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Cod. Vindob. 3928 sol. 1Οob IO6di. Os estis sal terre, vos estis lux mundi, Matthei V.
Hoc evangelium docet .... qualeS debent esse episcopi et prelati. Primo ....
dicit eis Veritas: Vos estis sal terre, hoc eSt, debetis ex condicione vestriis acii habere proprietatem salis ad terrenos homines condiendos. Sal enim secundum naturales est lapis ex arena et aqua cum ardore solis aut ignis et flatu venti compactus et habet proprietate multiplices. Nam iuxta regulam Aristotelis IV. Meteororum dissolvitur a frigido et humido Sal eciam terram acit sterilem, cibos condit, carnes exsiccat et
putre ccione fetore et Verme re Ser-Vnt CorreSpondenter ad primum
prelati boni taliter generantur hi qui
condam erant arena terrestre atque instabiles iuxta parabolam Christi de domo fundata super arenam Matthei VII Aqua baptismatis et ardoris ignis divini ac flatu
spiritus sancti companguntur et Super nivem ab opacitate peccat dealbantur . . . . Alie autem quatuor proprietate mistice debent prelatis competere, cum ad hoc a puro sole, id est, Christo coagulantur sic sapide ut terrenis inhianteqsaciant sterilescere quoad secularia desideria radice cerosa i sale desiderii celestis iuxta illud Titi II: Apparuit benignitas Christi erudiens nos ut abnegantes impietatem et secularia desideria sobrie iuste et pie vivamus in hoc seculo. Nam salsapiencie ruditates vetustas peccati radicitus eradicat, et de tanto secularia desideria sterilescunt. Sic enim debent prelati inutiles plantas asse Clonum evellere et sinceras virtutes inserere iuxta illud Jeremi I: Ecce constitui te super gentes et regna, ut euellas te
Sermo in die s. Augustini habitus a I 409). Opp. to m. II fol. XLIVa XLmb). Vos estis sal terre, vos estis lux mundi, Matthei V.
Verba Salvatoris docent exemplariter quales esse debeant doctores, episcopi et prelati. Dicit ergo primo .... Vos estis sal terre .... hoc est, debetis ex condicione vestri officii habere proprietatem salis ad te irenos homines condiendo .... Sal enim secundum naturales est lapis ex arena et aqua cum ardore solis aut ignis et flatu venti compactus et per consequenSiuxta regulam Aristotelis IV Meteororum dissolvitur frigido et humido
.... Sal etiam Dei terram sterilem, cibos condit, carnes exsiccat et a putres accione,
fetore et verme preSerVat . . . . et SignRnter
significat prelatos bonos qui quondam erant arena instabilis iuxta parabolam Christi de domo fundata Super arenam Matthei VII: Hi aqua baptismatis et ardore ignis divini ac flatu sancti spiritus
Companguntur et Super nivem ab opacitate peccat dealbantur ....Hee proprietates mystice debent vicariis Christi competere, cum ad hoc a puro sole, id est Christo coagulantur, Sic Sapide, ut homines terrenis inhiantes faciat sterilescere quoad ecularia desideria, rastice corrosa sale desiderii celestis iuxta illud ad
Titum II, paruit benignitas Christi erudiens uos ut abnegantes omnem impietatem et secularia desideria sobrie et pie et iuste vivamus in hoc seculo. Nam sal sapiencie ruditates vetustatis peccati radicitus eradicat et de tanto secularia desideria sterilescunt. Sic enim debent vicari apostolorum planta inutiles asseccionum evellere et sinceras virtutes inserere iuxta illud Jeremi I: Ego constitui te super gentes et re Ha, ut evellas et destruas et disperdas et dissipes et edisce et laute . . . .
