Latin year

발행: 1873년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류


INDEX. al doretur Ille Deus, O S.

IO72. Fro Mone, Vol. i. p. 22, and rench, p. 3I . This magnificent hymn is no rhymed in the strict modern sense of the word.

lnium Flamen, ita mundi, O I.

Fro Daniel vol. i. p. 368.

A ngelorum si haberem, I 8 .Fro Mone, vol. i. p. 36I en ut of thirteen verses.

A tolle paullum lumina, IS 3.


selemon Do Mone, vol. i. p. 335. ight verses out of twenty- two There is a hind of titie consistin ofeight lines of hicli theserare the most important: - Εdidit hoc carmen quidam monachus Griseorum Ad laudem Domini Jhesu studiumque bonorum. Verse iij for porta read portaru verse Cive read ine; and se ab narrandum read ad narrandum.

Fro Neale omni Ecclesin,' p. I 8. In verse vj. for ad jumentum rea alumentum.

C celica copia, coelica gratia 233.

From Bernar de Moriaix De Contemptu Mundi. Thomas Wright' Anglo- Latin Satirical Poets,' vol. i. p. I . See unde sacra potio, sacra resectio,' and Urbs Syon aurea, patria lactea,'' infra Verse xij. Plaude cimis meus. So Flacius in two consecutive lines in his Varia Poemata, ed. 336, p. 26o. his an hardi bea Uprint, but rench and Neale have referre to eadianis, whicli scans better, and Wright has followed them. In a manuscriptisither reading may be correct.

inor meum ibi dedo, 66.

Fro in Daniel vol. i. p. 37o.


INDEX. 323

C tim me tenent fallacia 229.

um recordor diligenter, I 7.

Selectio fio Mone, Vol. i. p. I 6. Cum revolvo toto corde.' The whole poem, hic is headed medi. tatio animae fidelis, ' commences inithisine verses me contemptu mundi V followed by four me timore mortis; Visine me adventu Iudicis; V De poena peccatoris; V and then the eighteen me gaudio electorum, V Dom hiches have alien the fir seve and thelast five Mone append this note:- Hymnus de Seminar- bibliothelao Trier, Ο, 7 am Ende, au dem 3. Jahrh.' It is probabi eve olde than his implies hementions that umeri assigns it to the Iath century, but Levis to a Franciscan Peter Gonella, o Tortona.

zur mundus militat sub vana gloria 6.

Fro Daniel, ol. i. p. 379. A long account of this poem, it various authorities, salvena Daniel vol. v. p. 88. The different optes have man readings, and even alter the dispositio of the verses. The author as


Dic ubi Salomon olim tam nobilis, Vel ubi Sampson est, dux in vincibilis, Vel pulcher Absalon vultu mirabilis, Vel dulcis Jonathas, multum amabilis λ Quo Caesar abiit, celsus imperio, Vel Dives splendidus, totus in prandio tDic, ubi Tullius, clarus eloquio, Vel Aristoteles summus ingenio. 'The s Stabat Mater Dolorosa' is more lihely byJacopone, and is familia everywhere. The ther poem, Itabat Mater Speciosa, was publiine separalely, icta translation by Dr. Neale, in I 866.

D esecratum, si tutum 29 .


INDEX. 3 as

ine Sion exivit tenor legis, O 2.

centur .

From Mone, vol. i. p. 62, a selectionis sive ut of nine

versi S.

D es iret, dies illa, .

Frο The Ossice of the . V. Mar in Englissi, 26nao London, 687, in hich it is eaded, The Sequenc that i sun a Solemnias for the Dead LV ithas an Englissi translatio annexed, eginning - may of rath, that re adfui day, Shal the worid in assies lay David and the Sybills say. Three verses omitted, ne e tween the Durteent an dfifteenth and a double one at the end. Versions of this hymn, hic li is commoni attribute to Thomas of Celano, a companion o S. Francis of Assisi are to elaund in at the collections. In Daniel' Thesaurus, Vol. V. p. 3I4 3IT are two ther hymns, Fregit victor virtualis, and Sanctitatis nova signa, hicli are belleved tobe by the fame Thomas. The are both in honour of St. Francis, an hau in been or a long time lost, thesest a identi fied by Dr. Neale in a mali S. book of Hours, illi rench rubri cs cir I oo, in the National A


326 INDEX.

Librar a Limon, accordin to an artici in the Eccle ologis, xcvij. Aug. 833 and the second Daniel prinis fio the Acta Sanctorum. The have litile merit in comparison illi Dies irae, ut re not so oor a lamecommentators might leadis to supposse.

