Latin works

발행: 1883년

분량: 480페이지


분류: 미분류



o more exactly 4 o parchment leaves A more recent paging which counts ages, o leaves is no correct sor page count edtwice ver page o the fame, hils p p. 7 t 8 have o been numbered for these reason it has been necessar for his edition tofollo the olde paging. very eas has Mur columns the numbero lines in acti column varies rom 68 to t. The codex contains, esides a number of othe work of Wyclis, i

Cod Cambr. B. 26, 2 in fol. non paginato: Liber primus continet sex tractatus quorum: I. primus de Ente in communi continet IV capitula,2 secundus de Ente primo continet VI capitula, 3. tercius de Veritatibus in communi continet IV capitula, 4. quartus de Universalibus incompletus et continet V capitula, 5. quintus de Universalibus completus et continet XV capitula, 6. sextus de Tempore incompletus et continet XIII capitula. Liber secundus continet sex tractatu quorum:

I. primus de Intelleccione Dei continet V capitula pag. l. ec man.), 2 secundus de Sciencia Dei continet XIII capitula pag. 3 ),3 tercius de Volucione Dei continet VIII capitula pag. 72ὶ, . quartus de Personarum distinc cione continet XVII capitula pag. a),5 quintus de deis continet V capitula, 6. Sextus de Potencia productiva Dei ad extra continet XVI capitula, ubi in quinque capitulis ultimis tractatur de Adnichilacione. Item de Sermonibus tam dominicalibus quam de sanctorum festivitatibus et dividitur

in quatuor parteS, quarum: I. prima de Sermonibus dominicalibus Super Evangelia continet Sermone LVII, 2. Secunda de Sermonibus sanctorum super Evangelia continet Numerus Sermones LXIV.


3 tercia pars de Epistolis dominicalibus continet sermones LIX, CCXLIV. . quarta de epistolis in sanctorum festivitatibus cum aliis diversis Sermonibus continet sermones LXIVΙtem quatuor libri de Sermone Domini in Monte, quorum: I. primus liber continet XII capitula,2 secundus liber continet LX capitula, 3. tercius liber de Antichristo continet LXXII capitula, . quartus liber incompletus continet XIV capitula.



In the up per margins are explanations os biblica passages orshor remurk on the sermons, in a contemporar hand. In themargins to the right and est, are marks referrinito the arrangemento the severa SermonS.Corrections are not Ver common. The are not in the sameliand, ut in a com temporar one. The and ritin belong to theend of the XIV the eginning of the XV h century. I resembles in an respecis that o Codex ira 94 of the Vienna Imperia Library the reati se in hicli ere in rit te in i 4o6. The writin is fir an distinct. On page 5 iis originalcharacter is altered, ut appears again on page 65β. Not illi standinithis circumstanc it cannot e confidenti salii, that it is nother and whicli appear On age T Regular, is no altogether beauti sui, a the and writin is, thetex is aulty fuit os more or es serious tunders, so that it cannot be aid o have been et preserve o the whole in his S. Sometimes e find suci, gros mistakes that, are ted o doub twhether the scribe understo od the mean in of the text. A to the person of the scribe, o the lightest clue is to e found in the Codex nor is there an indication of the place here the op was made i The beaut of the embellishments ould seem to favour theconclusio that the op was ad on om great occasion, o sor

3 O the last ove we in the indication A. D. 138 descr. in Ct. U. l. 3, c. 34, and then the verses Esto pedana me calige pars, sine numella

Inde pedanabo 8 caligas vel fune ligabo. Ex dono ornatissimi viri Thomae Nevile decani Cantuariensis et collegii Trinitatis




1. 1 to 3 ad The rs par of Wyclis Sermones de tempore. 2. 13 to 47h Johannis Lemovicensis Moralis exposicio somni