ouarto carnem a lubricitate luxurie
constringit iuxta illud Matthei NIX Si ut eunuchi qui se ipsos castrarunt propterregnun celorum. Et si quinto a putres eccione, a de-samacionis fetore et corrodente verme consciencie reservat subditos quibus Sapienciam claram que non marcescit mensuraliter subministrat. Iudicet ergo eccle-Si utrum istorum proprietates Vel eorum
oppo Sit prelatis nostris conveniant, quia certum est ex fide evangelii, quod, nisi sint sal ad sensum expositum, non Sunt Christi discipuli sed habentes condicionem Contrariam sunt discipuli Antichristi. Quod si sal liquescendo evanuerit frigore terrene cupiditatis quia exinde refrigescet caritas multorum Matthei XXIV vel humore carnalis lubricitatis que vetat visionem sapiencie ad Hebreos XII Pacem Sequimini cum omnibus et sanctimoniam siue qua irem videbit Deum . . . . Ideo dicit Jeronymus, quod relatu Sinfatuatus cupiditate temporalium ut aqua
effluit timore perdicioni eorum ........ Et e racio quare Secundum beatum Gregorium relatu perverSus Stincorrigibilior inter omne ....Hu S. Quarto carnem a lubricitate luxurie
constringit iuxta illud Matthei XIX: Sunt eunuchi qui se ipsos castraverunt propter
Et quinto a peccati putrefaccione, a
defamaccionis latore et a corrodente Verme consciencie reservat subditos quibus sapienciam claram, que non marcescit, mensuraliter ministrat.
Iudicet ergo ecclesia Christi sancta utrum iste salis proprietates vicariis Christi seu prelatis nostris conveniant, quia certum S ex fide evangelii, quod, nisi sint sal terre ad sensum expositum, non Sunt Christi discipuli . . . . sed habentes condicionem contrariam sunt discipuli Antichristi. Nam dicit veritas, quod si sal scilicet liquescendo evanuerit frigore terre ne cupiditatis, quia exinde refrigescet caritas multorum Matthei XXIV vel humore carnalis lubricitatis, que vetat visionem sapiencie ad Hebreos XII Pacem sequimini cum omnibus et sanctimoniam, sine qua nemo idebit Deum . . . . Ideo dicit beatus JeronymuS, quod prelatus infatuatus cupiditate temporalium ut aqua effluit tumore perdicionis eorum Et hec est racio quare Secundum beatum Gregorium relatu perversus est incorrigibilior inter omneS, quia Eccles XIII scribitur: Quis medebitur incantatori a Serpente percu SSO.
The agreenaen is, as ill e se en, o verbali exact, that in re ad inglus, could ancy that we ad Wyclis sermons e fore us. And were it no for the fac that the sermons, and speciali the se condone, contain o me note orth dates in the history of Hus himself, o ne might belle ve, that later scribes have erroneo usi ascribe this a the have done ther sermons of Wyclii' - tomus.
Some curious pro of that suci, error have been committed areto e found in the Code 3928 of the Imp. Librar of Vienna.
INTRODUCTION. XXVIIIn his Codex, containing the secon par of the Sermones and the Sermones mixti, o me CZechian glosses are to e mund a for exam pleon folio 38', in the margin Mila ustio . . dea goos e. Hus ka is the Latini sed forna o Hus name, and was in very common se, illi his contemporaries. In the fame way on folio ii, occurs thegloss: obra Hus ko, i. e. good goos e. The scribe a there foreo opinion thalmus a the aut hor os ali these sermons, and foccasionali in an sermon England was referre to this et ther didno distur him, orae uia scrupulo usi altere the regnum Anglie intoregnum Noemie an turne the Englisti hurch into a church of Prague, as may be se en rom the folio in comparison Cod Cambr. R. 6, 2 Cod. Pal. Vindob. 3928
Et utinam regnum Anglie attenderet Et utinam regnum Lohemi attenderet et servaret istam sentenciam. Tunc enim et Servaret istam sentenciam. Tunc non non foret depauperatum regnum et Sic foret depauperatum regnum per ambos per ambos pocritas Sicut modo. Cum pocritas sicut modo. Cum enim bona enim bona eccleSi sunt bona pauperum, ecclesie in bona pauperum, restat quod restat quod bona ecclesie Inglicane nostri bona ecclesie Pragensis sint regni nostri
regni sint bona pauperum . . . . bona PaUPerum ....
O Wyclis sermons, a considerable number have come down totas hicli e ma presume to elongo a comparati vel earl period.
e in even in early SS. a hole rou o sermons divide olffrona the thers, and the observation appended that Wycli here appe ars in a holi different light and that these sermons contain noth in contrar to catholic doctrine. another roup, it is suid
that the date frona a time heri Wycli stili occupie the pulpit,
i CL Ludolii Sagan ensis Tracti de longaevo Schismate ed. LoSerth), pag. 3ψ:
Infelix auca, narran veri SSima pauca . . . . f. Stephani olanensi Dial int aucam et passerem. Hoc si tu magister Hustia tuis senioribu obaudisSes .... Husco care Noli nimis alte volare. Pe Thes. necd. IV, 23.
