Latin works

발행: 1883년

분량: 480페이지


분류: 미분류



VA the sermon infinitet excels very the eurthly ork whichthe simples theologian an hardi do ubi so it also excels prayerand the administratio of the sacrament s. He compares the reache to the ing' jud ge A the ud ge is hono ured, e cause of the honou due to the ing, o to true pri est smust e reveren ced, ac cord in to the word of the Lord. There fore the reachin of the wor o God is the work of apri est hich contributes mos to the ui id in v of the Church, forGod's or is the se ed hich overcomes the strongly armed, hic lis ostens arde ne hearis, rene s me brutali ged by in an de parted far rom God, and transform them into men o god liness. The wor of the pri est could no et feci suci a reat mira clei the spirit os life and the eternat ord id not cooperate. In the sermon He that ea reth ou heareth me Wycli proves the igh authorit of the reacher: It is notoo who reacti' hec ries to the rea chers, but the spirit of the ather, hich sp euksin ou an since the work of the oly Trinit a re inseparabie, itis the Trinit whicli spealis in the riest. Thus it ill e een o devoutly the eo pleri ho ut attendsermons, foro despis the reacher ould mean despisin Jesus Christ in the firs place, and the themoly Trinity. In a amplite against the Mur ne sect Wycli says: Thus

we se that ali his les sin and consecration o wax and read os palms, o cantiles, o sali, o si aves and o uches, of arm and offuch things is no a necessar matter of belles.

Nec dubium vel theologo simplici quin evangeligacio excellit quodammodo infinite omne opus alchimicum, cum plus sit se ipsum ruginare spiritum hominis ad imaginem Dei factum quam purgare quodcunque opus metallicum vel facere opus artificiale humanum, quantumcunque subtile fuerit . . . . Et per idem evangeliZacio excedit oracionem, sacramentorum ministracionem infinite . . . . evangelizacio prodest longe extensius et evidencius, ideo est operagio plus eccleSi PreciOS . . . . IV, 3o: O stupenda virtus divini seminis quod fortem armatum eicit, Corda quasi lapides indurata emollit et homines per peccata conversos in bestia et Sic infinitum a Deo distantes revocat et transmutans in homines efficit deiformes. Non dubium quin tam summe mirabile non possit verbum sacerdotis perficere nisi principaliter coefficiat calor spiritus vite et ternum verbum Sermonum II, 34.



It would there fore e far more commendabie is isti ops ould preach and te acti the catholi faith, instea o dispens in such hingsa Sacrament S, o consecratin churches. V

In pus Evangelicum I, 3 Wycli enumerates the occupations

to, hici, an educate man devotes himself the theologian hereis non nobi e than reachingV.

O tiat is to tis reacti est, an wtio is to reacti to the

To the eo ple the Gospe must e reached, a God command s the truth must e proclai me to them, even though the receive tun willingly. ot comedie or trage dies, no subles o droli stori es must e tolli to the eo ple, ut impi an solet the law of the Lord, a Chris and the postles deli vere it for in the law, that is in the o spei, is hidde the life hicli is able o qui chen the Church. The Lora's or is the ood hici sustains it He hopreaches to the eopte ithout re ad in and explaining to them the Gospei, ives them a meat without read. Those pseudo-prelatesare et aware hy the set si de the o spei, for it enjoiias ponthem the folio in o Christ, or hicli the have no inclination. There re is the mention themo spe at all, they do not reachi in fuit; ut ni piece-meat so that ne a learn a litile asi De Quatuor Sectis novellis, Pol mortis, pag. 26I: Videtur ergo quod omneStales consecraciones et benedicciones cerei atque panis, palmarum, luminiS, Salis, pere, baculi, armorum cum eis similibus non sunt de substancia fidei christiane. Ideo foret laudabilius multis rectoribus quod episcopus suus predicaret et doceret fidem catholicam quam quod ministraret hoc sacramenta vel consecraret Sua ecclesiaS. De Officio pastorali, pag. 34 Debet ergo evangelisator predicare Plane Vangelicam veritatem, licet carni auditorum displiceat .... Serm P. I, 37 Vide pag. 48: Omnis enim fidelis et curatus precipue debet predicare non tragedias Sive comedias, non fabulas sive ludicria, sed pure legem Domini, ut secerunt Christus et sui apostoli, quia in ipsa lege latet vita per quam vivificaretur ecclesia. Serm. II, 22 Idem est spiritualiter pascere auditorium sine Sentencia evangelica ac Si quis faceret convivium corporale sine pane ib. Fidelibus recte evangeligantibus CSt neceSSarium historiam evangelicam primo populo predicare; in ipsa quidem est fides ecclesie quam tenetur cognoscere, in ipsa est exemplar planissimum iuxta quod re utari debet ecclesia et quodlibet eius membrum.



