Chininum, scriptiones collectae anno 1923-1924 editae

발행: 1924년

분량: 339페이지


분류: 미분류



acclimatised, hic in turn reacte upo the population, ho canno determine illi certainty by reason of the impossibilit ofa caim investigatio durins Such chaos 7 The only thinin Mareaiment. the savin o lives There,as therefore not muchao be learned here. excepi a to hat is to e expecte in Such migrations, hen the fine conditions o balance in Nature re disturbed. e saw the

and Varna. Here more than any here excepi in the ars regioni the solutio of the malaria problem is fought in anti-larvat mensures,on hich. in large and smali reclamations artificia saltin os coastlahes and the like million os leva are Spent.

here, visited wallachia minor and the environs of Buchares and Galatet. The natur of the land with the recurrent overflow of the Danube andae tributaries furnishes a wealth of reedin places, such a there an benothoughtos clearinsvp. Albanti-larvat me ures therefore have been disresarded, and salvation is fought in systematicquinine reaiment of the population by which. before the war, it isthought that favourable resulis,ere obtained but hic is no madever difficuli. O in to the lac of counir doctors of homone

that the Commissaria o Public Health could do as et so litile forthe agricultura population. Malaria is, Brs an foremost, a diseASeo the country as, were constanti referresto town or artificialasgrescttion o population it was reatly impossibi to forminnythinslike a jus idea of the malaria.



The norther portionis the territor Visited by us Kaetan Nishesorod Mosco was stili exceedmsi intereStins inasmuch as ehere reached territor where tertia preVctiled a territor thereforet he compared in many respectS With ou own country But it differs from the alteri in to the es favourabie condition in hicli large portionis the populatio found itSelf, in consequence of famine an other circumstances, mons hich, above ali, the lac os quinine may be mentioned a lach hic is no doub no iesinnin tote lessurgent, ut stili exists whe we calicio in the stories tot found in the olde literatur on epidemic os intermittent laver in the Nether lands the experience in Russi make it distincti easter foris toaccepi a par of theSe torie ct true, hile another pari, in hichver his mortalit is mentioned, ecomes stili more nintelligiblebecause in spite of the epidemicieinins virulent, the deat rate was

measures in the region of the Piave. here many reclamations destroyed by the war have been restored and ne ines added. his durins thecarryins ut of the wor and for som years after it, at times resulis in a revivat o malaria amon the novies and the firs agriculturalinhabitantS, a was unpleasanti observe this ear. hy hinssare so muchielter in the older drainediandsis notclear it is certainlynota reason of the esse number of anophetes met wit there. In the environs o Rome ema the Pontine Marshes, it theambulances of the Red Cros for the distribution o quinine mons the population the older around Ostia, here the Commune os Rome has the medicat directiomandat is fought to kee the ditches freelaom larvae by means os Gambusta amnis: Nettuno the malaria school. where Professor Gosi is training the auxiliar stas require for



Public Health whicli is entrusted illi combatins contagious disenses, is nanciali self-sovernins It medicat ossicials may, subjectoo approva of the hie of that depariment carry ut measures of allkinds, independently, and even impose fines, not exceedins 6000 dinars ithout recognisin the civi administration. his depariment has for iis centre the Centra Epidemiologica Institute in Belgrade thedirector of whicli is a the fame time the hie of the depariment an to hic a schoo for trainins hygienisis an a hospital forinsectious diseases are attached. Under him there are the already existin epidemiologica institutes 2 bacteriological stations specialinstitutes for combatin tuberculosis, Venereat diseases trachome and

Malaria fightins is thereiare a separate sub-Service the headquarterS

authorit fati the malaria institute of Trosir for Dalmatia Heramovina an Montenestro wit auxiliar stations at Cettinje and etcovic thebacteriologica stationis ratjevica for the Croatic Isiancis rh. Raband Pada: bacteriological stations of Saba and Belsrade with 5Ἐyinscolumns and a few auxiliar stations for the plain of the Danube and Save, and finalty in Muther Serbia the malaria institutes of Stip and Strusa and the bacteriological stations of Shoplje. Novi Bazar, Priarenand Bitot with a further i auxiliar StationS. The oldest institute and the one mos develope in organisation is that of rogi in Dalmatia in the Adriati coas norit of Spalato It was pene in Iul l 922 an has a schoo for the trainins os an auxiliar staff Lyear 'scourse). Plate VII . In 192qit workedina terri- toxyMith 230 villases distributelamons 26 endemic doctors' ', assisted by 53 male an female assistants and 2 disinfectors . Eachindemic



out in mali auxiliar stations oni microscopi an stains by the

The other institutes are organised in a Similar Way Sti, Macedonia for instance has for a populationis 200,000 Souis. 6 auxiliary stations. De consultation ossices Plate VIII andra motor-car laboratories. Plate IXὶ Thesbacteriological stations are Some hadismaller: ralje-vica for example has 3 doctors, 4 Studenta Os medicine, Some assistants for laborator or an a quinine distributors. 7 eacher and priesis and 2 armers Apar from the distributionis quinine also anti-larvalland mosquit Work4S Arriefout in these centres especiallyat Trogi and ratjevica.

An apparent agreement tosether Wit a penetratins difference romthe foresoin is Shown by the organisationis the service of malaria contro in Russia The generat direction here comes Dom the Central Malaria Commission o Mosco throus the medium of the Commissariat for Public Health. his Commission, hic includes repres entatives of al Commissariat of the eopte creates unit in thework of the many sub-sections and other co-operatins services, collectSans ers to enquiries and distributes that portion of the quinin whichthe Union supplies fremos charse or hicli is sold it opens ne malaria Stations prepare la S and very ear organifes the an-Russian Malaria Congress The folio in are subjectri it direction: 1. The provinciat malaria commissions in many respect&n miniature reproductionis therarsi servin chieflyrio harmonis the operationsos various services. Doctor and representatives of various groupS of orkmen have eat on this commisSion. 2. The executive institutions proper therias of whic is to reat sic cases reportin themselves in some instances to searchahem ut,

particulari in childrens homes and amons factorWworkmen, SoldierSand pupiis of som educationa institutions. Visitin the pe anta , hic is in Serbia the chie tas of suc institutions oni occur here occasionali in the formis delachmentsi expedition sent ut ofa regula visit torali villases siluated within the territor os a malaria Station there is no question Each person ho reporis himself at oneos the chie stations has his biood tested biit in the auxiliar StationS, thimis oni done in doubilat cases o nolint all. From ha par of the population those who attendimanate, is not known The territo of Wor prope remain the to n. These institution are: a. The 5 institutes for tropica diseases in Mosco arkov.