Latin year

발행: 1873년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류


INDEX. 3 i urrexit Christus hodie, 6.

Fro Mone, vol. i. p. 93. He ahes it fio a S. of thera th century. Neale says it is apparenti of the Iathri Mediaeva Omns, p. 166, here it is translated. In verse nunciantum read Annunciantem; or, Scitis in many optes, Annunciatum.

T andem audite me, II. Fro Archbissio Trench' Sacre Latin oetry, p. 2 9, here it is eaded Phaenis inter sammas expirans. atram Corolla *mnorum, p. 57. Daniel, Ol. iV. p. 344, has a sighil differing version.

T andem suctus, tandem luctus, 2 9.

rribus signis, Deo dignis, 28s.

Fro Crohe's Rhymin Latin Verse,' p. 33, heret is attributed o Hariman or Harimulus, a monti of S. Gall, ho flourimed in the th century. r. rench, p. 27 gives a les decide opinionis this Oint.

ne Bine Trine, O s.


3 a INDEX.

t jucundas cervus undaS, 82.

V rbs bon aurea, patria lactea cive decora, a l.

From Bernar os orlaix De Contemptu Mundi T. right's Anglo- Latin Satirical Poets,' p. 6. Many of these lines are include in the late Dr. Neale'stransation best known as Jerusalem the olden. See unde sacra potio ' an Caelica copia' in his

V eni, Christe optime, I.

selection rom verses eginnini Ealme Saluberrima in Mone, vol. i. p. 296 headed, oratio praeparatoria ad Sacram Communionem. V Nine verses omitted, and theorde changed.

V eni, Sancte Spiritus, 3.


INDEX. 3 3

eni, veni Immanuel, AS.

Fro Neale' *mni Ecclesin, p. 7, and Daniel vol. i. p. 336.

V erbum Dei increatum 266.

V esper cadit, nox invadit, Z7 .

Translate by T. G. God fiey-Fausset fio Lyte s Abide vitii me fas falis the Ventide.