possibi of Chri si s anne os life i ut he who ould reach rightivimus be et acqua in ted illi the o spei, o God's ord ni has lik-givingio er, and by t alone re member of the Church created. By the reachinio the Apostles the Church grew, an since reachinglias been neglecte the Church has constanti declined. In reachingone must folio the example o Christ, ho has ritte his law, noto the k in os de ad animais, ut in the earis of men. Wycli says in the 7 h Sermon of the secon part Aster hau ingexplaine to hom the postles hould reach, i stili rema in to es et fortii ha sliould e reached, and in ha manner. Christ has aid Go ut an proclaim that he ingdom of heavenis at harad. One must reach of the ingdom of heaven, of the kingdom o Christ, of the ord' Advent of the Church militant, the Church triumphant, and of the universa or catholi Church, of the old and the ne law, ut bove allis Chris an His incarnation, and of the preparation os an for ternat lessed ness. A the timeis atready at an in hicli Christ prepares an or obtaining thisbi essedness, the preacher mus exhor his earers to et to orkV inorde to obtain it. This it is hich must e preachesto the people, no trage dies o comedie or lation or apocrypha sentences, as Sthe habit os reacher in these dayS. In orde to convince even the Molisti of the truth of the o spei, Christ commande the Apostles mea the sich, ais the de ad cleanseth lepers, an cast ut de mons Accordinito his, modern reacher Salso must act.

De officio past. pag. 35 Cum ergo evangelium maxime docet conVersacionem Christi penalem, hi timent Antichristi discipuli quod eorum retrocessio vel obviacio legi Domini cognoscatur. Et eo racio quare nolunt evangelium predicari ex integro, sed curte ut faciunt fratres, ne Christi conversacio cognoscatur. Serm. II, 22. ibid. 3 Dato quibus apostoli predicarent, docet Christus in hoc evangelio Con- Sequenter quid et qualiter predicarent. Dicunt enim quidam quod regnum celorum Sex modis accipitur . . . . Sed aliis videtur quod regnum celorum solum tripliciter accipitur in Scriptura . . . . In proposito autem videtur accipi pro Christo quoad suam humanitatem vel pro disposicione qua viantes preparat ad regnandum . . . . Ideo cum iam instat tempus in quo tam efficaciter disponit ad beatitudinem adquirendam debet predicator hortari suos, ut manum apponant ad Per . . . . IStUd ergo Si predicandum populo et non tragedi vel comedi aut fabule vel sentencie apocriphe que Sunt hodie populo predicate.



It is true that non e or ni a few, a V nowa-day the powerto perform miracles, and therei ore e must choo se anothe way, and