3. 48' Iuramentum Alsonis episcopi tomucensis factum coram Conrado archiepiscopo Pragens in confirmacione eius. 4. 148 to ibi': Notabilia et excerpta e iure canonico Patrum loca de ceremoniis, purgatorio, aqua lustrali etc Some passages o page are remarhable. The contain hortextracis fro Wyclis De Ecclesia, etc. mostly on his theor of the Church. On both the inne si des of the cover, leave covered illi writin are asted. The irst ea contain the Incipit of the sermons and the ther content of the Codex. O the secon leas, rittenbackwards, are the word WVkler super evangelia de tempore'. The codex has been written illi ome care, and in an places corrections have been very eatly inserted. The scribe was a Bohemian as appears rom a side-note. Omenotes ritten illi lac in proce ed rom two later and s. These scribes ometimes controveri the content of the texi and of te the warning ord occur Cave, cave, bene caVeas, Si cautUS

hic cf. On page a l. 2O, note page 65 l. 8, note). CaVe pessimas hereses cf. page 65 l. 26, note) reccius fecisses, si psalterium

repectisseS, hereseos peste tam praVas non Seminasses page 64,

l. 25, note). Cave ista usque ad finem page o 6 l. ii, note). Mira res quod in uno et eodem sermone loquitur sibi contrarie de confessione. Non enim principium correspondet ni, sed repugnat principium

pulcrum, finis perVerSUS.

quia destruit pene totum clerum preter sacerdoctum et levitas. The margina notes are no equali distribute througho ut the Sermon S. In Ome passages the are altogether missing, hiis in



In om Sermon there are lue, in thers, re initia letters in other there are none No relation an e provedo exist etween an B.

i. age 'oo 65': Johannis icti Sermones in evangelia de tempore cum prologo. a. age 6 γ' o 7 oh Tituli psalmorum. 3. Page 71 to 88h Gualtherus Euriaeus, de vita et moribus philosophorum Veterum. On the inside cover, front an bach a parchment is adde forprotection Ora his are remain os a theological reatis oti the ast Judgment On the inside cove is ritten: Super Evangelia per circulum anni o Wyph b. Vite philosophorum et moralitates. 'The writin is ver care fui. There re also severa corrections, ver care fuit made There are o side-notes. Only the undays aremarked on hicli the sermons tali, an here and there a correctio of

the ex is marhed in the margin. The initials are in very mali ritin in the margin the were evidenti intende to e illuminate later. an C formo separate rou of SS. a distinc frona A the correspon in os readings; buti oes no spring rom C, sin the alter the side-notes are missing, hicli the scribe o B doubilessi uti in his copy and id not compose imself. O the ther an also C does no originate directi stomi, sit has many etter reading than the alter. It is more probabi that

contain ab writtet an page leaves also a leaves no paged. Insidethe ac cover, is the old signatur M. 3866, then the words: In nomine Domini. O the frontis the inside cove we find, eside the ne signature, the following old ones No. 3 i, VII, J. I, V. l. p. 488, 9,



then the notes I in De veritatibus diversis Scripturarum sanctarum vide in indice ab inicio de veritatibus. Principium. Omne Deo intrinsecum est absolute necessarium et ternum. Page i to 86Wycli Sermones. The rst eas, and the egi nning of the secondieas, contain ome excerpis sto theologica writings. Page i to 128' Ista pars vocatur secunda Sermonum. 28'

Expliciunt Evangelia de Sanctis. Page 28 to 186' Sermones mixti XXIV. Pag 186 to 180' Tractatus de se iugis. Page 89 to 'o' Enumeracio eorum que regi seculari in clerum

suum competunt moraliter Peccantem.

remainde is in another an d. The writin is on the whol very areful. The scribe was a Bohemian, as may be een rom the numerous side- notes in the CZech

1. Page i to 42ς the secon par of the Sermones. 2. Page 42 to 2o3' the Sermones mixti. On the inside of the ac cove is a document pasted containinga licens for a Prague oor-keeper, date Prague 337, Diars Januar i 'b. From his e conclude thri the S. was ritten in Bohemia. The Codices E and D elonito a separate rotis . In the re adings, an E almos entiret coincide. The lacunae a wellis the mistakeso D are ais to e found in . D must e considere as copy to E correct some fauits of D, and in E there are Some omissions here D ives the complete text.