Cod. Pal. Vind. fol. 193 Constat omnibus quod si Wycli quadraginta sermones istos scribens fuit alius a se ipso hic quam alibi, quia demptis paucissimis pene in omnibus his scriptis sequitur ecclesiam in fide et ritibus et modo loquendi lintholico. Cf. Buddensieg, Pol Work of Wyclis, pag. LXII, XIV.
and of u hird, that the date frona the last years of vclis life xandis to in uriwn au it has been a id that Wvclis Latin sermons belongo ver different perio is With his notorio usi hi gli estimate of the reacher' office, it an hard ly be suppo sed that Wyclis fir stbegan to compose sermons during the alter ears of his life . Neverthel ess, the majorit of Vclis Latin sermons date romthis time, and it must be accepte a certain that it was ni during
the last years of his life that he ave them the fori in hicli his
sermons have come down to us wycli himself has in the re face tothe rs part gi venis to understando his illi ramis tali eable learn ess. As it is the utv of very man, he avs, o se the talent i ven by
together my pla in sermons ' to the eo ple. his state ment carriesus to the later ear of vcli s life Close indications of the dateare noto be fiun in the sirs pari: ut the more copio us noti cescontaine in part 2- , en ubi his to si it illi tolerable accuracy. These paris must there fore e considere at the present stage of uren quiry. e ill egin illi the fourth pari, a that contain thegreates number of clues foris more exac determination of the date os composition.
In the very rs sermon e finii an exhortation to in Richard , holdinibe fore in the example of his late ather. In a considerable number of passages there a re allusion to the Schism, and more definite iv to the crus ad against Clement VII in the eur 383, hic hwas ea dea b Henry te Spencer, is hos of Norwicli, the fame holi ad distinguished iniseli in the ea sanis rebellion by his courages animositas ' - Walsingliam α).
Cf. Buddensieg, Pol Work of Wyclis, pag. LXXVIII. ' Lechie l. c.,
pag. 77, 78. . . . . videtur quod in illo ocio quo a scolasticis ociamur et in particulari edificacione ecclesie tu me dierum nostrorum sollicitamur, sint sermones rude ad populum colligendi .... . . . . Re noster Ricardus recordetur Cucius de hiis tribus, ex quibus prosperaretur regnum Christi ad similitudinem Trinitatis, Cum Pater Suus carnalis Edwardus nobilissimus ac strenuissimus affectus fuit specialiter Trinitati.
INTRODUCTION. XXIXIn the fourth sermon, a passage is quo ted rom the Bul ofUrban VI, in hicli a curse is prono unce on the followers of Clement VII. This quotation is howeve an in accurate One.
In the hirte enth sermon it is suid that the Church should prayin orde that the Bishops might not be is led by false rethren the bis hol of Nor victi is meano and the rem arti that the rethren might belle ve that he the bis hopl ould ne ver return to Englund
with his armies, te ad to the conclusion that the sermon ascompose at a time hera the crus ad Was o foot, i. e. in the
year 383, the date also of Wycli s Cruciata. The b h and 16'b sermons are also directe against thec rus ade. The formula o absolution, hi cli is i ven by alsingliam,
It is strongly urged that suci crus ades, set ora oot for thead vantage of ne pope or another, could ne ver e approve i v the Savio ur. The cros prea ched here, is no the ros of Christ, ut rather that of Antichrist. It would e et ter o go to war against the endowment of the church in Englanii, and against the monti isti
In his sermon the friar are allude io, o hos office the crusade-sermons belonged Wal singliam II, 78ὶ Dicitur enim mi is sal in the sermon, quod Urbanus V absolvit homines a pena et culpa quicunque laborant viriliter Robertum
Gibbonensem suum adversarium debellare . . . . Et ex evidencia magna supponitur quod sicut fratres adinvenerant medium istud diabolicum, sic sedule illud in opere exequuntur cum fratres in regno nostro Vocati doctores theologie .... virtute istius
absolucionis vide Walsingliam II, 70 Forma absolucionis publicant . . . . quod licet cuilibet christiano de christianismo occiduo occidere fratrem suum. Et sic debet ecclesia orare pro illis episcopis ut a periculo falsorum fratrum et perverso consilio liberentur, quia evenire potest quod falsi fratres illi informent subdole papam nostrum quod per elevacionem talis crucis promittendo spiritualia suffragia adiuvetur et quod episcopi causa illa cum omnibus suis adiutoribu beatitudinem promerentur .... Et potest esse quoad personam talis episcopi quod supponant ipsum cum Suo exercitu numquam esse iterum in Angliam rediturum. Potest esse secundo quod diabolus moverat fratres istos ad regnum Anglie seducendum . . . . Aliter enim non publicarent ut fidem catholicam quod quicunque laborat cum tali episcopo ad hunc finem vel iuvat ipsum notabiliter in expensis erit absolutus a pena et a culpa et sic infallibiliter ad patriam advolabit. 3 IV, Crucis elevacio iam inventa ad defendendum partem unius pape sive alterius cum suis circumstanciis non est a capite ecclesie militantis approbata . . . . IV, 16: Iste autem papa promisit assistentibus suis cruci que ad terrendum corporaliter hostem suum indulge iacia perpetuaS.