perceive the mystica mean in os liat is sal of the performinios miracles Thus, the reacher must ea the sic k, that is o say, reesin ners frona their in f he must ais the ead that is, convert sin ners harde ne in crime he must leans the lepers that is, cali pon the proud o practis the grace of humili ty. An a sin a re hos fetters by hicli the demons a re fastene to men there an e no do ubi, that, is the reacher fulsit his ut in the firs three o inis, thedemons o must iv way. Such are the preacher' duties Froin theresulis it ill e se en hether the reacher reaches rightly, and thisis of greater moment for eli evers than the fiction o Antichrist the ope that he has spiritu a power ver ait thers hil si e do es no prove by his deed that he oes spiritu a good o nubody; that he has the poweroo create oro change the sacraments that the oly Scripture has either aut horit nor validit excepi hen confirme by him, o finalty that he has the o ero overthrow an dogma i More frequently an more earnesti than nythin et se, must the reacher explain the ord' Praye to the eople, foro hereis no prayer hicli an e more excellent, effectuat an beneficiali ever Christi an Because God's or is not eard, and the fieldo the Church is laid aste exclaim Wycli spiritual deathrei gns Very Where. Therefore God's or must e revive and e reached in both langu ages in Latin to the earn ed, and in the langu age of the count ruto the neducated. δ

Et istud est melius fideli quam ficcio Antichristi cod. at Vindob. 3928 in marg. papa nota qua Sine auctoritate Dei vel testimonio ex parte populi fingit quod habet potestatem spiritualem supra alios et non ostendit in opere quod spiritualis

heneficiencie quicquam facit, secundo quod habet potestatem condendi et variandi ecclesiastica sacramenta, ymmo quod scriptura sacra non habet auctoritatem vel efficaciam nisi de quanto is confirmaverit, ideo quemlibet articulum fidei poterit reVersare . . . . Sed Verita est quod nulla scriptura sacra propter auctorigacionem vel canonigacionem eorum est magis vel minus autentica .... Serm. I, 29. In hoc evangelio debet predicator secundum sormam rudem et congruam aptare Populo Sen Sum oracionis dominice .... Nulla enim oraclo est ista restancior, efficacior et

unicuique deli utilior f. Bud densieg Johann Wiclis uia seine eit, pag. 168.


In orde that the Church a lino and love the lis and conduci o Christ, it is the ut 3 of theologian to learn and to ea ch

the oly Scripture.

Wycli insist frequently and strongi o the necessit of prea ching the o spe to the eopte in thei mollier longue. Some relates, hesays, o no lino the oly Scripture, ther concea ali that is sa id in the oly Scripture abo ut the overty of the clergy. It is of the reates advantage for the Church that belle versshould discem the mean in os Scripture, and this an orat be done in the langu age hicli the eo ple understarid.

Didiso Chris and the apostles convert many peopte by reachingin the vulga longuet Wh should o the modern discipies of Christ distribute the

In both langu ages then the faith hould o Christ be aught tot he eo ple ith great vehemenc he oppos es the modern Phari se eswho contend that the os pel must not be reached in the langu age of the eopte 3 et to do so is ut o obe the ord' command Go into ali the worid, and reach the o spe to ali man kind. The re ason hy modern Pharisees neglecto preach the o spe in the popular langu age, is that the fear o betra ho much theirown life contra sis illi the Lord 's life . AFrom his poliat o vi e Wycli s Englisti sermons are os specialinterest for hiis his Latin sermons a re always more or es tinge dwiththe langu age of the schoois, his Englisti ones are thoroughi popularita style, and characteri sed by a down right simplicit and cordiali ty in many passages to by great depili of feeling, so that the reader, henonc he has overcome the obstacles of a sonae hal difficult diona,

Sacerdotes ad hoc discunt et docent scripturam sacram, ut ecclesia cognoSCat conversacionem Christi et amet eum. Speculum ecul domin. f. Buddensieg,

J. Wiclis uti seine eit, pag. 169. ibid. Christus et sui apostoli converterunt gentem plurimam per deteccionem scripture sacre et hoc in lingua, que fuerat magis uota . . . . Quare ergo non deberent moderni Christiani discipuli de eodem pane figmenta colligere In duplici ergo lingua est fides Christi populo reserenda. 3 De Nova revaricancia Mandatorum Pol. Work ed. Euddensi eg pag. 26): Satrape et pharisei nostri dicunt quod homo non debet predicare in vulgari . . . . f. Opus Evang. III, CaP. X. Hodie multum horretur quod evangelium anglicetur vel populo Predicatur ....



