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The Author of the Book. Richard de Bury
sta at Avignon probabi in I 33o, he ad the acquaintance of etrarch, ho has est us a briefaccount of thei intercourae. In 33 Richard visited Cambri e asine of the Κing's commissioners,to inquire into the state of the ing' Scholare there, and perhaps thenaecam a member of the Gild of St. Μar one of the wo gild whic seunde Corpus
Christi College. Ino 33 4e ecamemigh hancessoris England, and Treasure in I 336, resigning the forme ossice in I 333 so that he might hel the in in dealing withasistra abroad and in colland and too a mos distinguished par in diplomati negociations etween En an an France. In 339 ne Was again m nisbishopric Thereaster his nam occura osten among thos appotnte to reat of eace it Philip of France, and with Bruce of Scotland It appears thathe was no in arti ament in I 3 sted by longsichness-longa in muri decoctus-on the I th f
was buried in Durham Cathedral. Dominus Ricardus de Bur migrari ad Dominum. The Bisho a Booklouer. Accordin tocte concludin note the PhiMUM a completed on
I 3 3 so that even though Ghene is liness, Richard mus have been activel engage in his literar efforis to the very end of his generous and nobi liis. is enthusiastic devote biographer Chambres oves a vivid account of the bishop' boo lovin propensities, supplementar to hat an begathered rom the PNMUAn itself due summe delec- Iabatur in multitudine librorum he had more Mori, a Was commoni reported than ali the other Englishbishops put together. e had a separate librar ineata of his residences, and whereve he Was residing, so many boota lay bout his bed-chamber, that it was tardi possibi in stan or move ithout readingupo them All the timeo could spare romausinem a devote either o religious ossice or o his ori. very da while at table he would have
book ea to him, unies some specia guest erepresent, and after arct Would engam in discussion on
. . Surtees Society' editionis Scriptores res also. Whar-ton's Anglia Sacra.
headed and standinga ut De Bur loved to surround himself with learned scholam Among these ere suchmen a Thomas radwardine, aftemarti Archbishopo Canter W, an author of the De Causa Dei; Richard Fitarat', afterward Archbisho of Armagh, and famous is his hostili 'o the mendicant ordera Walter Bufey, who dedicate to him a translatio of the Polities of Arisistis, maderat his suggestion Golin Μauduit, in astronome Roberimothot author of many boorici Richard de iluinnona Richard Ben-worth, afterward Bisho of London and alter Seagrave, ho ecam Dean o Chichester.
The Bishop' Books. In the stabirion, Richar de Bur frankl an clearly describes his
means and methodis collectiniboohs Anytio his object was clearly no selfish. The reatis contains
. An unsuccesssu attempt has been made to transfer heauthorini of the book o Roberimothoi. Various theories have been advance against Richard' claims It is noteworthyinat his contemporar Adam urimuin disparages him as medioeriter literatus, volens tamen magnus clericus reputari V ut such disparagement must be ahen mit in ulmos caution. The reali difficult facto be accounte forcis the omission onthe partis Chambre to mentio in book.