Latin composition

발행: 1912년

분량: 316페이지


분류: 미분류



Exhortations 138. An exhortation, commoni introduced in Englisti by the auxiliar let, is expressed by the Present Subjunctive. The negative S E. This construction a be sed in the Thir Person Singula and the First an Thir Persons


Present Infinitive. noldi nolito hoc facere, o no Eo this. The ollowIn illustrates the method os expressingcommand an exhortationS, OSitive an negative.


mitte, en . nol mittere, o nos Senae mittat, e Vim Sens ne mittat, et him nollend. mittamus, et u Send. ne mittamuA, geri nos Send. mittite, Senae nol1te mittere, o nos Sen . mittant D uem sens ne mittant, DI Ihemmor Seni

refers to preSent time. utinam actessent, Ouid that tho ere praesent I


141. The Dative a se is sed to XPres the PUPPOS O an action, o that for hicli a thingserves It is calle themative o Purpos o Ser-Vice anxi osten accomparate by another ative, to indicate the person or hin affected. his combination is calle the Doublemative.


1. A Condition represented as a FaCt. a. A Condition represente asin ossibility. 3. A Condition represented a Contrar to Fact.

Condition o Fact144. Both clauses regulari tali the Indicative.


Condition o Possibility145. These condition refer o future time. Both Clauses regulari tali the resent Subjunctive, but the rotasis ver raret talies the Perfeci Sub junctive, the se of whicli corresponds to that of the Future Perfect Indicative in ri44.

neque aliteris faCiat, ullam inter uos haheat auotori

tatem, and w he hould do orae ises, he would haves no authori among Vis Hople. 146. Conditions of ossibilit are ometimes calle Les Vivi Future Conditions in distinctionfrom Future Conditions o Faci illustrate in thelaSt two sentences in Q 44), hicli are calle More Vivi Future ConditionS. Conditions Contrar to Fact147. These condition impi that he hin as- Sume a true is no reali true, and ma refer to


IO LATT COMPOSITIONPresenti paSt time. Present time is indicate by the Imperfeci Subjunctive; ast time by the lu- perfeci Subjuncti Ve.

A Caesar in Italiam non profeCtu ESAet, Carnutes

tio Consilium non cepissent, a Sariadio Startesdior itast thes Carnutes ould o haos formes Misylan implying that Caesar has tarted).Μixe conditions 148. The time referred to in the Protasis may be different rom that of the Apodosis, is the ense

aster preSen or future tenses, and Imperfeci or


in both cases mus have a Futur Infinitive *D44,43hor it equivalent 73 a). claduntur