cannot ait o b impresse by thei simple beau ty. In the Englisti

sermons ' says Lech ler, wein more frequently a plain and popular, even a drasti style, spe aking, an a movin heartfel tone, speciallywhen the reacher anticipales the udgment-seat and therias account. V In the office of reaching the pri est should o be indered. The reacher must e ree. One thoughtful and uispoken disco ursedo es far more good to the church than any number of friars' sermons by hicli the ord's or is only depraved. But thesemon ks, Wycli complains, obstruct such reaching. his complaint, that the pulpit is notore e that the fuit exerci se of the minis tr is prohibited is rei te rate in severat of his orks. infit men aspire toth higher offices of the Church, an prevent the Lord 's ord rombeing reache to the eo ple, hiis tho se ho trive to reacti itare persecuted as heretic s. ohe pseudo-friar - rea in another

passage - ive ut that reachin is orbidde to pri est unlessthe have a specia licens for it Do the bis ho or ope, for asthe falsely conten d ait ther apostles received suci a permissionstom ain Peter But his is notorve. very deacon an pri est ad the right to reach, and so ac cord ingly aut sed to reach, longbe fore he had seen St. Peter. Every pri est should ive iniself continuali to this ork is e do es no do so, he ho ut devote himself to a oridi occupation. 7 The bis io too hould attendo othis office, foris substitute ould eis much ut o placeos a the

PrecurSors, pag. 87. Et sic modica et libera predicacio sacerdotum fidelium magi ProdeSSet ecclesie quam quotcunque predicaciones talium fratrum in quibus verbum Dei est adulteratum. Trialog. pag. 87 . . . . Nam predicacioni officium est proscriptum et officium spoliandi subditer est introductum d peculum mil.eCCleSie, Pag. ΙΟ Evangeligacio cum aliis ministeriis iniunctis a Christo est a diabolo isti sacerdotibus interdicta. Per hoc autem inhabiles aspirant ad superiores gradus sacerdocti et impediunt verbum Dei predicari in populo et anelantes ad istud tamquam heretico PerSecuntur .... Pol Wortis, pag. Ο5, cf. Cruciata, ibid. pag. OJ. Diat pag. ys: Vellem quod intenderent predicacioni vel labori mecanico ut scripture Vel alteri Corporali . . . . Laborarent manibus, colendo terram pro ui fructibus Preparandam IV, 6. Serm. Pars I, o pag. 268: Episcopus debet noscere predicare populo verbum Dei nec sufficit quod per procuratorem Sta acint ....


INTRODUCTION. XIThe excuse that the ea rer are osten incapable os comprehending the Lorae word cannot be accepte i for the incapacit of the ea rersis caused by the neglige nce of the riesis. 6 How o pro ac to the eo Die. On the anne in hicli Wyclis ould have the eopte augiit, Lech ler has written o admirably that it ill ont be necessar heret refer o hat he has sat d. In a reat umber of passages Wyclis expresses the destre that the reacher hould adapt the subjeci thathe reat to the comprehensio of his earers. He ho ut proclaim evangelica truth in a sui table manner V. The sermon hould bestiori ut complete, an in an case simple. At sermons must bedelivere in a right spirit. I the oui do es no harmonige illi thewords, o can the word have power I love is antin in thee, thou ricio undita bras and a in klin cymbal. these requirements Wycli fur ther adds that the sermo fhould eio in ted without be ingbitter. The reacher might proce ed in the fame manne a Christd id against the Pharisees Above ali, the reacher's ord should pringfro in the depilis of his eari, o thus the avio u sp Ohe. I cannot e dente that Wycli compli es in his own sermons with the ather severe demand whicli e malles pon reacher S. In spite o much scholastic byplay the style of mos of his sermons is lain an simple, the language vivid, and the comparis Ons, where suci occur taken Do life . The tone o sterce pbraiding, in hic holi montis speciallyare ad dres sed is no vnfrequently exchangeli for ne os subtile trony. In severat sermons yclis ives directions o to reacti thewor o God to the eople, for instance, in the sermon Circuibat

pag. 83. Predicacionem autem secundum hoc evangelium oportet aptari populo secundum quod estimatum fuerit eis plus prodesse, Vide pag. 35. f. pag. 28, 33,

