Jahn's Biblical archaeology

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thei chie attention pon the insant ob means of hicli theyaehieved thei victories. The Caramanians sed asSe in War, whieli gaine some notoriet by terrifying the horses in the arm of rus, an puttin them to ight Isa. 21 7. comp. Xenophon' Ἀ-ropaedia VII. 1. 22.

ELEPHΑΝΤ are sirs mentioned asaeing used in is, in the histor os Alexander' expeditions but after ard the werem frequently an efficienti employed a in ive them much celebri . M chines, constructed like a tower, ere place upo the back of these animais, DOm hic somelimes nocles than thiru-tWo soldier Aught. The oot soldiers ere statione mund and defended the elephant. The ne, ho uide him, a calle the Indian, as at this dari 1 Maec. 6 37. The elephant them8elve viso ought, at the fame time against the enemy. To excite them to se thei proboscis themore efficiently the oldier gave them an intoxicatinidrin os ine



Consul Gen. 14 14. 32 6. Job 16 12, 14. Judg. 20 16 1 Chron. 12 1. 2 Sam 2 19 1 Sam. 17 50.

That suci a preparator exercise obtaine among the HebreWAis evident pom a vast number of passages It is no ther, than his exercise, hie is XpreSSed by the phrage i H I ab to learn wari Those ho had been traine u in thi Way to the exercise of arms,

THE GYMNASTIC SPORT Were Ot properi militata exerciSes, but sine the had a tendene to prepare outh sor hili in arm and war, and were os a militar natur in thei commencement, e Shalltreat of them in this place. The sporis an exercises of the gymnasia had thei origi among the Greelis, ut ere asterward introduce among the nations.

In the time o Antiochus Epiphanes, the beeam favorites Withmany of the Jews, 1 Maec 1 14, 15. 2 Maec. 4 12-14, and ere finali introduce into Judeat Herod. The GYMNASIA, γυμνάσια, ere large edifices, exhibitin inthei construction rum oblong square, and surroundes externassy


346 D285. GYMNASTIC SPORTS.with a portico. The easter par os ne of thes piles of uildingsWas separate by a Wali rom the est, an occupie more hanhal of the area, alloite so the erectio of the whole. A range of porticoes extende around three fides of the interior of this part


iand 1 Cor. 9 54. Phil. 3 14. Col. 3 15. 2 Tim. 4 8. Whereverthe victor ent, he received a branch o palm Rev. 7 9 he was robe in a splendidiress and scorte With th highest honor to hiscit an hi home.

Certain regulations in regar to the mode of conducting the conteSt, ere entere into by them an heoli violate them, though e Mas in ac the victor, could no receive the eroWn. Accordingly, a Was indeed very necessary there ere judges os


348 D285. GYMNASTIC SPORTS. the ameS, Who a that hos regulations hieli ere made in respecto them ere observed, and determine&who came o conqueror 2 im 2 5. 4 8. A the ames, in hiel the ΤΠLΕΤΑΕ exerte their hil and physica ability, were extremel popular among the Greelis andRomans, it is notis ali surprising that the were objecta os ha- tred in the sight of the reater par of the Jews It was the faet, nevertheless, that there existe among the eWs themselves a sorto game, disserent, it is true, from hos of the GYMNASIUM, Whichwas practised in Palestine so late a the time os erome, and of whicli a vestige may stili a discoveressi in the Arabic ord

δαλ, his game consisted in distin a Sion the in 'hocould lis italoe than ali the est, a the victor Zech. 12γ3.NΟΤΕ. THE THEATRE, hicli as introduced by Herod an his sons into Palestine, as an edifice OnStructe in suci a manne asto describe the large hal o a circle. The ames ere exhibited in that part oscit, here a line Would have passe is enclos preciselya Semicircle.

Amphi-theatres may be describe by saying that the were two theatres united the were os course, oblong in Oint of sorm, and the ames ere exhibite in the centre of them. The seata, whiel extende around the interior of both theatre an amphitheatre, ascendita gradually one bove another These edifices Were est open a the top, excepi in the later period of the L

