Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


πι diaberes I 87 findi east experimenta, stat e trin odies semetimes attraci, and imbibe the water particles floatingin the ais Whereis the are moreor es incretae in bul indve M. Thus thebais V tartar, exposta in miast ala, increast sciprodigi sty that a single mundo it ob calcinia Nelis to tenmunia eight. Theresere hyma - say that seme of the vapor of the ambient i intexinto the humanioh, hen F peri disposta in receive them iand these, ein addes to the s rosities, hicli are tot conveyedio the kidneys, and there secretia, encretae thei quantityi ponwhicli account, as cia an moistat is ver imprope se person inthis distemper se the ought, is


188 Ne diabetes.

so the infreque y of this disinseamong the anciendi, whicli assuch, that Galen saysine se haut mice oesy I); I amo opinion, stat this procrede fro theirmanneri Erinni very disserentho oura. Fores have seid that this distas mos frequently harpens to those, ho it ut due exercise indulge themselves in drinhin vinous liquors and thenquench thei thir arising romthese, by to great a quantit offuch as are cooling. Whereas, theancients, though perhaps momuch addicte to Mne, ere et more prudent in his particular ;sor aster a debauch, the returnedio temperance' degrees, oesing theiriodies gradually, and quenChing thei thi in illi arm drinlis, o suci a least as,ere not actuallycola. ihi seris assectis, Lib. V1.


premis a se ining concerning these disinses, the natur os,hichdoes no stem to have been e

plaine by medica writer Minsufficient perspicuity though the knowledge of this polat is very

materiat so the Cure. I, EAE L remember, an have mentioned i upon another occasion


n istic patas, at hic Passistia many years since, inordia me an opportunis os observire the v Mus degrees by hic the humancalculus hia acquired the hartaesio stone For the kidneys and in ter Were qui stesse With a cauculaus matter; and it a veryci structive, to se the different degremo concretion in the severat paris ofit, rom a clear limpid water o amitis liquor, lata ino into sie de brancis crystals and theseae Mescini came alata Haesessu

mica experimenta sua lix indathin no without reasori stat thematrer of the calculus is a certain tartar semed in theasta praeternatural coagulation this

i se Suessementorum laradoxumo mero criticum



jecture illi probabili , inat the Proximate cause of this disin. istartaro salta conveyed ut of theblaod into the mali dum cytis kidneys For it is the nature fines satis to contain andri rison a considerable quantity of that i Statica essests, vota. p. 184-ἔ93.



subtile matrer inita the illustrious Nemron has shewn besides iis other properties, to e the cause of the cohesion of dies i). Thus thecalciam is a substanc compose of earin, an a very large stare fala, concrete in the renes dum; an cither remalas hemin, or


diet axwel a medicines. Bu When calculous concretions

Uretera, the case requires ver prudent man ement. It is a very Common error in practice to givestrong, forcin diurellas, illi animaginar vie of drising ut thegravet with the urine inereas, this intention is answere Wissi reversasely, in in cases, is relaxingand lubricatin medicines ; speci- Hly, is, in ca os violent ain, bleedin be premised, and mo-hnes interspersed For a stone is

ver sorcia out, hile the patientis in great tortum though, henthe pes ceases, it semetimes Comes Way nexpectedly, and almost os iiso in ord, illi in urine Andthe reason of this is that pes Con-

c stringes


stiinges the fibres of the paris, whicli resume thei natura state, an persor thei functions prinperly When the tro te me sens tion is over. heresere three ors raraim es ostium, dissiave in sive or sic Mes of the common decoction, a be grum by a Mclyster, hicli Wil greatly rellaveth pala, an semetimes procuregreve adrantages However, thereare conjunctures, aster the pari


itanem an bladiar. 19stat rore cathartis are to beavoidia. O the lubricatis medicines a v mentione in chie are, E

therrimat wine and water, o ne


ter is preserable toruli other For, a plin Jays, thori prius ure particulari condemneri the mater of ita in the esset in hicholyare bestiae th uita crum i) BUT particular care in id betaen notato put the patient into aco se of powe ut iuretius, illi a vie of preventin the gravet fio concretin in the idneys: cause, haleve great things may be es of this seri os media cines by ignorant prete ers, they
