Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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through both of them, but Cyprian, DE PASSIONE, Who ad been

The crucifie person remaine suspende in his way, ill hedie and the corpse ad ecome putrid. Whil he exhibite anysigns of life he was Walched by a uard, ut the les him, hen


324 D262. TAD CRUELTIET OF CRUCIFIXΙΟΝ. When, heres ore, there a notis prospeci, that the would dieon the da of the crucifixion the executioners hastene the extinctionis life by Lindlin arare unde the croSs, s a to suffocate them Willi ho mohe, o by letting oos Wild east upo them, o bybreah in their bones pon the ros With a mallet, a upo an anVil, ora piercing them illi a spear, in orde that the might bur themon the fame day. NOTE. The Jews, in the times of hicli e re Speahing, viz. While the were unde the jurisdictioni the Romans, ere in the habit os giving the criminal bes ore the commen ement of his suffer-ings, a medicate drint of Wine and myrrh, Prov. 31 16. The objecto this a to produce intoxication, nil hereb rende the ainso the crucifixion es sensibi to the sufferer, anhedrin I. p. 250. This everage a res used by the Saviour so the obvious reaSon,

different fro the inegar hicli a subsequently offere to tho Saviour, by the Roman soldiers. The lalter a a mixture os vine-gar and water, denominate POSC in Was a common drin sor the

Cicero, in Verrem, . 4, ut 66. is justisse in saying in respeet tocrucifixion, Ab oculis, auribusque, et omni cogitatione hominum removendum esse.' The ussering endured by a person, On homiliis punishment is insicted are narrate by GEORGE GOTTI IEBRICI ITER, a German physician, in a Dissertassion on the Molour, Crucifrion, a pagem ei Se l. I. Tho positionis the Od is ura natural tho arm bella extendedbaeli nil alium inam Oble. In case of the eas motion an e tremel putas ut Sensalion is Xperien ei in the and and scet, hi hore i reeit Wim natis, an in the ach, hieli is aderated

II. The natis,ae in dri ven through the paris of the and and


IV. In hos paris of the ody, hicli are distende or pressed, mor blood soWs through the arteries, than an e carrie bae in the Veins. The consequene is that a greater quantit of lood find iis a froin the oRT into the hea an stomach, than wouldbe carrie there by a natura an undisturbe circulation Theblood esset of the ea beeonae presse and Wollen, Whieli of

Ourse causes ain, an a rednes of the saee. The circumstance

of the bicodaeing impelled in more than ordinar quantities in to the stomach is an unsavorable ne uiso, ecaus it is that par of the system, hieli no Ont admits of the lood ein stationa , but speculiari exposed to mortification. The AORTA, notaeing at libertyto empty in the re an undisturbe Way a sormerly the blood whieli it receives from the les ventricis of heaear is nable o receive iis usual quantity. The lood of the lungs, heres ore, is unable to sin a re circulation. his genera obstructio extend iis effecta likewis to the right ventricte, and the consequene i an internat Xcilement, and Xertion, and anxiety, hieli are Ore intolerable than the anguish of eath tself Al the large esset about theaeari, and ali the ein and arteries in that part of the system, u

V. The degre of anguisti is gradua in iis inerease, and the person crucifie is able to live unde it, commoni illi the hird, and somelimes tili the eventi day. Pilate, heres ore, ein Sur-prised a the speed terminatio of the aviour' life inquire in re- speet to the truthis it of the centurion himself, ho commanded the soldiers, Mar I 5 44. In orde to bring thei lis to a more Speedytermination, o that the might be burie o the sanie day the bones of the Wo thieves ere 1 oken illi malleis, Jolin 19 31-37; an in orde to ascertain his potnt in respeet to Jesus, Vig. Whether he a reali dead Or hether he had meret fallen into a Wo ,

a soldier thrus his lance into his fide, undoubtedi his est fide,)but o Sigris o lis appeared, oh 19 13 37. I he had notbeen previousi dead, a ound of this in in his fide ould have put a perio to his life a has been hown both by the physician Eschenbach and by Gruner, the forme in his opuscul Medio de