or, in Orde to grati sy the spe intors illi the mimi represent


286. O ENCAMPMENTS. The artis laying ut an enca ment, di T appearSto have been et understoo in gypt long esore the departureo the Hebrews rom that count . It was there that Mosesaeuameaequainte With that mode of encamping, hicli, in the secon chapter of umbers, is prescribe to the HebreWs. In the encampment of the Israelites, to hicli, have alluded, it appears that the hol tabernacle oecupie the centre. In reserenuet this circumstance, it ma be remarhed that it is the Ommo practice in the East for the prince or leader of a tribe to have his tentpitched in the centre of the thers, and Dought notu be orgoiten, that God, hos tentis palace Was the holy tabernacle, Was the prince, the leader of the Hebrews. The tenis, eares to the tabernacle, mere those of the Levites, hos bufines it was to atch it in themanner fis pretorian uard. The famil os Gershom pitche totho est that os oliath to the ouili, that o Merari to the orth. The riesu occupie a position to the East, opposite to the entrance of the tabernacle, Num 1 53 3 21-38. At some distanc to the East, ere the tribes fraudati, Issachar, and Zebulun on the ouili mere hos o Reuben, Simeon, and ad to the est ere Ephraim Manasseti, and Benjamim to the orth Dan, Asher, and Naphtali. The eopte ore thus divide into sola divisions, three tribes to a division each of hicli divisions ad iis separate standard bdin. Eaeli of the large amit associations like Wise of hiel the different tribes mere composed had a Separate tan- dard termed in contradistinction rom the ther, 'N and Very Hebre Was oblige to number himself,ith his particula division, an solio his appropriate standard. The Israelites probabi ins Ormin their encampment at this time, imitate tho methodo the Nomades, an sorme it in such a Way, a to exhibit a circular appearance. There oes no appea tot an proos that this mode of encampment was speciali solioWed, at an subsequent period. We earn rom 2 Sam. 16 5 et seq. that there mere O Sentinet statione during the nio in the encampment of Saul; hicli


ger, the Sentinet relievin eaeli otherint stated intervals Judg. 7 19. Sam 14 16 26 1 17. In respecto this Oint, e ma inser, moreover, rom theriae of sentirielsaeing hept perpetuati upo the walis of the cit in subsequent period of the monarchy that theycertainly eremo Wantinii the campS. Fires also ere hept burningaesore eneampment during the ni t. Fires of this hind weremo the Same thing, a Some underlahe t SV, With the pillari fir0, hieli,enties ore the Israelites in Arabia Petrea. Se Num 9 15 23. Moses oves the solioWing regulations in respectri the encampment in the wilderness, iam 5 1-4. Deut 23 10 15. I. That every unelean person Shali live ut of it. II. The sedon regulation to hicli reserene is here made,


representationis cherubim. They rought into the standard withembroidere Work. II. De Sandard calle rus oth. The ensig of this amebelonge to the separate classes o families Perhaps it Was, originalty meret a pole or Spear, to the en of hicli a bundi os leaves a fastened Or Something of the Lind. Subsequently it ma have been a hield suspende on the elevate poliat of such

III. The Standard calle da nes This standar WaS Ot, like the thors, borne rom placeo place. It appears fro Num. 21 8, 9, that it Was a long ole fixe into the arth. A a Wassastene to iis top, hiet was agitate by the wind, and seen ut agreat distance, Jer. 4 6, 21. 1 2, 12, 27. Egeh. 27 7. In order


26 13 2 18 3 30 17 49 22 62 10 13.

41 21 24. Egeli. 25 11. The Hebrows, o hom hings of this End were interdicted mere in the habit, in the early par of their history, os inquiring o Godi means of rim and Thummim, Judg. 1 1. 20 27, 28. 1 Sam. 23 2 28 6 30 8. Aster the time o David the ingsolio reigne in Palestine,

consulted accordin to the different characters, hicli the sustained, and the eelings, hich the exercised, Sometime true propheis, and somelimes false, in respecto the issu O War, 1 ings 22 6-13. Κing 19 2 et seq. 20 et seq. Sacrifices ere ais Offered, in reserene to hicli the oldiers er Salii a consecra e themselvecto the war,' Isa. 13 3. Jer. 6 4 51 27. Joel 3 9. Obad 1. Thereare instances of forma declarations os urar, and Sometimes of pre-vious negotiations, ruing 14 8. 2 Chron. 25:17. Judg. 11: 12 28; but ceromontes of this indisere by no means alway observed, Sam. 10 1 12. When the enem made a Sudde incursion,

gi ven to the eopte by messetager rapidi sent sortii, by the ound of warlike rumpe is, by standard soatin on the osties places, by the clamor os many Volces o the mountains, that echoedfrona summit to summit Judg. 3 27 6 34. 7 22 19 29, 30. Sam. 11 7 8. Isa 5 26 13 2. 18:3. 30:17. 49 2. 62:10. Militar expedition commoni commeneed in the pring 2 Sam. 11 1, and were continue in the summer but in the inter the oldiers