장음표시 사용
Fro the Institute for Tropical Hygiene Depariment of the Colonia Institute in Amsterdam Wit ma showin the itiner and 3 photographs
THE Malaria Commission usa component partosthe Committee
o Hygien of the Leasu os Nations a sub-committe formed by a se members of the sat Committee. assisted by two experis' 'andi number of correspondins members ' elected in countries where malaria is os importance, o form a Subjectis study. The specia interest in malaria dates hom the war an post-waryears, when the great wave os malaria in the whole o Europe eveni Englandyawahenelane ethe senerat interest in this so-called 'solve problem . his led in many countries to a rene e Strussie against malaria but not ali ere able to defranthe necessar expenSe,
and thus Albania appeale for the et of the Leasue o Nations. The Sub-Commission o Malaria was entrusted with therias of investigatins what measures it wouldae best to recommenda this andother countries, hicli are not able to allocate much in theiriuduet to this purpose. The question heresore How an malaria be com bate in the cheapest wayῖNow in a case like his the firsi potnt must herio agre o whatis meant by combatin malaria , ther is the matter ill defenerat into meretnidie discussion The meaning may be l. The eradication os malaria so that, after some time, the wor may be topped ithout ne cases occurrins unless importelisommulside. 2. Reducinsita extent and the gravit os iis consequences,ithout aimin a deStructio of the potentia capacit of the counir an peopte in and amons hic the wor is done to produce malaria. his alter is in mOS inSinnces Wondrousty successsul, and more strikinsly so the graVer the preVious condition. It is even possibi without human id but
wit this the proces may be hastene and the sufferin mean hile
In times of acute an severe epidemic Wit his mortality it is fel to e highi satisfactor meret to Secure thi lalter measure of
Then the imis no meret to reat the Sufferers, but to attac theevi adiit roots by the destructio of the parasites in the humaniloodor of the transmittin mosquito, aclctrumor adult in ater o air Thisis, in part what was atready done in the epidemi period But in this instanc it is to frequently Ound that no great successcis achieved. The malaria levet has, after the drop. come tot more or ess fixestandosten is no longe to e histed - ill the timeri rises Once more orpossibiy for Someranknown rectSon, Gradually drops to the etero potnt.
What then is the object of the Malaria Commission The cheapest
measures for combatin acute epidemic o thos for eradicatin thechroni endemic test bellind In the natur of the thinu both what requires to b done for combatins acute epidemiciis reatly wellinown: quinine distribution mons the population in such manne that it is applied in the mos effective possibi way. ut to eradicate malaria
above. The Malaria Commission, at the proposal of iis expert. Colonet S. P. Iames, set helare iself the aim of fillininup this faminiurinowledse. The plan was to collect information about malaria in countries where this disappearance of the lines had been observed namely in
countries, which were subsequently invited o present a repori deatins it the questionis how matters stood previoustras resard mnlctrin, ho citio istand and what in the opinion of the reporters, a thereaSon f the change eventuali observed These reporis, it their conclusions are tot published an Ptherefore domo destre to anticipate them S much I can say ho ever that it was found generally, o criticali examining the historica data that it was exceedinglydifficultes form an exact idea of the condition a resard malaria in earlier times. The view hared by many ho ever, is that such diinp-
marance or Considerable decline in importance of malaria must beascribed to a series of factors One of them is therarenter penetrationos quinin into large masses of theseople There are ther howeversand accordininto some of the firSt rankὶ Suchi increaSed prosperity. expressed in belle laedins and housing increased Store os catile, etc. It is difficult to convert these factor into advice for obviousinit isos litti us to sanio a country like Albania, for instance: Go and se ricli .
Another plan of the Malaria Commission hic found iis initialrealisation in the ourne carrieffout this sprins and summe to Eastern Europe, ct to mctheo comparative enquir into the measures applied in various Easter European countries against this disease. It may beasked whether this ourne was reali necessar and whether eXten-
Sive reporta, quieti studie a home, ould no have been jus assood an considerabi cheaper. The would neve of cours have been abierio take the place of a long continued investigationi thespot but his ourne could not sive the opportunity for Such investigation either.