326 I 264 P UE BLΟOD-AVENGER, AND CITIES OF REFUGE. Servatore Non apparenter, Sed vere mortuo, and the alter in his

Criminals ore verywhere bound with their Wn girdie, and hurrie aWayrio punishment. Comp. Acts 1 10-14. Joh 21 18. Homicides ere ut o death by the DoLavenger, S a, i. e. by the neares male relatio of the person lain, of homoe halispea more particulari in the ex section. Where STONIN Wasthe punishment the proeess a commeneed by the witnesse them-Selves WhOSe Xample a solioWed, and the punishment rendered complet by the eople, Deut 17 7. The Roman magistrates ad their lietors, ut the oldier in the time of the Cesars executed the sentence of the CROSS. The res of the crucifled person asgiven to the oldiers, Mati. 27 35. Mar 15 24. Luli 23 34. Jolin 19 23, 24.


measiare uni the cities hieli are round about him that is lain.

declaratior of the innocende of the hadges and elders, an Os the horrid natur of the murder but an implici declaration like is of the punishment hiel justi pertaine to the person ho ad commit- ted it.



Various implements of War are mentione in the Pentateuch. At a Subsequent period in Hebrews, in thei contegis illi theneighborin nations, ere Sometimes beaten, an Sometimes victoriousu illis tength, in the eign o David the acquire suchskill in the militar ari, together Wit sue strength, as O ive them a decide superiorit ove thei competitor on the et ofbatile. David increased the standin army, hicli Saul ad introduced. Solomon introduce cavair into the militar sorce of the


the time, hen the Hebrew beeam subjeet to the Assyrians an Chaldeans, ut sitit improvement a made in the aris os

vid, and which was displosing to Joab himself the designis it seems

inis limo provent , ut it inem in have alien place under


D269. O MILITAR DIVISIong. 331 large armies, hicli are mentioned in the Book of ings, even henwe lay out of the account the passages hicli labor unde the suspicionis having been altered by copyiSis. 268. O THE LEU FOR ACTUA SERVICE. Wheneve there a an immediate prospecti War, a lev of this kind was made by the genealogisis, Deut 20 5-9. In the time of the kings, there a a ea Or uter of the person that ad thelevy, denominate 'tari ri, wh hept an account of the number Ofthe oldiers, but horis nevertheles tot distinguished from the generalissimo, 'DU Chron. 26 11. comp. 2 Sam 8 17. 20 25.1 Chron. 18 16. Aster the lev Was fuit made ut the genealogist gave publicnotiee, that the solioWin person might be excused from militar service, Deut 20 5 8.

ted it. 2 Those ho ad plante a retin, i. e. an olive Or vine a den, and ad ollas et aste the fruit Oscit; an exemption consequently whiel extende through the re sive ear aster Auch

4 Thebain hearteri ho oulda likelyrio discolarage thers, and who, i the had gone into batile, here, in hos early

The division of the arm into three banis, a mentione in Gen. 14 14, 15. Job 1 17. Judg. 7 16, 20. 1 Sam. 11 11. 2 Sam. 18:2, a probabi no the than the division into the centre and est, and right Wings. The commander of these division appea to have been


a thousand, and te thousan men, ach ne of hie was heade by iis appropriate commander, Num. 31 48. Deut 1 15. Judges 20 10. 1 Sam 8 12. 18 13. 29 2. 1 Maec 3 55. Thesedivision ranked in respecto eae other, accordin to thei families, and were subjecto the authorit of the head of thos famillos 2 Chron. 25 5 26 12, 13. The centurions and CHILIARCHSO captains of thousandS, ere admitte into the counciis of war, 1 Chron. 13 1-3 1 Sam. 18 13 an mali thei appearance, ascit would se em in osti. 10 24, and Judges 11 6, 11, unde the ameos α' ap. The eader of the whol arm Was denominate renum' 'es, the captata of the host Another ossice amon thos o principes standing a the one calle 'n'Σ who is suid in the original German edition to have ad the ear of the muster-roli, natis terrosse nieliter. An ossice disserent from both of these Was the one called:'NT re Des the numberer of the towera, li appears o have

been a sortis eligineer Isa. 33 18. 1 Chron. 18 15 16 27 33. 1 ings 4 4 2 Chron. 17 14 26 11. The arm o David consiste of two hundred an eight thousan men. very twenty-sola thousand of them ad a separate commander The division of twenty-s u thousan persorme militar diat alternately, viz. a monili at a time in Succession 1 Chron. 27 1-15.