197 In hoc evangelio debet predicans secundum formam rudem et congruam aptare POPVl . . . . pag. 3O: Et dilatanda est materia sermonis secundum quod expedit populo audienti. Cf. I, II: Aptat sermone ad populum . . . . II, 3Ο Verba XhΟrtacionis dimissa ista materia sunt congruencie auditorii applicanda .... I, II . . . . Circa istum sermonem et novem sequentes propon compendiOSe dicere . . . . Quotations froni Lechter . .



Iesus civitates et castella docens in X nagogis This o spei, e saysgives manis id instructions to ali discipies of Christ, e the prie sis o dea cons, o the are to reacti themo spei. 3 Sufficient matte forsermons os very in that the belleve ma requires is to e so undi it an it is evident rom it that the reacher mus have no thera in than the salvatio of his earers. discusses the fauit most frequently to e found in the reacher of his time. The irst ne is that the selec so thei sermon the fatplacesV, 3 here the can ake the est prosit, hiis Christ reache de very here, ithout regar to persons, in the opera ir, in the synagogue an in hous es. A fur ther error is committe by the reacher eingrestricte by episcopa authorit to certa in localities; and there fore in the hir place the very peoples' a re neglecte in hom the sermonmight ea the mos abundant fruits It is the ut of the pri est towitnes fearlessi an in very place to the truth, and even a theristi os his life He must notoro ubi himself about an ne fashions in reachin which may ari se his ni care must be ho to eu se fui a far a possibi e to the eople. He must care noth in forpopula favour. SurelyV, Wycli lamenis, it is in these day as, when the avio u said: The harves is lentis ut ut o reapers thatis of reachers, there are few.'Here, as et a in ther sermons in hich e criticis es themethod os reachin in his times, e mixes up together considerationso forna and of matter.

Hoc evangelium dat formam multiplicem quomodo omnes Christi discipuli tam

Sacerdote quam dyaconi debent predicare instancius verbum Dei .... Et ista magistri materia est sufficiens pro quibuscunque Sermonibus popul Predicandi . . . . Tota sentencia predicandi stat in isto quod regnum celorum tam Christus quam ecclesia appropinquavit ad gradum beatitudinis .... quando videt membra Christi magi proficere debet predicator predicare populo quomodo assistente tanto adiutorio pro beatitudine instancius laboraret .... 3 . . . . triplex error, primu quo diSCipuli Antichristi captant sibi loca fertilia lucro suo conveniencia, quando in locis alii plus prodessent .... Secundus error est quo excluduntur evangeligantes ex iurisdiccionis limitacione, ubi possent clam invitis episcopi plus ProdeSS . . . . Tercius error est quod multi ignari putant se non debere predicare et benefacere populo qui a iurisdiccione sua excluditur. 7 Nec intenderet novitatem aut Vocatam Subtilitatem sermocinandi introducere, sed pure cogitaret quomodo honorem Dei ei utilitatem populi apcius posset PromoVere . . . .



And a regariis forna, Wycii do es no aster ali depar ver fari rom the scholastic sage of his time. His sermons, is e examine illem care fully, ill e so und acho consis of two paris, of hic hone usu atly not tways treat of the mean in of the Biblica passageon hich his sermon is a sed As is expounded in the Quaestio de potestate papae, he aut hor of hicli is probabi Peter Duboici and by Occam illi sonae differen ces, the schoolmen suppos that the ibi has a two soli mean in g, rst the litera o historical, and se condi the mystica l. This vi e we find with so me modifications, in Wyclis also. I there fore in the rs partis a sermon the mean ingo a passage of scripture is discussed the litera mean in iis expla inedfirst, and then the mysticat. The doctor of the XIV ' Centur divide the mystica mean in into the anagogical, the allegorical, and the ethical These distinctions a re seido fuit hept up by Wycli f. 3As a ule oo, a Lech ler observes, the mystica interpretation consist sos noth in more than a simple et tin forti of religio us trullis, and in the mora applicatio of the ex to the audience an to present

