The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


tillos the Eleusinia soli or hether thou ar thecelestia Venus that has associate together the exesin mutua love fromolio eginning of at things, and no that thou has caused the stipring of the human


Was overed With group of littering tars appeared a centra ornament, the figure of the oon a sorinightold that breuthed a flaming radian o. inalty attachedio his beautis ut cloah ascit ere is soli adherence, clingin to the raper in haleve direction it Waswas ted by the reege, as a garland of soWers andapples. The objecis that the Goddes carrie mero os disserent descriptiona sor in her right hand sh bore abragen imbret, encompasSed by a narro rim, bent intho formis the girdio of a man' body, and urnished

With three transverse chords, hieli, a the instrument Was hahent a movement of the arm emitted a harp,

Crepitaculum. Substituto in tho interpretatio os the Paris Delphin editio by the wor Sistrum, ,hetice possibiy strum ' a term though no recogniZed by leXicographers, common nough in vernacular Englisti, applied to the playingor ather hammering Upou a pausica inStrument. Cymbium. In like manne a term boaring oin referen to the fori and purpos os a vesse to holdiuid, is pr0servemto the present day, fauce boat,' butte boat, )c.


mo in tho sollowin termS: - Boholi mo, O Lucius. The parent of universalnature attondes thymali Themistres of the elemenis, initiative germ of generations supreme of deities,

queon os, parto spiriis sirs inhabitant of heaven, an unitori type of ali the god and oddesses, propitiate by th prayers, is illi thee. he ho govertis With hor no tho luminous heights of the firmament, tho salubrious reogos of tho ocean the Silent, deplorable opilis of the hades elow, ne sole divinityunder man sortiis, orshippe by the disterent nations of the arti unde various illes, and illi various religiolis rites calle by tho ari Phrygians essinuntieu mother of tho god by the aboriginal inhabitant of Athens, Cecropian Minerva and by the maritimo inhabitant of the fland of Cyprus, Paphian

Venus by the arroW-bearing Cretans Diana Dictynna; by the three-tongue Sicilians, Stygian roserpine; and by the Eleusinians the ancient Oddes Cere ;She homither nation respectively culi Juno, Bellona, Hecate, Rhamnusiari ut homoli Ethiopians illuminato by thotars of the Stin's ays, theorii and the Egyptians, surpassin ali ther in ancient earning distinguisti by hor truo an prope denomination, QUEEN ISIS is presen to theo, avourable an propi, tious Dry up thyriears; eas th lamentations the


give a besore thoe. Neither of those assemblud ut thesestive cene to te the oysii ceremonial hali singi individual vie with abhorreno the deformityof th present figure, or ut a malignant, criminui

thinibvried in the opilis of th heart. Throughout the entire Course of tho remainder of thyclisse; unti thyver lus breuth hath vanishod rom h lips, thouar devoted to in service To the service of her hohus restored theorio mantan an human isse, stat lis Will si et without regre bo dedicated. NevertheleSS, unde my protection ill thymis bo appy and glorious and When, hy Vs ein spont, thou halidescend to the hades elow, and inhabit ho Elysiunsields, there also even in the Subterranea hemi Sphere, siluit thou a frequent orshi to th propitious Patron, homiOW thou Seest. For ther Will sh be, shining resplendent umid the darknes of Acheron, and extendinther dominion to tho ulmos limit of the Stygia regions. et sarthor. Is through sedulous obedience, religious devotion to th ministry, and inviolabi chasti , thou hali prove thyself, orthyolaec os divino savour, then hiat thou seel tho influence of the pomer that Latone possess. The --


380 PROCESSION O TH GODDESS. Boox XI. So oon a the venerable oracle ad concluded tho

catile, very individual house, and even of the orn- in it self, as unusualty serene Presently the rost

contented in thei barrenness, ad nought to assordiutthe had of their bouulis, as et a thos destined to


382 PROCESSION O THE GODDESS. Boox XI. lae-goat, retende to e a philosopher There ere

car in in his han a long reed, personated in an ermith a hook and lino, and the oster bearin a reod also of a disserent description besmeared illi bird-limo,

sentin Bellerophon in a manne that togethe withthe gait of the ass, reader, ould have caused the tosmile. And noW amon a variet of the similari ludierou repreSentations that occasion0d infinito doliotto the populaue the tutela Goddess, attende is horospecta votaries, was exhibited illi extraordinarypomp. The mage of the divinit Was procede by