장음표시 사용
ς 290. PREPARATION FOR BATTLE. 353went into quarters There is no mentio made in Scripture os, arbeing setiled by a combat etwee two individuals. In the case of David and Goliath, it is true there a a challenge and a combat, butthere a no previous agreement etWeen the tW armies, hieli pre- vented the surther effusion o blood. War is considered by the Orientias, as a judgmen sent romheaven It is God, lio grant victor to those ho are in theright but sen d deseat pon those, ho are in the rong, 2 Chron.
20 12. Isa 66 15 16. his idea, via that God fght so the good against the wiehed ver frequently discover itfel in the old 0s- tament, an accounts so the faci, that, not ni in the HebreW, but also in the Arabie, Syriae, an Chaldaic, ords, hic Originali signis justice, innocence, or prighiness, Signis lineWis vi
up, might be distincti seen Egeh. 26 10 Isa. 14 31. Xenophon in Expedit Cyri I. 8, 5.
your memias, o fave ou,' Deut 20 2 et seq. In more recent times, exhortation to the oldier of this hin were givena generias, an hings, 2 Chron. 13 4 20 20. In ome cases sacrifices ere offered, eithera some prophet, o by gome ther person, hile heWa present 1 Sam. 13 8 13. The Iast ceremony, previous to an engagement, a the Ovnding,
instances, it Was a mere et o inarticulate The mere march
Isa. 17 12, 13. 28 2. The description o batiles in the Bibi aro very bries; ut although there i nothing Speciali sal in respect
oni in Homer but in the Bible. 2 Sam 2 19-24. 1 Chron. 12 8. Ps. 18 33. It was osten the case in batile, that soldie contended personalty
With soldier. As in contests of sueti a nature, the victor dependedon persona strennii an proWess, the animosit of the combatanisbeeam ver much exeiled, and the laughter, in proportion to the
whol number, as immense. A common Stratagem O War among
the Hebrews was that os dividing the arm an placing one partis itin ambusti, Gen. 14 14-16. Josti. 8 12. Judg. 20 39. Notwith- standiniit a the sentiment of the early times of Whicli, arespeahing that deceptio an artis an hind whateuer, hoWeveriuriust, might be lawfuit employed against an nemy there S neVeriheleSS, no instance of sueti deception recorde in the Bible, except the onein Gen. 34 25 31 and whieli is there a fromaein approve os
Is in referene to this statement, e liouldae referre to the con
356 D293. CIRCUMVALLATION. ardor. It was the practice of the Roman armies, to stan stili in the orderis batile, an to receive the hoe of thei opposers. Tothis practice there are allusion in the solioWin passages, viet. 1 Cor. 16 13. H. 5 1. Eph. 6 14. Phil. 1 27 1 Thess. 3 8 2 Thess. 2 15. 292. N SIEGES. In caSe an nem threatene to attachis ity guard os vigilant
and strengthened itin both sides With beam o timber. It an in an oblim directio fro the lines of circumvallation to ard theles strongi sortisse paris of the city, and ometimes equalle in altitude the cit wali iiseis. The erection of this mound ormali is expressed by the Hebre phrase, 'b ina , literati to castis a ban against the eis, 2 Sam 20 15. 2 ings19 32. Jer. 6 6 32 24. 33 4. Egeh. 4 2. 17 17 23. 26 8. The inhabitant of the cit sought against the mound wit missile
down the cit wall, in hicli case the esieger frequently erected another ali inside of the rst, in doin whicli the tore down the contiguous ouses, and employed thei timber in iis erection, Isa. 22 10. Sometimes the esieged when the had captivate any of the more distinguished of the assallanis, courge them Or leWthem O the walis, o sacrificed them, that the might intimidate theirenemies, an influence them to depari 2 ings 3 27. When themat was roken through rix irin, Egeh. 21 27, and the besiegershad entered, the remainder of it, at leas in a rea degree, Wasthrown doWn, a Was the case, hen the cit capitulated, Iing 14:13. 2 Chron. 25 23, 24. The expressions to draina cis issi roses into a alienor rivem, 2 Sam. 17 13, is a proverbial boast.
5 21. 2 Chron. 25 14. Hos 10 5 6. Jer. 46 25 48 7. The
principat men among the conquered, the oldiers, and the artificors, who ere employed in the construction Os armS, and the erectiono sortifications, ere sent Way into distant provinces TheconquerorS, hoWeVer, ere Ot alWays destitute of humani ty. In
many instances the permitte the conquere Lings to retain their aut hority, ni requiring of them the promise of good fuith, and the paymen o tribute. In eas the LingS, Who ere thus sed, rebelled the were realed illi the reates Severity, Gen. 14 4. Κings 23 34. 24 1 14. Isa. 24 2. Jer. 20 5 6. The oldiers, who ere taen, ere deprive of ad thei properi and sold naedinis servitude. When the cit Was ahen by assauit, at the menwere Stain the omen and children ere carrie aWay prisoners, and sold at a very lo price, Mic. 1:11. Isa. 47:3. 20: 3, 4. 2 Chron. 28 9 15. s. 44 12. V e might, heres ore, et expect the reat lamentation and
amictive evenis that could sal to the o Os mand was denominate l
buit it Lev. 27 21, 28, 29. Num. 18 14 Deut 13 17. The
peopte no excepting the omen, Went ut O meet the returning
conquerors illi singin and with ancing, Judg. 11 3 37. 1Sam. 18 6, 7. Triumphal ongs ere utiere so the living, an elegie so the ead 2 Sam 1 17, 18. 2 Chron. 35 25. Judg.