From Daniel Vol ii. p. 37I.

omine, jam patiaris I98.

Fro Arundines Cami, I 8 6 p. 93, here it has the initials of the late Henr Drury.

ormi, Fili, dormi Mater 27 I.

Fro Daniel vol. v. p. 3I8 Canticum benedictae Matris ad filium in praesepe acentem. V umeri attribute so me antiquit to it, ut Daniel thinlas it o Jesuit origin Verses omitted. Dcce chorus angelorum, as S. Translate by Joh Addington Symonds fio Charies Westey' Harh, o ali the wel hi rings,' a hymnbest nown illi Madan's alterations as mark, thelierat Angeis sing. V cce nova gaudia 277. From Neale, *mni Ecclesin V p. 72. Daniel, ol. ii p. 3 3. He says p. 2 3), it is proba bl o Germanorigi and of theo th century.


INDEX. 327

E equis binas columbinaS, OZ.

Fro Daniel vol. i. p. 3 8 Neale 'mni Ecclesis p. 33. Verse V for Ianercula rea lacernula an formermisum, Daniel' reading, vermis sum, hic is almost certaini correct Neale gives a transsation, mediaevalHymns,' p. 2I7. It is no ver satisfactory, ut Phaven o De a better. The folio vin versio has no been publiJedae fore ; in ome respect it is more literat: -

The Solomon o grace He bear no laure rod With olive branch of peace, 'Tis Jesus, Son os God. O Gabbatham e meekl stands, Pardon for in ners in His hands.


328 INDEX.


Gabries Salvatoris I 69.

From Hymns, Ancient an Modern Anno taled, V by the Rev. L. C. Biggs, p. 2O9. O the Sth century. Liege Breviary for themam os Iesus. V Neale, mediaeva Hymns,' p. Oz gives a transation and observes German hymnis the Festiva of themoly nam ofJesus. Al that canae aidis iis date is that it is clearly posterior to the Pange Lingua frit Thomas, hic itimitates.

G raui me ferro re pulsaS, 72.

B S. Peter Damiani, Cardina Bisho of Ostia died Io72. Fro Daniel, ol. i. p. 218. Trench, p. 278. Transaled by Neale, O what terror in thy forethought,'' mediaeva Hymns,' p. 32. In Daniel, ol. V. p. 29I, are even additiona verses This fine hymn like Ad perennis vitae fontem vide supra , is no stricti rhymed.

H eri mundus exsultavit, 263. B Adam de S. Victor Fro Archbissio Trench's



H omo Dei creatura, .

Selecte fro the Paradisus Animae' o Jacobus Horstius, Mechlin, 858, p. 9I, here it is eaded, m. Dominici Carthusiani Exhortatio ad Poenitentiam. Se also Daniel, ol. V. p. 25 O, and one, Ol. i. p. 42O. Daniel, in his Index, Vol. V. p. 382, writes, Adnotat Neale, quod et Monium et me effugit, conditum esse carmen ab Dionysio Carthusiano. cannot in any account of ither Domini or Dionysius in Leyser. In the Paradisus his poem has twenty-one Verses. Oneand Daniel give twelve and a halfH, ad jugum Calvarise, II.

Fro Neale' *mni Eccl. p. et , and Daniel, ol. i. p. 353. A translation is ive by Neale, mediaevalHymns,' p. 22O Verse V for lavorum read clavorum.

Huic adese, Gallicet, I 89.

By the Rev. Herberi Κynaston, D. D. Cantica Coletina,

Pn domo Patris, O 7.

selection rommone, vol. i. p. 28, here thewhole poem consist of twenty-seven Verses.