장음표시 사용
lenor of these present ma come, Richard de Bury by the divine merc Bisho os Durham, wishet evertastin salvation in the or andis present continuati a pious memoris of himselfaesore God, lihe in his liselim an after his death. What hali I renderonto the Loiam alliis benefit tomias est ash the mos demutisalmist, an invincitae in andrarat among the propheis cinwhic mos gratessi question e approves himself awilling than offerer, a multifarious deblor, an one o lines se a holier counsellor than himself: agreeing wit Aristocle, in tales of philosophera, hoshows in therard and th book of his Ethics thatali action depend um counses.
gist e doub no it is, is, have done anythinggood, we have diligenti inquire an considere in
th Almighty, and would e more beneficia to the Churta Militant. And lo there oon occurre to
our contemplation a hostis uniapo, V, atheris elec scholare, in hom God the Creator and Nature His handini plantia the mola os excellent morais and of famous sciences, ut hom the overt osthei circumstances o oppressia thalaesore the fiowno adverse sertune the seed os excellence so fruitiali in cultivaled field of muth, notaeing wateria is the ain that the require, are force to wither a V. Thus it happens that bright virtve luris burie in obscuri ,' torus the wores of Boethius, and burninglictis are not put unde a bushel but sor antis ollare ulteri extinguished Thus the eld, o fuit os flower in Spring, has ithere umbesore harves time; thus hea degenerates to tares, and vines into the wild vines, and thus olive runcinio the wild olive the tender stem rot way altogether, and those homirat have rown up into stron pillars of the Churta, being endowed wit in capacit of a subueintellect abando the schoes os learning With veri oes a thei si mother, themare repelled violenti seo the nectared cupis philosophyrus Oonas the have rasted of it and have become more fiercelythirat by the very taste Though fit se in liberalaris and disposed to stud the sacred writings sone,
os apostas the return to the mechanicat aris solesyto gain a livelthood, to the los of the Chure and the degradationis the whole clemy. Thus Mother Churta conceiving sons is compelle to miscany, V, some misshape monster is ornontimet fio herwomb, and sor lach of that litile it whichmatureis contentia, he loses excellent pupili, ho mightastematas ecome champion an athletes of thesaith. Alas hosfuddent the woo is cui, while theliand of the weave is eginning his orta Alas,how the sun is eclipse in the brighines of the da , and the plane in iis courae is huclia bachwatas, and, while it bears the nature and likenes of a star sud- deni drops and ecomes a meteor i What more pileous sight an in pious man ehiada ha canmore harpi sti the boweis of his pii t What canmore asil mel a hear hard as an anui into ottear t O the ther hand letos reces Bom pastexperience ho muta it has profite the whole
Christia common ealth, o indee to enervate
studenta illi the delights of a Sardanapalus o theriches of a Croesus, ut atheroo suppor them in their overt wit the fiuga means thataecome the
how many have we read of in books, who, distinguished
is no pride os birth, and retoicinii nouic inheri, ance, ut supportia ni by the piet of the good,
have made thet way to apostoli chairs have ost
orthil presidia ver aithsul subjecis have benithe necis of the proud an lost to the ecclesiasticalyohe and have extende further the liberties of the
Accordin y having ahen a furve of human necessities in ver direction, it a vie to bestowour charit upo them, ur compassionate inclinations have chmen to bear plous id to this calamitous clara of men, in hom there is nevertheles such hope of advantage to the Church, and to provide sorinem, not ni in respect of things necessar to: thei suppori, ut much more in respect of the book so sesul to thei studies. o his end, mos acceptabie in the iis of God, our attention has long been unwearital devoted. His cstatic Iove has carrita us way so powerfully that we have resignia si thoughts of other enthi inings, and have given urserues up to a passio sor acquirin boohs. That our intent and purpose, theresere, may be knownto posterit as etl acto ur contemporaries, and that e mansor everrato the perverse longum os ossipersas farras e re concerned, e have published a litue
Domine charge of excess, wil expound the pum eo our intense devotion, and will narrate more clearly than light at the circumstances of our underishing. Andaecauserit principali treat of the love o boori, we have chosen, aster in fishion of the ancient Romans, senes to nam ita a Gree word, His libaon.
whic ali men destre is an instinctis nature, infinitet surpasses si the riches of the world; in respect of whic precious stones are orthleta in comparison ith hic silver is a cla and pure mi is as a lites sand at hos splendourine sun and oon re dis to iooh pon compare with hos mareellous weetnes hone and manna re bitte to the aste. O value o wisdomthat sedet not way wit time, virtve me flourishing that eseanset it possessor Bom at venom l heavent gi of the divine boun , descendini mine ather os lictis that thou mayest exest therationes ou to the ver heavenses Thou ar the
of Lise, has stablished thee. There veryone hoasti receiveth thee, and veryone ho seeh fintithee, an to veryone that nocheth oldi it is speedit opened Therein the cherubim sprea out their ings, that the intellectis the student may ascend and loo Dom pol to fle, stom the eas and
west, stom the nori and stom the wuth. Therein the might an incomprehensibi God imself is apprehensibi containe and worshippex therein is reveale the natur of things celestiat, terrestriat, and inferna therein re discerne in lam is hicheum state is administered, in ossices of the celestialhierarch are distinguished, and the tyrannies of demons describia suta af either the deas of Hato
transcend nor the chair of Crato contained.
booti I serese things to come in boohs arithe assair are et Bri booti comessorin the laws of peace. At ining are corrupte an deca in timeri Saturn eases noto demur the children thath generalesa est in glor of the world would eburie in oblivion, unies God had provided mortalswith in remed of boori. Alexander, the conqueror of the arth, Iulius, the invaderi Rome and of the worid, ho, therars in War an aris, assume universa empire unde his single rute, salthful Fabricius and ster Cato, ould now have been unknown to fame, is the aid o boohs ha been anting. Towers have been aete to theground cities have been overthrown triumphalarches have perishedim deca nor can ither moe
or hing fin an means os more easti conserring the
privilege of perpetuit than by books. The oohthat he has ad rendera it author his service inreturn, that o long as in book survivescit author remain immoris and cannot die, satolem declares
ou end whic hol Boethius considera to e three- sol in thought speech, and writing, seem to emain more sessili an to fructis to greater prosit in books. For the meaning of the voice perishe withthe found truth latent in the minxis isdom thatis hid and treasure that is no seen aut truth whichshines sorin in book destres to manifes itself to very impressionabie sense. It commend itself to the sight when it is read to the hearing when it is heard, and