장음표시 사용
11. The Relative though ometimes omitte in Englisti, must alwaysae expresse in Latin.
To expres his, her, tu, Meis, O reflexive in ense, the genitive of is is regulari used . In the ollowing SentenCOS When uva S sed, it has the direct reflexive
Auum filium victit, e Sam is own Son. Eius filium victit, e Saeto is son no his own, ut
in the territory in Latin, at the bordera.'
quo nomen At Clarium' hat nam is morae
famous 'Indefinite PronounS16. The commones Indefinite Pronouns are aliqui an quis, Some one), an one) quisque,
Hach and qu1ctam, Erlain. In aliqui and quis, the qui an qui form are Sub- StantiveS; qui and quoct, Adje Ctive S. The nominative seminine singula and the nominative an aCCusative neuter plural are regulari qua, O Qucte.
17. Quis is regulari used instea of aliquis in Clauses introduced by 1, nisi, ne an in Such ClauSeS regulari follow these conjunctionS.
A qui vult, a me ven1r oportet, fra manu
on parti an or annon. utrum timor an motum plus valet ' is caris a
utrum Proelium Committere e usu est annon ' A
it σὰ antago to es in atri or not fAblative o Persona Agent 21. The Person by Whom a thin is done is e pressed by the Ablative illi ala.
1ΟC superiora ala etaeroitu ten dantur, thes hi horsositions orae held thes armin. Note that this constructiosis Confined to assive verbS, and the Agent Corresponds to the Subject of the Active verb. When such a Subjec is a Minx, illeComes, with the Passive verb, the Ablative of ean or Cause See o.
comes. The tenS in Latin corresponda to the time referrestio. hat. Relative or Interrogative P The Latin prefers the plurat.
ali his possession in Caesar' pomer. 7. The Remi an Suessiones have the Same nWS.
Indirect uestions 24. A question not asked directly but dependingon om idea Dasking, is calle an Indirect ues
25. his construction is used to include notinlya question depending on om Verbi ashing, ut also ali dependent Xpression introduce by an
interrogatiUO Ord. intelleKerunt quantam Calamitatem intulissent, ras
intelleger voluit utrum timor an motum plus πω
cteolarant utrum proelium Committere π Au Ait
Sequence of enses 30. enses are divided in t two classes, Primaryand econdary. 1 The rimary tenses of the Indicative arethos referring to present an future time, the Present, Future, an Future Perfeci. a The econdar tenses of the Indicative arethos referrinito past time, the Imperfeci, Perfeci, and luperfeci.
3 The rimar tenses of the Subjunctive arethe resent an Perfeci. 4 The econdar tenses of the Subjunctive areth Imperfeci and luperfeci.