Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


to forset, that thisiain is highlyneces rLsor tumestin the pari, and there re uot a te ornwith patience Thi ho eve not-withitanding. seeiniit is certain that excessive heat is an obstacte toth natural secretions Trom the


to Tepeat the operation, When there appea signs of a comatos dispo-stion. For Phave very frequently observedih3 scians o beetoo tim rous it respect to this evacuation, Domin notio that it ould provent the Mut humor rom eingthrown pon the oints. Upon themhole, ne essectis biood-lettingis, generali to mali the disinsectando the place here it Waslodged and the reat benefit athis remova in severat cases is manifesto ut a se anodynes, the are notrio be allo ed excep in in vomitin andra senesses.


xemain of the morbid humor, .hita raised the tumorio greater dissiculi and -- mencis the question concerning the regimen, Whersi a person Ventirebat his constitutionis his tormentinidisorder, an hee itin sor the future. Upon hichthe first consideratio ouo inae, Whether that an e done With fumient aset an inuantage tothe patient. For a to eidetiypeople, ho have been accus in ed sor many years to retums of thedisease i in sit come o nomore, thei bo eis are attached

in their legs and seet, that the re- mainder of thei lis is quite miserable and of this Phave seen morethan one instanc in persons, ho


had absolueel eonfine themsolvesto a milh and vegstable diei. Tu Ea Evoa is any one berisimus es t ing the experiment, and riming the ris of iis conseque es, et his remember thathe ought to e mure, and no tohave had bove two or three seso the mut Thon ire him obstinates abstain rom in an allother fermento liquore, an sordrin confine hi et to mater.


is o live a ordinga nature, thatis, o practice temperanea And a

although I said a ve it great truth, that his Horde is raeser

times, especiali in id age, it is a very severe evit; vhen the strenginis se decayed, and the limbs soweahened that odit motion istost, and Wit it in considerablestare


stare of the com risistise Η-ever, this, lihe allisther calam,ties, is alleviated by patience Ana perhaps it ma be seme consolation to others, a melicis it macto Sudanham, in themidaeos tortures, stat greae monarias, potentates, generuis, admirais, philose res, and mavisures liae Mem, live


hic are accompante With inflammation and tumor, have an assinit mith the gout The proper method os curing them is Dbleeding, listering the part af sected, and utiles the severavns

laver, or but a sit tine, a mi ture of equaliaris of gumguaia- cum and cinnabar of antimon mill PrOVera ery good medicine, bothi ope the body, and correct theaerimon os the humors It should beatve so as to procure two stoolsa least ever day.


the thigh and leg, and mahes thepatient lame an semetimes also the head os the thigh-bone ipsout of the sochet, and the thethigh oon astes aWay. Is this dis eas litile is to e expecte from cupping oratistering the part so the acri humor liesto dee fixe in the membrane sura ounding the bone, to b drao

out by these means. ore em ci scis the volatiti epithem,


quantit of Venice turpentine. Buae nothinginive so much relies, in an obstinate case specialinas a sero passe belo the partassected in orde to give vent tolli morbi humor But foliis operationi thought toletoo crueland troubles me for the necessityo it it illae of his to mahe an

advis es t appi the actuat cautery in thre o sola places pon the


red-ho iron a appear, the patristio the application os it ouldbe much Moner over, than that whieli is aised by the common

t be sed severa times ver dari in orde to facilitate the digestionan dissipatio of the concreted humor Pand more especiali on the ver hips, is practicable. ut so- mentin the par assecte mith Warm ater is generali prejudiciat aecause this bring on a relaxation of the fibres, hereis thepain is encreas ed. I, o pas to interna remedies,