Wycli is no contented with sinapi explaining the text. Following the example et by no es a maia than St. Augustine, e tries to

Dupuy, Hist. du disserend Preuves 663. Cf. Riegler, Die literarischen Wider-sache de Piipsi ii Zelialter Ludwig des alers S. 43. CL pag. 93 Iste autem sensus ad literam .... pag. I 28 Quantum ad senSum literale .... pag. 4O: Sensus literatis huius evangelii patet plurimum .... pag. 62 Sed sensu miSticus horum Verborum videtur esse gravidatus .... pag. 29I: Notata historia potest allegorice intelligi .... pag. 292 Sed pro Sensu morali notandum quod evangelium . . . . pag. O : Sensus huiu evangelii poteSt allegorice sic notari .... pag. 9: In quo textu videtur ad literam . . . . pag. 2 Ad sensum autem mysticum prophetigat Christu . . . . pag. 22: ConStat ad literam .... Cf. Pars IV, 3 Serm. Mixt. Ιοὶ Racio quidem exigit quod diversa sint genera adorandi et generaliter loquendo quelibet pars scripture potest dici oracio, ut quilibet quatuor sensuum Scripture quantumcunque fuerit historicus vel subtilis .... Wyclis division is in bellerorde S. E. W. I. pag. 3O: It is seid commount that hol writi ath foure undirsion-dingis The firs is pleine, bi letter of the story the secounde is lepid Wit allegories . . . the thridde .... is clepi tropologi .... the fourthe . . . . t clepi anagogili . . . Cf. IV, 9 Secundum sensum literalem Jerusalem signat civitatem metropolitanam . . . .

Secundum sensum tropologicum signat membrum ecclesie ConverSum . . . . ad CDSUmallegoricum signat ecclesiam militantem . . . . ad sensum anagogicum signat ecclesiamque est mater OStra.



solve certa in do ubis i hich may aris respecting the passage under consideration. To his topic the secon par of his sermon is mostly dedicated As a rute, the secon part is prefaced by the words Fromthis Gospei the followin do ubi ari se Ex isto evangelio dubitari potest page 34, ), E isto evangelio dubitatur page i 2, 26, i, 38, 5, o, 69, 5, 8 . . . .), Circa hoc evangelium dubitatur page 28 i),

Sed dubitatur communiter. Ex isto evangelio notari potest ....)JBy these an similar ord he introduces that par of the sermon in hich, in emphati an osten ver violent langu age, he expresses his ideas on the Church and o Church-goVernment. Here, a Lechler has observed, alter are ver osten realed hich have no immediate connexion illi the content of Scripture.

Wycli spealis osti abo ut Church overn ment, v hicli ascit existed in his days was certaint not for the edification os eli evers. He

in the rs centuries up to the so- called imperialisingV of the Churchb Constantine; he discusses the laim of the hierarch to orldlyproperty, and generali proce ed to spea of the great mischi es, hichthe orders of mendicant friar have done and stili do, to the Church. The later the date of the sermon the stronge is it langu age themost severe sermons os ali are hos composed during the las iuryears of his life and of the se the so- calle Sermones mixti redistinguished by a specia vehemen ce. ut these fori sermons eadus to the question o Wyclis school- sermons in generat. O Wycli P Actio ol- sermon S. ne travelling recteti erS. O Wyclis Latin sermons e may presume that the were deli veredo composed foris public hicli ad ad a scholastic education. It is evident frona the themes them selves, and Do the anne in hich the are deat with that he had an educated audience e re hi m. Not a se of them, mongst these, for ex ample, heirs of the folio ingsermons, reat o difficuli philosophica and theologica problems their

langu age to is omewhat cum brous, involved, and osten obscure.

Cf. the en os the Praefacio: In dominicis sermonibus supposito sensu literati intendo breviter sensum misticum explanare et secundo more Augustini salutabo dubia que ex evangelio possent capi.