order than against France i in the fourth sermo Wyclis says themon ks have, at the earth quake councii , condemne a heretica thedoctrine that ni the predestinate are member of hol Mother Church. The so- called ear th quake councii , mentione severat
o it a someth in passed, corroborates the foregoin re mark o the date. Fro the 23 sermon on ards, the character of the sermonsis greatly altered: so much so that ne is incline to assigia thecomposition of these sermon to an earlier period. ut is his supposition e correct Wycli mus have made ome alterations in them during the ear 1 383 and 384. Some of the dates hi chWyclis ives in these sermons an oni then have been inserte d. In the 26 h sermon e find the rem ark, that it a to ede livere o St. Nicholas day, and in another sermon of the fame par that it a to e ive on St. Augustine ' day. No these sermons or at eas a reat par of them are unda sermons, asis eviden ced by various allusion as et a b direct statem enis βThere fore these two sermons may have been et the fame ear
i. c. in an ecclesiastical ear egi nning illi Advent in hich the 6 h of December and the 28 h of August fel on undays.
There cannot herefore e an do ubi that a great number of the sermons of the fourth pari e re composed in the ears 383 4, and that the re mainder ere finali revi sed during these ears. Sermon o. 63 of the ourth pari, however, ead us bach to theti me of the Schis m. The thir par of the Sermones a no compose much earlier.
IV, 16 Crux autem ista cum non si crux Domini, videtur quod sit crux Antichristi . . . . IV, 7 Et sic videtur quod dotaciones cesaree et religiones privateque sunt in ecclesia Anglie sic ditate pocius forent quam regnum Franci deStruende .... Fratres dampnarunt ut heresis in suo concilio Terremotus quod solum predestinati sint partes sancte matris ecclesie habuit sanctum Nicolaum, Cuius festum hodie alicubi celebratur .... . . . . specialiter spiritualis repositus sicut fecit Augustinus, cuius festum hodie solemnigat ecclesia . . . . h f. o. o et 32:
Dictum est superiori Dominica 33 superiori Dominica docuit .... 37 Dictum est proxima Dominica. A thir staterneu referring to the eas of St. Clemens notsalling on a unday, oes no contradici it ascit is alii of this eas that, it is ear cuius festum instat hodie).