The followin tex is based noli Cambrid ge S a b ein themost ancient and the mos perfect of the sive hich have been described. The numerous errors hicli it contains could generali becorrecte from B an C. With regur to pelling, critica notes, and commentary, I have followed the principies hicli uide me in

editin De Ecclesia se page i).It ni rem ain to proffer my early thanks to those ho have helpe me in his ork. My thank are due in the irs place o My F. D. Matthe whohas orace more supplied the Englisti side- notes, an to hom I amindebled for numerous critica observation S. I destre also eartit to than the respecte Founder of ur Society D' F. . Furnivali, hos active help, speciali in the procuring of SS., has alway been ready. an also greatly oblige to the Librari an o Trinit College Cambridge, R. in ker, and to the Librarias of the Vienna Imperialand Royal Library, Her Hos rath von Birk, hos liberalit enabled me to se ali the S I required, in the mos convenient manner. have also to than the librarians of CZernowitg, Olmiit and Prague, for their indnes in procurin and sendin me literary

Ceternowita, Apri 23 1887.


Evangelia ominicalia.


Sermon age

First unda in Advent. I. Cum appropinquasset Jesu Ierosolimis Matth. XXI, Se conci unda in Advent. II. Erunt signa in Sole Luc. XXI, 25 9 Third unda in Advent. lII. Cum audisset Johannes in vinculis Matth. I, 2 IbFourth unda in Advent. IU Miserunt ude ab erosolimis. Joh. I, 9 22 Sunda with in Octave o Christ mas Day. U. Erant oseph et Maria mater Domini mirantes Luc. II 33 28 The Circum ci Sion. VI. Postquam consumati sunt dies octo Luc. I, i 3b

VI l. Cum natu esset Jesus Matth. II, I 43Sunda with in octave of the Epiphany. VIII. Vidit Johannes esum. Joh. I, 29 49 Octave of the Epiphany.

IX. Venit esus a Gali a Matth. III, 13 57First unda after the Octave. X. Cum factus est esus Luce II, 42 66 Se con Sunda after the Octave. XI. Nupcie lacte sunt in Ch qna Galilee Joh. II, I Pa Third unda after the Octa V e. XII. Cum descendisset Jesus Matth. VIII, I 78 Fourth unda after the Octave. XIlI. Ascendente esus in naviculam Matth. VIII, 23 86Fifth unda after the clave. XIV. Simile est regnum celorum homini qui seminavit Matth. III, 24 . . . 93 Septuagesima unda y. XV. Simile est regnum celorum homini patrifamilias, Matth. XX .... 99Sexagesima unda y. XVI. Exiit qui seminat Luce VIII, ΙOT uinquagesima unda y. XVII. Assumpsit esus duodecim discipulos Luce XVIII, 3I II First unda in Lent. XVIlI. Ductus est esus in desertum Matth. IV I I 2I



Sermon age

Se con Sunda in Lent. XIX. Egressus esus seceSSit in partes Tyri. Matth. XV, 2 28

Third unda in Lent. XX. Erat esus eiciens demonium Luce XII, 4 i 33 Fourth unda 3 in Lent. XXI. Abiit esus trans mare Galilee Joh. VI, i l4OFifth unda in Lent. XXII. Dicebat Iesus urbis Judeorum. Joh. VIII, 2, 46 i 46 P ad rarim La y. XXIII. Altera autem die que est post Parasceven. Matth. XXVII, L ... 5

