Latin year

발행: 1873년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류



Pn occursum Proecursoris, 2IS.

selectio fro Daniel, vol. i. p. 2I7 The whole hymn has leve Verses.

erusalem luminosa, IS.

Frona Mone, Vol. i. p. 433. A selection. r. Neale Hymns o the Joys and Glories of aradisse, p. 4 )attributescit to the Isth century. Verse iij line', and verse v. line 6 for In rea Tu verse iv line , forTu hoc, read In hac.

esu dulcis memoria, O .

selectio fio the Paradisus Ammae V of Jacobus Horstius, Mech lin, 838, p. 68, here it is eaded Jubilus Amantis Animae S. Bernardo adscribi solitus. VI consist os sty verses. Mone, Vol. i. p. 29, i Vest venty-fiVe Daniel, ol. i. p. 22, forty- eight of hichii attributes ni eleven to emard rench, p. 2 6,gives fleen, includ in verses i. to V., Verse X. and verses xx. and xxj. of this selection. Twenty three verses translated by r. Caswali are in the Hymnary, p. 339. See nonis hymn, anglim Hymnology, V by L. C. Biggs, p. 99

esu dulcid mel e throno gloria 6 s.

Fro Daniel, Ol. i. p. 37 I.

Uu mi dulci bime, Domine coelorum, 79.



amon his orlas by igne, vol. xlix. Ol. 93, a parto a long poem, a course of meditations on Our Lorcys life an dea th. Trench, p. 3ς, gives a selectio com mencing Desere jam anima, lectulum soporis,' inwhicli verses i. h. and iij occur.

Desu, quadragenaria, I.

Fro Addi. SS. 83oI, Brit. Mus and Daniel, VOl. i. p. 5. One verse omitted. Verse . Dictator ;Dicator is preferable Verse iv. for dunorum, ead ejuniorum.

Uus, dulcis NazarenuS, II.

From Neale' lmni Ecclesiae p. 65. Five Verses omitted. In a note o p. 25 we read Exstat hoc carmen in Missali Praemonstratensium : unde transcripsit H. A. Daniel. V Vol ii. p. 262. Daniel arm into enthusias molien spe ahing of this sequence Quid hoc carmine dulcius y Quid sublimius et ut summam commemoremus laudem quid magis Christianum ''

esus, pro me perforatus, 3.


INDEX. 333

esus, quando per amorem 63.

Lux jucunda, lux in ignis, 96.

M ortis sortis factis, fortis, s .

N omen jure sublimatum 279.

Daniel, ol. i. p. 3O7 portion omitte d.

Nos respectu gratia 283.

Mone, Ol. i. p. o.



tib sectus en descendit, 2 7.

Transateda Cano Pearso fio C. essey' io,He comes.' From Latin Transations of nglissi Hymns,' p. 9. Amator animarum, I99. Transsate by Cano Pearso fio C. essey's Jesu, over of my oui, Latin Transations os Englissi Hymns,' p. 7. amor quam ex saticuS, 22 O. Unknown Isth century. Fro the Rev. ouis Coutier Biggs' H. A. and M. Annotated,' p. 77. O coeca mens mortalium I 37. Daniel vol. i. p. 378. Deus ego amo Te, I S. Daniel vol. i. l. 333. See also note Vol. iv. p. 347, where it is attributed ora Francis avier.

Domine Deus, Deravi in Te, 8 I.

O mi esu, qui subire, a .

Fro Notes and ueries, and S. Ol. Vii. p. I 6, hereth authormi is required.


INDEX. 33s

popule mi, quid meruit 26.

Fro Neale' *mni Ecclesiae, p. 26. See also Daniel, ol. i. p. 3 6. Verse ij for ostendite eadfiendi te Verse xiv for nam rea num Verse xv forpropera Neale has propere.

O quam gloriscum 7Ι.

O quanta qualia 67.

O sacra potio, sacra refectio 23 I.


