장음표시 사용
heat an acrimo'. Nor canoavoid observing though Uam ex tremes fore so the occasion, that me gentiemen of the sicut insem ars since acted a pari muta beneath stela character, in in
on, and then, in enmuraging the legislatur to purchas an id, man' medicine at an exorbitantprice by muching that it Was e
pable of breaing the stone in thebladder, an bringing Way the fragmenta illi the urine. His medicine is a composition es sapand lime ad os different INE Whicli evers hinows to bel Mi caustic. And whil inessehemem Canying on, me stones cutout of the liaden o patienis, who hia sed the medicine, ere ver indus risus handed about asa testimon os iis lithontriptic quali .
u bemus these stones hia in qualities, and holes here and there
in mei sursace Whicli,ere Menedio e rosions made by the media cine But hos gentiemen uotto have nown that stones are semetimes naturali se ed in thebladde Min suta inequalities and pila in thei iurisce, as may bemitata sor res erosions severat examples of which have falleni
de observation. Mareatis nature' variet in seming cala laus concretions. ut pon his subjeci, I reser in reade to a very
useful book, publiste seme ears since is a stilla anatomi and physician in hich both themisclites done by this medicine, and the artifices empto xto bringit into Ogue, are et in a clear
nour, scit oes to the discredito thei adrisere; ho ought toliave nown that thim indues With suta a corrosive qualiW, asto e able to dissolve se non
could not iam in the bladder thout injuring that organ. ponthe whiae, stat composition, underdue management, may be of semeservio in expellin graves by the urinar passages; ut it ili neverbe able to rea calculi of thelia nes of stone an besides, ira long
long continuedius mustae attend- ω With great tangeri sor in re sen ab evit n. An a se iis substitute, the famisi, though it in medicine os a more commodisus sor se talag; et it ilino prove much sese in iis con quences for the fame insons. ΝBVERT HELEss, a nothing
o to e di uised, o truci Concesta, in a matter of suin moment; Ι thia prope to a notice of What in Larne in Roseri bit fari burg seundb experimenta relatim to the pre-sent enquiry 1). Fo that genti man, after serioussu considering the inconveniencies, aud semetimes t misthies esse of this celebravi specific reta dis omit the sv, and What vinum sim mater
lus. His in experimenta eremad on severa fragments of Leuli Mili lime-Water rom CommonDic time; and afterWatas resolvingi try the power os animal-lime, he reptare them Min lime-Water,
made illi oste stelis and cochle- stelis et calci d, by ouringseven or tot pinis of Water non potin of the res calcinedmelis. The experiment succoedia with both sorti bulle seon Quia, that the 'ster an cockl stelltim water possenta a much reaterpower o dissetving the calculus thanahat o Mne-lime. Then hepropin the method Arar tangthecihel limGwater, the quanti of which may amount gradustris seu pinis very da se adulta, and sor childrendes in proportion and he concludes illi instances of the bappy effect of this method.
His hole dissertation is very est orth the perusal. An iliave ive this hori account o his method with in greater te fure, ecause an eminent physicianhere in London, lates inure me, that he cure a certain mercliant,
- - grievousi amicte Minthe stone, by this ver methodi erct he discliarge by urine agreat number os mali places, semelike the coats, ther like mallimcisio stolies. ut it is neve tobe expected a I have sit abore, stationes, hic, have acquired adegre of hard si litve inserior tostat, ante brotan or u laed by
the stili an dexterit os ursurgeons, ho have invented a ne
For no , no onb hilare indyoussis, but alta persons Uva ed in years may submit to this per tio Minout great danger an incas therione prove in bi to beextracti&without te in the nech
of the bladder, it is no mo longernecessis to split in stones beserecte extrastion); the invention os .hie is ascribe to Ammomus, a Graia physician, ho rom hince Wassumamia λδεέ.μοὐ ine lithot
been reare o by medicat writers with sicli care, that Pthin italmostin cessar tesse any thingliere concerning them Among the ancients Celsus I in particular, and among the modem Pompius a), have mos accurately enumeratia an distinguime them Thes me indeed was possessed of the work of the Graia physicians and surgeons, hicli aremo come do ni us and ut of whichae selee
ρο iis Meases of the e M. Osed severa very good medicines
th great tament: and the lat-ter has made se of est them dern discoories, to improve the praetica part the two authorsa, id add a book, composed by two eminent mathematicians; in hich very thin relatin tovillan is explesne With great e
uo6 of Ae gutta serena. shood by the generalit o praeib
lo er ages expressed by the bub rous ord gutta serena, is a very severe Mase, and os very dissiciat cum It procoed fro various causes, of hicli the in common is an obstruetiori graduallysomed in the arteries of the retina in signia d. For, in con que eo this obstructio is that the V of ight whicli inould depicit the image of object on thebottomis the ye, fallingi theseditate bloo,vesseli, produce noesseca: whe e the sol is euher diminissita, or enthel lin, -- cordis to the degre os the obstruction.