Easter ab . XXIV. Maria Magdalene et Maria acob et Salomee Marci uti .... 6ΟFirst unda aster a Ster. XXV. Cum esset sero die una. oh. XX, 19 I66 Se con Sunda 3 after aster. XXVI. Ego sum pastor bonus Joh. X, I IT ad hird unda after a Ster. XXVll. Modicum et non videbitis me. Joh. XVI, 6 IJ9Fourth unda after a Ster. XXVII l. ad ad eum qui misit me. Joh. XVI, 5 I 85Fifth unda after a Ster. XXIX. Amen, Amen dico vobis, si quid pecieritis. Joh. VI, 23 i92 Sixth unda after a Ster. XXX. Cum venerit Paraclitus Joh. XV, 26 I99whit unda y.

XXXI. Si quis diligit me. Joh. XIV, 23 2OTTrinit Sunda y.

XXXII. Erat homo ex Phariseis. Joh. III, I 2IbFirst unda after Trini ty. XXXII l. Homo quidam erat dives Luce XVI, 9 223 Se con Sunda aster Trini ty. XXXIV. Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam Luce XIV, 6 228 Third unda after Trini ty. XXXV. Erant appropinquantes publicani Luce XV, 1 2S, Fourth unda after Trini ty. XXXVI. Estote ergo misericordes Luce VI, 36 24OFifth unda after Trini ty. XXXVII. Cum turbe irruerent in Jesum Luce V, i 246 Sixth unda aster Trinity. XXXVIlI. is habundaverit iusticia vestra plus quam scribarum et phariSeorum.

Seventi, unda after Trini ty. XXXIX. Misereor super turbam Marci VIII, 2 2,9Εighth unda after Trini ty. XL. Attendite a falsis prophetis Matth. VII, 5 26, Νinth unda after Trini ty.

XVI. Homo quidam erat dives et habebat illicum. Uc. XVI, TIT enth unda after Trini ty. XLII. Cum appropinquaret Jesus Ierosolimam videns civitatem Luc. XIX. 4 278


Eleventi, unda after Trini ty. XLlli. Omnis qui se exaltat humiliabitur Luc. XVIII, 4 284Twel fili unda after Trini ty. XLIV. Bene omnia fecit Marci VII, 37 29 IThir te enth unda after Trini ty. XLV. Beati oculi qui vident que vos videtis Luce X, 23 298 Four te enth unda after Trini ty. XLVI. Dum iret esus in Jerusalem, transibat Luce XVII, I I 3o F iste enth unda after Trini ty. XLVII. Nemo potest duobus dominis servire Matthei VI, 24 3i ISixte enth unda after Trini ty. XLVIII. Ibat esus in civitatem que vocatur Naym Luc VlI, Ii 3IT S evente enth unda after Trini ty. XLIX. Cum intraret esus in domum cuiusdam principis Luc. t V, 32 Eighte enth unda after Trini ty. L. Accesserunt ad esum pharisei Matth. XXII, 34 33o Ninete enth unda after Trini ty. LI. Accedens Jesus in naviculam transfretavit Matthei X, i 336Twentieth unda after Trini ty. Lll. Loquebatur esus cum discipulis in parabolis Matth XXII, aTwenty-first unda after Trini ty. LIII. Erat quidam regulus cuius filius infirmabatur. Joh. IV, 46 348Twenty- second unda after Trini ty. LIV. Simile est regnum celorum homini regi Matthei XVIII, 3 354Twenty-third unda after Trini ty. LV. Abeuntes pharisei consilium inierunt Matth. XXII, 5 36oTwenty-fourth unda aster Trini ty. LVI. Ecce princeps unus accessit Matth. IX, i . . 366Twenty- fifth unda after Trini ty. LVII. Cum sublevasset oculos esus et vidisset Joh. VI, 5 372Dedication o a Church. LVIII. Egressus esus perambulabat Iericho Luce XIX, i 378Sunda after edicariora Day. LIX. Omnis qui venit ad me Luce VI, 7 385 Octave of the edication. LX. Facta Sunt encenta Joh. X, 22 393