장음표시 사용
the osten promote a discliam Aurine; hicli effect the produce, in m opinion, purei by relaxing the fibres of the renat ducis, hichare alWays constringe by ain aswill appeta by the following rem taaiae Case. certain robust, ober, temperate man, O about sori years of age, as amicted illi an ascites andis Nun together. The disease Was Winga a violent blaw, whichhe had received abolit sc weeks besere, in the right ypociandrium.
creased, illi ver severe patia, great thirst, and thich, igh coloured urine rendere in mali quantities. The most powerfui iuretiCs, as nise oas, Aloia salis, balsamos Gileia, Hire, an tiae like, Were rescribe by another physicia os reat experience and V
ita he had been long a stranger;
andae ad thati hi, at disse en times, a quartis ater at least.
I hi sedde change su rizinglyraised his spiriis. An a the patient ound that, hil his insesrom pala lined he had conside able disicharge both by urine and Mol; ut that he filled up again,
ere the patia returned. Anythis course was attended with lach successi, that o Complete the Cure,
lli praeternatura hin and inflammatio of the abdominal scera. ΗΑv1N hitherio reate of things prope to e taken in his diueasse, it ma notae amissa say a Word o two on a very disserent method os ure, hicli is, is ab-
a long time se meminis methoditas ad iis abetior among the s culu. ut certainj, it is very difficult to e stricti pinsuta, a thepatient is generali rubiecto excessive thin; hicli, is heieci barre seom que hing, he sinere suta Masiness, that possies hema notethinElise Worth purchasingat se dear a rate. Νeverti sis, Ihave -- - persens la uringunde a very severe scitius dropst, - had resolutio an patience
Buet is in tali cannot bedminia οἱ iis laad of Water, euher D incisions made in the ins aspropost in the anaserea, o han os in other hesps a ve-tionia. there ill e a necessit o taing, horte muti os reli iugine patient, I mean by tapping. For his operation semetimes preserves, ut seldom hilis an al-Ways conudes j eases the ain occasione by the tensio of tiae abdomen besides inhich, it has this great se that it assoria time and opportunity sor administerin proper medicineia IanoW, that physwians are ostenaverse to this operation, roundedchlah on the solio in reason. 'Tis in inin se in , o let out thewater, since the injuria internalpans sumissi a ne suppi oscit: moreover, is it be let out by parta at disser-
disserent times, the best seon filiso again; ut is itine Mawn in allat o e the patient dies immedi-Mely Nom in certar it is, that When the ho eis are mortisita,
the eas is past assinopes that te tinxinat the water D paris is es nostr ita, and drisinii est Cat
t per ilaod vineis, than inmug the o ex an in fine, the water is ita pressuro occasiona me ne dispositionis the adjacent pares Wheme pon lettire ut all
the water at once, in diaphram immediates moves loWer do , sin iis natural state it usuali Mes; the blood rushe withinusus imp tuosit imo the loweri deseensim esseis, and by the removes of the pressure, the fibres sed denlyclinthe extension hicli the had -- quised, and the eat whita thei tosta ater ad glae them: hinc arises a Wooning whichreturning osten, and wissi e reasta violance throws the patient intolcia Meus, an seon carries hisin. - the bin Way of preven in this fata conseque e fremedio e to pres the best hard with both a s fio the per part wn aia, tale the water ascis- suing an aster it was ali comeaWay, to Mathe the tali tight withaia age.
Pretave to mali the fissi trial of this method in the hospital and
dippia in spiritis Wine, a laid oncte abdomen, and then a bandam was milia tio est Mercit. Toour great joy the experiment sec- ede accordis to ur Wissies. The patient made Water plantifulinher appetite returnes, me on
curia miti ut a relapse suta conseque erit is to me inves gain the true caeses of things. Fao M that time, not oesy. rown, ut alio fore n phy have solio e this method; and semetimes, indeta, as it frequentis happens in ne experimenta, Wissimo muta biadnesi. For, in cases of dis sed livere, abscesses osci stomach, and ad habit os boh, there is his orio resion to liope, that it,ill be attendes it success.