5 1 31. Exod 15 1-21. Monument in honor of the victoryWere rected 2 Sam 8 13. s. 60 1 and the arm of the enemyWere hun up as trophies, in the temples, 1 Sam 31 10 2 ings11 10. The oldiers, ho conducte meritoriously, ere honored With presenis, and ad the opportunit of enterin into honor lematrimonia connections JOsh. iv. 1 Sam. 17 25 18 17. 2 Sam. 18 11. David institute a separate corps O Orde O militar men, Vig. JOse Wh Were mos renowne so their arithe deeds, 2 Sam. 23:8 9. 1 Chron. 11 10-50. Man nations ere in the habit o leavin tho odies of theirenemies, asin pre to the Wildaeast and birds, 1 Sam. 17 44. Jer. 25 33, and the east, hich Wasalven to these destroyers, i represented as havingiee prepared by God himself the udge of nations. Frequently the iseles bodies of men, Who ad been distinguished, Were giVenm to thei relations 2 Sam 2 32. 21 14. Egeh. 39 11
and were oblige by the Mosaic a to puris themselves Num. 31:19-24. 296 ΟΝ ΗΕ SEVERITIES OF ANCIENT ARFARE. Anciently war a characterige by deed os erodit an cru-elty. The HebreWs, heres re have a cluim On Our Orgi vene88, is in sonae instaneus, the resortet to thos cruei mensures, hichwere universali prevalent in their ab , in orde to Strihe terrorupon ther nations, O deter them rom committin injuries pontheniselves undo secure their o via tranquilli . There are Omethings, hoWever, in thei histo , hicli cannot be approved, I ing 15 16 2 Chron. 25 12. Judg. 8 4 21 20 1-30. Stili, ashinte above, their severit in nil instances cannot e condemned,
sorbearance in War, hie are common mong modern Europen DR-tions, ithout running the ris of Xposing themselves to ever sorto injury Num. 31 14, 15. 2 Sam. 12 31. comp. 2 Sam. 10 1 5.11 1. Amos 1 13. 2 Sam 8 2. comp. mings 3 27. Amos 2 1. FO the most pari, hoWever, the HebreW8 ere comparativel mild an humane 2 Sam 8 2. 1 ings 20 30-43 2 Κings 6 21-23. Chron. 28 8. 297. JUSTIC OF ΤΗΕ ΑR GAINS THE CANAANITES. The cause of the expulsion of the Canaanites is stated in Gen. 15 16, o have been the corruption o morais, hicli prevalledamon them God too it pon himself, in his providende, to punish his corruption, and in the Stimation O many persons, employed the HebreWs, a the instruments of his justice, an gaveto them JUS BELLI, the right o carrying on the war in question. But hilo his is conceded vig. that God designe to punish themora delinquencies of the Canaanites an gave to the HebrewsJUS BELLI, it is stili inquired, wh God id not en the Hebrows
le the eople rom the and where thei ancestor had ancientlydWeli, a in effect that he had n right o justic o thei sideat all. What the stat in further de nee of thei opinionS, Vig. that the sentiment prevalle during the early perio in queStion, that the nation, hieli, it the divine favor, an approbation, conquere another, id it justly prove nothing, ecauSe the erychapter, Judg 11 24, to hic the appeat, actuali annOunceS,
o the par of the Israelites, a right of possession in respectu theland of Canaan, altogether disserent, udg. 11 12-28. So that, though ita true, that the were in the habit of identifying successwith justice, and of saying that the nation, hicli conquered, assavore os God and in the right it is evident, in his case the hadothse and more legitimat ground so the war. Further, i the Hebrews ad attache the Canaanites illi thesam right that ther emigratin nations have attached those, hocame in their Way, i. e. ith no right ut ali, the would o have spared the Edomites, Moabites an Ammonites, nor have asked of the Amorites aseaceable pa88age Ver the Jordan, Num 20:14-22 21:4, 10 31. 22 1 35. 31 3-54. Deut 2 4-12, 16-37. The truth is that Abraham illi his servant an his soch had originali occupie the pasture o Canaan, and ad virtuali declared by the welis, hichae diag, and the altarche erected his right to the land and his determination to hol it Gen. 12 5 6 8 9. 21:25-30. comp. 13 4, 14, 18 15 7, 13-21 17 8. his PATRIARCHles the soli, to e ceu pie a ter his death noto Ishmael but o Isaac; ho in turn transmitted tuo Iacob. to the exclusion o Esau. The Canaanites, it is triae, ere at that time in the lando Gen. 12 6,)but the were se in number, an occupie Ont a mali part oscit. The Patriaretis, theres ore had come into a sat and undeniabie possession of this territo , and surthermore had occupied it in theiriwn persons, o tW hundred an fifteen ears and Jacob and his sons, When the emigrate into Egypt inere so fur rom abdicatin theeountry, o giving up thei right to it that the evidently en away, with a determination to return, Gen. 48 4, 21 22 49 1-26. comp. 1 Chron. 7 21, 24. During the ab e of the HebreWs in Egypt the