장음표시 사용
Agreement of Adjectives 169. Adjectives agre With thei notans in
170. An Attributives Adjective modiiying two ormore nouia generali agree With the ea rest. Pater meu et mater, Pater et mater mea, in athesranae mother.
171 A Predicato Adjective modifying tW ormore subjecis is generali Plurat is the subjecisare serSon o different ender, the adjective is Masculine i thin S, NOUter.
Agreement of Relative Pronouns 172. A Relative Pronou regulari agree Withit antecedent in gen es and number: ut scit has a Predicate Noun it agrees illi that instead.
Eelgae qua est tertia par Gallias, Me Belgians
ho occum ares thes uiridiet Dion os au 173. I the elative has antecedent of different gen de or number, it follows the ut for Predicate Adjectives iri )Agreement of Appositives 174. Appositives an Predicate Nouns agre in
cases illi the notans the describe. Helgae mundi tertia par. Gallias, ah Bel ians
Genitive Form o Persona Pronouns 176. The Genitive fornas of the Persona Pro
12O LATI COMPOSITIONIllo osten refers to that whicli is eli nown or
Subjective an Objective Genitive. l. 99, 2Oo A. m. 343. Ote , 347, 348 Η. 44O. I, 2. Descriptive Genitive. - 33. Genitive of Measure. - 36. Partitive Genitive. - 46. Genitive it Adjectives. - Ι3Ι. Predicat Genitive. B. I98. 3, 2O3. D A. G. 343 b, c; H. 439 3, 4, 3, 447Subjective an Objective Genitive 181. A Genitive limitin a nou osten XPreSSOS the sub c o objecti the eelingi action implied in the nou limited.
ConCursus omnium Donorum, the com V to aether
EX CLSES 123 Genitive it Adjectives 182. The Genitive is se With many adjectivesto complete thei meaning Among the Common adjectives of this Clas are
Predicat Genitive 183. A Possessive enitive is osten found in the predicate, specialty illi esse an faciere.