장음표시 사용
Subjunctive os characteristic. - I34. Subjunctive of Characteristic Implyin causem concession. B. 283 3 - G. 333. e. M. 392, 393. a. Subjunctive of Purpose, Pure an Relative. - 33.
Subjunctive of Characteristic Implyin cause 216. A Relative Clause of Characteristic ostenim piles Cause cles frequently Con COSSion.
fortunate actuteACens, qui tuae virtuti Homerum PraeConem invener1A O fortunate sura, Since Fouhaves found in Homor thes heralios Four valor ISubjunctive of Characteristic illi Adjectives
of Such a minae acto iam me in his matur. These Relative clauses of Resul are also laUSOSo Characteristic, an no har line an e rawn
de scribe the circumstances hicli accompanin O f caedes the actio of the main Verb. This Constructior is the ne commoni found with cum in narratiUO.
nam Cum Se in regnum uum Teoepisset non fuit
2. Cum Temporat is follo ed by the past tenses of the Indicative to n or dato the time of the actionis the main ver spurely temporal)
CictiAAe, at that Iimes, heu very an ad lost thesis propertino fluo thatures it falles 3. When referring to pressent time, Cum Omporalcis regulari followed by the resent Indicative when referring to futurae time, by the Futureo Future Perfect Indicative.
niuiut. 4. When introducin a Clause hicli refers to acidi us ames times a that of the main Verb, especialty hen the wo veri, refer to the fames action, cum is followed by the Indicative in thesam tens a that of the main Verb.