장음표시 사용
55. Theoblative os a Nou o Pronoun illi a Participi in agreement, ut illi no grammaticalconnection illi the res of the Sentence, i S. USedio denote an Attendant Circumstance. Two Nouns, o a Nou an an Adjective, re also sed in the fame Way. his Construction is calle the Ablative Absoluto. The partici pleris generali the Perfect Participle, Sometinae the resent, neve the Future Theattendant circumstanc ma impi time, cauSE, conc Sion, condition, etc., and so e translate byclauses introduced by hen, Since though, g, etc.
L. Domitio, Ap. Clauctio Consulitius ' iscossit
Caesar in Italiam, in the consubhis of Lucius Domitius and Assius Claudius Caesar mentis' into Italin. PauCIA Efenctentilaua oppictum expugnauit, is orsinces thes defendera res sis, o mill tales tris omn
thougo the defendera mores scis, s could no tales il
This se of the Ablative Absolute ho A the regular Way iindicatin the year.
57. But Desonent verbs have this Perfeci Active Participie, and this is frequently used, here illiother verbs an Ablative Absolute or a TemporalClaus Would e CCOSSRry.
58. EXERCISES me the blatio Absolute hen possibie.)
mit of th mountain. 2. While ou men ere et Zingiliis molintain the Helvetians movestiamp. 3. Afier
there a no time in Latin ' time a lackiny. rehat Relative or Interrogative necessary in Latin, the need. '
in in Latin, into. close ν, aula, and the Ablative.
Substantive clauses of Destre 60. Clauses of Desire introduce by ut or 6 neve qu1 are sed a the objects of many verbs denotin an actio directe toward the future. Some common verbs of this kindlare:
Equivalent constructions 61. Iudeo, order, patior, permis, vetio, orbiae, aheth Accusative an Infinitive. Licet, it is permitte Mahes themative and Infini
permittunt Helveti1 ut per uo f1n1 transeant patiuntur Helvetio per uos 1111A TanSITE,
Ablative of Accompaniment 62. Accompaniment is expressed by the Ablative
Verbs of Ashing64. The followin verbs of Slin continue thelis of common verbs hicli ake a Substantive Clause of Desire, introduce by ut o ne Theconstructio of the perSon Shed is Xpressed, follows acti Orb. rogo, Si, illi Accusative. Peto, S , ET, illi ala an Ablative. Postulo, demand with, and Ablative. Remember that the Latin oes no us the Infinitive aster these verbs o after hos inci o, hil in Englislithe Infinitive is osten Mund.
44 LATEN COMPOSITIONVerbs of earing
65. Verbs oriXpression o Fearin are followed by a Subjunctive, introduced by no translate that, leuet ori ut translated that - not).