336 INDEX.

no mentione the authorities, apparenti a least twoMSS., rom hich e gives various readings. Nor has heiated the ground on hichae classes Bernard among Englis writers Archbissio Trench and Dr. Neale seemto have sed Flacius Illyricus a thei authorit for thecentos atready publilhed Dom his poem.

Sol cordis, Iesu care 226.

O ter fecundas, O ter jucundas 23 I.

'ange lingua glorioifi, O.

B S. Thomas Aquinas. See Daniel, Ol. i. p. 245. In verse iij. Q ci sis rea cibis Verse vij. elong toanother hymn, esca viatorum,' Dan. i. 369.

Hasce nos, Divine Panis, 188.

Transation o Psalm xxiij by the late Rev. H. Drury, undines Cami, 3rd ed. 18 6 p. 333.


INDEX. 337

'ater Eterne praesens a servare 297.

mater in potentia, O7.

Fro Mone, Vol. i. p. O . 3th century. Verse iij. for Ex morbida read Et morbida.

'atris sapientia, veritas Divina 32.

'aulus bon architectus I96.

Frommone, Vol. i. p. O . Fro a S. of the Isth century. A selection, sive verses ein omitted. Verse . last line, o Grinvitur read Graviter.

'laudite Coeli 299.

Fro Daniel Vol ii. p. 366.

'lausu hortis latabundo. Se Psallat chorus laesa


338 INDEX.

'oscit regnum Dei Natus, O 8.

'oytquam ho flem et inferna, O.

B Adam de S. Victor Fro Gaulier, p. IOI.

'ropter amnes ablonis See Super amnes Ba blonis, I S. Psallat chorus latabundo II O.

B Adam de S. Victor Fro Daniel vol. i. p. 88. Daniel read the fir sine se Plausu chorus laetabundo. Archbissio Trench, p. 7, read Psallat chorus corde mundo.' Mone, Vol iii. p. 3O, and aulier, Ol. i. p. ψI7. Plausu chorus laetabundo. V Verse ij la lineso quas read u S.

Puer natus in Bethlehem, 2 3.

From rench, p. 97 Daniel, Ol. i. p. 23.

Quo beavit Paradisum, 29 I.


INDEX. 339

χι alis sum, nec dicens quare, I 8.

Translated by the Rev. Herberi Κynaston, D. D. Dom Just a Pam, ithout ne lea, Chariolte illoti, Cantica Coletina, p. 3I, it an additiona verse no first publimed. Q antus clamor et concentuS, I 2. B A. J. B. Beresford-Hope, M. P. fio Neale's Sequentiae ex Missalibus 27 I. In exitu Israel. V Dr. Neale says, Dignissima videtur quae cum aliis legatur, tam verborum dispositione, quam theologica doctrina admirabilis. U The a verse altered by the author, 1873

B S. Bonaventura Fro Daniel. Vol. i. p. IOI.

R ex Salomon fecit templum, I92.

From Neale' Sequentia ex Misalibus, p. 2 8 Ex Missalibus Trajectens et Andegavensi.

Malue mundi salutare, 6.

B St. Bernard. Selectio fio the Oratiora dithmica ad membra Christi in cruce pendentis.' The ex is Neale's, Hy. Eccl. p. 22, with the omissionis his hirdverse. In verse iv. the line arundine verberatum V is osten read Arundine sic Verberatum.

Maluesaluberrima. See Veni, Chrijse optime, p. I.


3 o INDEX.

exta passus feria, s 9.

B Adam de S. Victor Gaulier, p. 73. tota regni laureatuS, 222. B Adam de S. Victor Trench, p. zo2 Gaulier, p. O7. S uaue tempus et serenum, ISO. Translatio by the Rev. Robinson hornion of the hymn, Sweet the moments ricli in lesiing,V by the Hon and Rev. . Shirley based on ames Allen. See Gidie and hornton' Fasciculus.

umme Pater, Sancte Deus, 39.

paraphrase, by A J. Beres ord-Hope, M. P. Os Psalm cxxxix. Asa mila version, commencing Propter iam ea Babyloms, was printe in the Arundines Cami, ut r. Hope has hindi rewrittemnearly ever line for the present