INTRODUCTION. XXXIlia he 8 sermon of his pari Wyclis Speuk of the existingschism i Stili more preci se a re two statem ent in the o h hapter in hich e alludes to the arth quake counci l. This ea is us achio the event of the ear 382, and correspontis illi a passage in forme sermon of this pari, in hich referen ce is made to the quarret bet ween England an France in the ears 382 3. The indications of the date of the secon pari re ather moreplenti fui. In the eventi sermon, no Ont is the Schism mentioned, but also the fac that Legates illi Eulis ad been sent by the Pope this indicates that the Schism ad then been or sonae time in existe iace. Already there transpires a cover antagonism to Urban VI, hos e electio might after at have been an erroneous ne β of the reprobate race' o monks, it is sal that ne follows his ope, the ther that. The whol attach noli monks rea thes the spirit of the controversyin hicli Wycli was involve during the ears 38 to 383. Overandis ver again, find im condem ning the monks, e cause they, ould no do manual ork. In the 32' sermon Wycli says The montis do not enter ouses in the way Christ augiit, ut the penetrate hous es penetrant domos ' oster the anne of hereti cs, of homthe postle spealis. The expression the penetrale ous es V is a favo urite ne illi Wyclis. I ill oni quo te here ne more passage
Similiter si illa ecclesia peccare non poterit, tunc divisa ut modo peccare non potest et pari videneia qua nos Urbaniste concedimus quod ipse cum suis cardinalibus peccare non potest, Robertini concederent quod ipse cum suis cardinalibus peccare non potest. Ideo creditur quod omne Satrapes Terremotus ....deficiunt .... patet quod illa sentencia ex ultima synodo ei remotus in Anglia .... Unde audenter assero quod nunquam inter regnum Anglie et Franci fuisset bellum tamdiu continuum nisi propter iniurias altrinsecus innovatas. Peccant ideo clerici . . . . Una perSOna .... tenet cum uno papa et altera cum altero .... II, 5 Notemus ergo rogo legatos cum bullis missos a latere Antichristi .... Quod si Urbanus noster a via erraverit, sua eleceio est erronea et multum prodesset ecclesie utroque iStorum carere . . . . si Hodie genu hoc reprobum Secundum unam partem tenet cum uno papa et secundum aliam cum alio. multitudo pseudoclericorum est ad onus ecclesie et columbam a sua viacione retardans, tum ciam quia totum genus cleri dans se manuali operi .... Intrant autem domos non secundum sormam ostii qui est Christus, sed penetrant domo secundum formam apostate, ut loquitur Apostolus .... In these or similar oriis: Et preter istum textum nunquam reperi quod licet fratribus circuire civitates et patrias mendicando vel ad onus domorum quas visitant'.
fro the ourtii part it is also to e mund in the Sermones mixti). I runs thus μSunt enim plene mendaciis, scandalis atque blasphemiis et perypocrisim suam seducunt ecclesiam. Sunt autem tamquam testudines perambulantes celeriter una post alteram totam terram consederati cium cum dominis et dominabus penetrant ' omni hora cameras secretissimas tamquam catuli vel bubones .... habentes linxi nos oculos atque incessu duplici undique
It will re adit be suppo sed that the eggin montis fel the sting
o Such Utterances, and warmi proteste against them. The epithet cree per into ouses ' penetratores se em to have been particulari obnoxious. his may be athered rom the Continuatio Eulogii, hic lima kes se of this very fame expression O the ear 1382 it relates
Hoc anno fratrum elemosine subtrahuntur, mendicantes laborare iubentur, predicare non sinuntur, denariorum predicatores et domorum penetratore vocantur. Scripserunt in super libellos famosos in Anglico contra fratres suos eciam errores in Anglico scripserunt The care fulreade of Wyclis' sermons, speciali tho se of the secon pari, ill in that the notice of the Eulogium perfecti represent the facis. For besides the wo passages jus mentione d there a re a good many more, in hich the in and the nobilit are exhorte toconfiscat the propert of the monks, or at eas noto enricli themany further. In ther passages the montis are recommende rat herto ork, a St. Paul iace id than to eg. Lastly there a re passages insisting on the sublime significance of the preachin g, office whicli thebeggin montis greatly discredit. No it is no accidental that the Continuatio Eulogii mentions thes things as ei as ther seVere criticisms of Wyclis jus in the eur 1382. his a the time, xvhen Wycli ad dres sed his ord to the poor reachers '.
Eulogium Historiarum ed. Haydon, Vol. III pag. 38q. Cf. Sermonum, Par I, 3: Vagantur sc fratres pro raptu temporalium ut noverint plurem populum . . . . et sic civitates spissim circueunt et contra negantes illis copiam temporalium ex titulo sue sanctitatis remurmurant Pauca quidem sunt, domus et hostia tam Secreta, quin fratres statim aderunt, ut loquantur de sua mendicitate cum incolis penetrantes. So e n also in II, 48: Unde pharisei possessionati non permittunt quod ii
penetrarites, domos . . . . domos Suas privata penetrant.
