장음표시 사용
Johannis Cycli Sermonum Prima ars, Sermo I.
c od Cantabrigiensis B. 16 sol. 42'
notio importanee friti Priesti ossice. Wyclis has iveri ulterance ver frequently to the igh valuewhicli e et upon the Christia ministry It wili suffice to mentiona se of these pas SageS.μ The rs an greatest ork of the pri est is the promulgationo religio us truth. V The proclamation of the os pel is the osti mportant pastoral uty. O allis pastor' duties, there is none, except the rectitude of his own life whicli ho ut be more hi ghlyeste e med han reachin g, o Christ has suid Eles sed a re tho se hohea the wor o God an kee it. V But there is no do ubi that the reachin of the wor o God is to e value equali highlywith the earin os t. Far more preci ou than the administrationo the ecclesiastica sacrament is the reachin of the o spei; it is far more dignifie office, than any oridi one. V A the oui excels the ody, and a spiritual les sin exceed a materia one, sodeliverance ro the depilis o spiritu a distress i bi ought bout by
Sermon, p. II, 6 Primum atque precipuum opus pastoris est veritatis fidei evangeligacio. ibid. Primum pastorale officium debet esse agnorum Christi evangeligacio. De officio pastorali sed Lechter , p. 32 Hoc autem videtur fideliter colligendum, quod inter omnia pastoris officia post vite iusticiam est sancta predicacio plus laudanda Nec dubium quin verbi Dei predicacio sit tanta sicut audicio. M opus Evang. II, 33: Evangeligacio talis verbi est preciosior quam ministracio alicuius ecclesiastici sacramenti curati . . . . b. I, 3I; Christus enim cognovit quod evangelizacio est dignius ministerium pro acquirenda beatitudine quam
quecunque temporalium dominaci . . . .
prea ching, is a sar belle an more de si rabie hin than deli verance fro any odit suffering. Amongst ali the work of Christian
non is obter, better, an more to e des ire than reaching '
A hole hapter of his or De Ofticio Pastorali II, 2 is devote d
io his subjeci. The value os reaching, he there says, is evident frona Christ avin ordere his postles e fore is ascension topreach the os pel o ali man hind. Surei the wis est os alloea cherswould o have done o wer no the sermon the mos laudabie fati the work of an postle or a curate. 3 That reachin is themos important ork of such men, may be se e also b iis succe Ss,
for Christ effected more by the proclamatio of themo spe by means of the postles, than by at the miracles that He performe. Himselfin Judaea. V Therefore St. Augustine righil rem in d us, that theconversio in o hortis time of the immense ori of heathenis m, by suci simple person a the postles, is a greater mira cle o Christ' sthan any the whicli, performed since his Incarnation. Anii since accordinito the Apostle Paul, it is Christ Himself hospe ah in the reacher, it solio sciliat the prat se elong noto theprea cher, hocis the medium, but o Jesus Christ Himself in the pre acher. Is it e Christ Himself rho creates spiritu a children by meanso suci sermons, a matter hic li is infinitet hi glier than an natural
generation, it is evident, that God' omnipotence manifest iis et in the sermon more than in an other of His orks. B means os reacti in g, Christ creates formimself heir of the heavent kingdo even no on arth. ii p. v. I, 3. h. Omnium igitur operum misericordi nobilius, melius et expetibilius est predicacio .... Q. c. pag. 32, 33. 3 Quod non faceret magiSter Summe sapiens, nisi talis predicacio fuerit magis laudanda in apostolo vel curato. Similiter ex effectu videt evangeligacio est opus precipuum curatoris, nam plus proficit Christus in suis apostolis evangelizando gentibus quam faciendo que Cunque miracula que in persona propria secerat in Judea. Fuit maius Christi miraculum predicacio tanto mundo gentilium et convertendo ad fidem Christi in tempore tam modico tantum populum personarum tam simplicium quam alia miraculaque Christus Post incarnacionem fecerat. 7 . . . . In illo opere relucet Dei potestas plus quam in aliis nominandis per hoc enim Christus facit sibi heredes patrie scilicet quod est maius miraculum hic in terris.