce to me, sor, suid the divini ty Homoans thou When a ceremonia so important is necessar to e underisien, ea to Committhyself to a state of poveri Whicli thou Wil noverhave rea Son to repent, Oraesitate to dispose of garmonis Which, long ago, hadst thou ad occasion to procure


provide&3V avitag. by the above means, go ali that Wa required, after abstaining srom animal 1 od sor thespae of te day a bes ore, I Wus notini admitted tolli nocturnat orgie of the supreme god Osiris, ut of Serapis also, and w divine permission fulfissodali hin-dred uties of the religio evor sterward in fullconfidonee From hicli eventes derived duris my

miraculou an .expecte mundate of the gods, and

compelled to undergo a thir initiation. Wheros orom min&was filled with much anxiety, and Prema nedi uarievou State os suspense Whilo I diligenti turne l

unuSual expression of the Wil of the god was lik0lyto lead me, or liat possibi supplemental particle of the t ce-repeate ceremony of initiation could re- main to e persormed. Elther the riesis, thought Irio myself, have no expresse themselves Sufficiently explieitly o the counset the gave me us raSh and inconsiderate in hori, b Hercules, Phegan to have serious doctis of thei fideli . At last, heu mysenses ad been orne by the fluctuatin tide of thought to the verge of insani , tho figure of the


benevolon deity appeare to me onerato in a dream, and thus addresso me in the spirit os divination: Lot it no torris thoe nor hin that thou hastomitted augh in the opeate series of religious rites that thou ast ad ora through. Rathor houldstino rojoice at the eiterate matas of avour of the divinities, and Xult to have obtained strice, hal

That number, confidenti belleve, vi ill sor ver rendertho blessed Besides, a thou Wil perceive ponreflection, the en Sula ceremonia is absolutob indispensabie For the Saeerdotes arment of the goddess,

with whicli thou affirs investe in the province of Achaia, stili remain thero deposite in the temple atCenchreae Neister cans thou b on obled by that auspicious apparet, heia thou has occasion to investit sol f horo in Rome during th supplication8, O Onsolemn estivals . heres ore, that thou maystrior Vere o health, happiness, and prosperi ty, unde tutelage


of the realest, condescended, o unde a disserent figure, ut in his oWn venerable perSon to announCe

me a member of the college of Pastophori and inorde to aiSe me bove the ordinar rank of myhol prosession uiso enrolle me among the number of his quinquennia decurions Theticosorward I fulsilodna diit a a member of a mos ancient college, that