The metamorphoses of Apuleius : a romance of the second century

발행: 1851년

분량: 440페이지


분류: 미분류


394 LUCIUS VISITE B HIS FRIENDS Boog XI. adorabie providoneo of the Goddess, i ad besallen me.

aeeounts of m desili, the sudde n0ws delictio ex Ceedingly, recoVering Jaemselves from thoi grief without dolay departe from thoi homos, an has tene to Cenchreae Anxious to belloid the divino spectaclo ascit Were of ne risen rom the dea d, and returne fronatho hades boloW, the brought me present of many and various hinds, hici generous oblations res est,ed by the nexpectod pleasuro of seein thei saces nee again, I roceived illi much thantis ulness the mores a the had been cares ut o provide me illi clothus and money, Whicli Phad mos noed os Phad an intor-vie With very one of them, and conversed mitti ea inon in subject of thei respective depariments Whiclidone, after gi Vin them an account of the troubios Phad sussored, and represente to them in happinessat tho prospect no besore me, I ad them adleus orthmith in orde to rene in sight of the objectwhicli, in the present state of m mirid, gratisied memore than Verything. Returning accordingi to theimage of the goddess,es procured an partinent Withinthe enclosure of the temple, and there ook up mytempora astitation. From that a formardo ecam an inseparabio companio A the riesis, assisted at ali hei privato



in ConSequene of the casualties, despite the mos rigidcircumspection, incident to a lis of hastit an abstinence, I delayed rom reveruntiat rea to sollowtho natura bent of my inclination, froni da to da .


396 LUCIUS RECOVERS HIS HIT HORSE BOOK XI. and the white curtains havin boon rawn bael in opposito directioris, e prayed in the venerable presenee

in ordor, allio round and round the altar, proclured the consecrated materiais, and mahin solemn supplications, oured rom a Chalice pon the altar ater draWndrom a s unia in illiin the sanctuary. reSently,

about rom place to lacu, and aster ein sold to

jec in frequently an diligenti attending the


ossides of devotion, I soli a destre ineroasin more and more evor dant be re eived into the hol ministration. Acoordingi Pentroated the clites pries earnostly and repoutodi to initiato me into the mysteries of tho Hob irat, hilo he, remarkubie so the gravit os his disposition an for tho Xereis os religious abstinence, kindi and courteously, after the manne that parent are poni o repl to the ineonsiderato equests


manne bor again, and commene the career of a noWexistence. heres ore, VJe added, since through thes voti of the great dei , I as olearly an indisputabi destinod o beeomo: happy member of her miniStry, and ad long sine received a promonition it bellove imo in the mea time, in common illi est ther or-8hippors of the mos pure religion to abstain rom alimanne os prosane and sorbidden ood in ordo that I


400 INITIATIO O LUCIUS. Boo XI. sorin romotae mos secret and acred placo in the templo certain books that ere deposited thoro, 3 itteni strange character calculated to preserve them rom


Boon Ι INITIATIO O LUCIUS. 401 ingi in reverentia abstinence, hen the tentays erecompleted, and the time sor ledgin mysulf to thodivino service ad arrived the sun ad no ooner descended rom his meridian course and usherod in thostiadow of evoning than o and ehold, uecordita to

s arthes recesses of the Sanctuary. And here, studious reader, perad Venture thou ili



Astor in night ad assed, and morning havingdamnod the sua Solemnities ere at an end I asconsecrated by tWelVe toles ein put pon me, and thon o sortii in habiliments of suffcienti religiolis description, hicli I am not prohibito by an obligation rom describing, sine at the timo in question theywere See by at the peoplo. appare Was of linen, coloured os various colours, an a Valuable chlamys reachinito, an les a thrown Ver Dinoulders; a chlamys, cased by the riest the Olympio stole, statin hichevor id it a viewed, a Variega ted With figures of divors animais, includin India Serpent and hyperborean grissius, hieli alter creatures, bearing the wings of a bird, elongrio notho hemisphere Thus arra ed and adorne in habilimonis brilliantius the sun atinoon-day, and in head graces ut lyen circlod by a chaplet of luniugialm-leaves that projectod ali round liko Vs I as made to ascend Wooden pulpit, placod in the very middie of the temple, in front of tho imago of tho goddess, and there a lighted torch having been put in m hand, and myself placedi a prope attitude, standin stili as a Statue thecurta sies oro me ere ali os a Sudde removed, and P vas oxhibite to the multitudo. The remiander of tho day the rs of m initiation, celebrate a my