the argument that by suc reclamation the larvae mouldhe controited. but that wellare,ould hereb be promoted the population ould receive belle laedin and belle housing and that this reacts favour- abi on malaria. Evenci the number os case ma not change thereis the chans a to thei gravit lower mortalityi Al this of course applies ni to the case here the reclamation is valvabie rom the
Two vlews continue to this dant exist fide by sideras to the utilityo reclamation One lays tres o the direct anti-larva effeci, ut admit that, a such it,illae of no vati, and demand legat nact-ment to compei the lando ners to keemthei ditches re of larvae. The ther maintain that it is of use lay stres o the indirect , o the economi effect and Smiles pityinstri hemitri potnted out that there are stili larvae for that is no the potnt. Ιt must noti thought that these two motives for executins reclam alion or are ver harpi Separate from ac other: ou recompelled, as it ere, to fitch the secret hom the eopte simplybecause the domo understand what can possibi be obscure torus, a foreisners, in his matteowhich to them, ho were born and brought up incit, is a clear a daylight. In another country, o to e mentione here, here these fine distinctions are not known it a decided that malaria has been fought in Ital by reclaimin marshes. hat is meant here is theimmediate effect and the indirect is not considered The la there simplyprescribes that districis declare tot infected with malaria mustae subjecte to extensive reclamatio a State expense an to minor ork at the expense of the lando ners. The economi fide of the queStion is no mentioned the reclamatio is directe against thelarvae And that is preciselyciis ea potnt is to much relied on it osten bring disappotniment. must admitolia I ni came to realis the Italia standpoint thoroughly after, visit to that other country, here it i S con pletet misunderstood But is it no necessar then, that this and Simila misunderstandings hould e cleare away For there areothers, no alicio far reachininandit the fame time involvininsuc fine distinctio a the one here mentioned whic result in measures beins
praised histit in ne country, whil in another the least nothinubui disappotniment. To ascertain the existence of theSe miSunderStandinsS, to exposethei cause an to endeavou to prevent them in future a far aspossibie by internationa co-operation appeared tot the real objectos ur ourney, ather tha that indicate above comparin thevalue of the measures applied in the Various countries, hecause such comparison, precisely by reaSOn f the bove miSunderstandins, was frequently so dissiculi tomahe. Belowes propos to sive atrie Surve of what, saw and what e were old, o howeve in the formis a connecte narrationis evenis, butis groupin together facts unde thei respective heads: l. Our Oute. 2. Organisationis the figlit against malaria. 3. To what extent malaria occurred in the different countries. q. hat was the natur of the malaria there. 5. The importance and the se of quinin in the trussi against
6. The fame in the strussie against anophelesimosquito and larvae . 7. Conclusion tole drawn in relation to malaria in Holland. l. Company anci mute. A the president of our Commission Dr. Lutrario, ni Stictred our journe in Italy, our president for the hardest partis this ourney was Professor Nochtof Hamburs who tosethe with Colone S. P. Iames, the weliknown Britis India expert in malaria, ere ur hishest authorities in his depariment. Beside them there ere Professor
there ere presentis correspondin members. Professor Cilica os
there is no water here Matter mere quite thermis howeverint themout of the Nereia ea MetcoVic, here a senuine inundationarea it many reedin places an masses of anopheles in houses an stabies made a muc more Serious impression than arsi. et
there a much les malaria here spleen index 50 per cent. than in the last mentione region spleen index 90 per centii. O the 8 hJune, reached Sabacin the Save in Stooenia, lihewise
senuine inundatio territorY, with a fair amount of malaria, notis grave character. In order, finalty to trave throus Serbia Mace
e visite the environs, suc a Prietren, Stip Κocant an Strusa. Here,e werein ne of the frounds of the world war, here there hadbeen most suffering from malaria, which however asmow everywhere in processi decline.
In Salonihain the 16 hJune we came into contact with the con sequences of the interchange of population , ascit is euphemisticallytermed Fuit a millio Greeks expelled from Asia Minor and Thrace: families hic had lived there for senerations, hic arrived with nothinibu the clothes the wore and absolutet poor, by hundredstosether in Salonika, here the were temporarit puti in iis camps, eae containing 64 10.000 inhabitants. untii ther ere fetiledas agriculturisis and ho many of them understand anythin of this trade in the valleys of Varda and Struma fro-where, to mctheaΟΟm for them. 00.000 Turk in turn wer shipped to Asia Minor Amons these immigranis both in the camps around Salonika an in the viti