INTRODUCTION. XXXIIIPerhaps Wyclis strongest angvage against the mendicant friarsis to e Mund in the 48 h sermon of the econdiari, here the arestigmati sed a gluttons, hos bell is the special lichen of the devit To enabi themselves to indulge in gluttony the bulldaitchens in the abbeys, hici are a more splendi than hos of ings i tis notice able also o Wycli spealis here of the Pope: Beside these Pharisees the endo edos et a the mendicant orders, unia fullyintroducet in to the Church, there is a blasphemous iniat thei head whom ome cali Antichrist. For he with his followers laim to eadthe Church in the absence of Christ, altogether contrar to God 's
No longe conditionalty as in the forme writings of Wyclis, but unconditionalty the ope is here calle Antichrist. An this thescribes have indicate in the SS. by the words Papa summus
It is evident rom ha has been suid that at these sermons mustbe da ted illi in the ear i 382-1384 and we ma gatherooo that the sirs Par of the sermons a no compose much earlier. This Pari contains ni Sunda sermons sermones dominicales). There are enumerat ei ab Sermons after Trinity there fore 2 after
Whitsunt ide, hici, ould corresponsio the undays in the ear 382, is ne could belleve that Wycli himself elivere the sermons, and not, as is more probabie, ni composed them for the se of the travellin prieStS. That his Par also of the sermons elong to the time of the Schism, an noto a very eari stage of it, is evident by the allusion in the 19 h Sermon to the event of the ear 38o: Benedicta ergo foret ablacio, per quam foret ordinacionis Christi prime restitucio et
Unde dicunt quidam quod venter aliun est specialis coquina diaboli. Nam
isti apostate amant ventres suos et pudenda eorum intrinseca . . . . Ouid ergo foret venter eorum nisi coquina diaboli, in qua .... prandium suum coquitur. In cuius
signum dicitur multas abbacias edificare sibi coquinas lata .... Sed preter istos phariseos possessionatos et mendicantes illegitime introductos est dare regem blasphemum supra omnes illos quem quidam nominant Antichristum. Ipse enim cum membris suis vendicat in absencia Christi regulare ecclesiam et ordinare illis ad Voluntatem officia, contraria ministerio quod Trinitas ordinavit. A stili stronger expression is ac ministri diaboli quem quidam vocant Romanum pontificem.
quam gloriosa foret Anglicorum et Almannorum confederacio, per quam restitueretur in ecclesia Christi ordinacio.
In the 3 h sermon of the irs Pari Wycli compares the mendicant friar to the Pharisees of the Bible is the are asked, hy the have
entere their order, the reply be cause it is far more perfeci hanan other the protest mos violently hen severa mendicant order fetile in the fame town, o it is odiolis to them that simple pri est should rise, ho reach the Gospei ithout se et in sor gainan without pultinio the res of hese mendicant friars These
Wycli complain also in the writing that the travellita prie sis are crueli persecuted Thus in the Trialogus IV, 37 pag. 379, hebitteri compla in that in London as et a in Lincoln the friars incessanti aim at extermina ting the se aith ful oor priesis, simplybecause the expos the trichs V of the mendicant friar to the eople. A Lech ler has justi concluded rom his passage that the Trialogus could o have been written e fore 1381, 3 so the composition of the fit si Par of the Sermons cannot be date earlier than 38 si 38i a respectiVely).x L pag. 32. Cf. Lindner, eschichte de Deutschen Reicli unter de KonigWengel Ι, ΙΙ9. Cf. pag. 88 9, quia est alia recta perfeccior . . . . Unde sicut fratres odiunt quod in eadem civitate multiplicentur ordines Mendicantes, sic odiunt quod insurgant sacerdotes simplices sine questu vel forma eorum evangelium predicantes Unde propter insolencias istarum sectarum et rapinas populi dicunt quidam Psalmum LVIII, prophetare Circuibunt ut canes, si vero non fuerint saturati murmurabunt. . . . Cum undique ex sua malicia fraus eorum diabolica amplius est percepta, et specialiter in hoc, quod tam Londoniis quam incolnie laborant assidue ad sacerdotes et pauperes extinguendum et specialiter propter hoc quod eorum versucias caritative in populo detexerunt. 3 pag. 3 Protegomena Wiclifum non a primo initio de fratribus minoribus', praedicatoribus', reliquis, ita sensisse, potius magni eos aestimaSSe, nec ante quam coepisset doctrinae de transsubstantiatione censuram agere, mendicanteSimpugnasse, ipsius opera testantur. Cum enim theologi illis ordinibus adscripti praeceteris ipsi adversarentur de doctrina illa agenti, Wiclisus sibi persuadere cepit,
fratres medicantes omnium errorum atque malorum in ecclesia Romana vigentium acerrimo esse patronos atque vindices. Quod cum non ante annum 138 factum eSS .... luce Clarius est, Trialogum aut hoc aut posteriori anno editum esse
Cf. Lech le l. c. pag. 76. Cf. IV, S: De ista materia patet in Trialogo.