장음표시 사용
stanssi)-whic he practicali seunded, though his successor, Bisho Hatfield carrie in scheme into effect It is traditionali reporte that Richaia's ori ere sent, in his lifetime or after his death, totae hous of them ham Benedictines at Oxsord, and there remainia untd the dissolutio of the College is Henr VIII. When the were dispersed vim ming
oiners in Ballio College, and the remainde passinginto the hand of Dr. George Owen, Who purchased the sit of the dissolved College.'Unsortunately the specia catalogue V of his ori prepared by Richard has no come down to us; but som his own boo anx m in booti cited in the woris of his fitenti and housemates, who mayreasonata be supposed to have Mawn larget Dom
the bishopys collection, it ouldae possibi to restorea hypothetical but no improbabie Bibliotheca Ricardi de Bus. The dissicult would e wit that contemporar literature, hicli the would thin belo the dignit os quotation, but hic weanow the Bis p
book was first printed a Colome in I 73, at Spires in I 83, and altaris in Isoo. The fidit En ish editionappearia in Is98m, edite is Thomas James, Bod-lπ' fidit librarian. Other edition appeared in German in I 6 Io, 6I , 67 and 7oL; at aris in i 836; at Alban in I 86 I. The texis ere, illithe exceptio of thos issued in I 83 and is 99, basedon theo 73 edition though the Frenc aelition and translationi I 836, prepared by Μ. Cocheris, claimedio e a critica version, it in the ex untouched, and meret gave the various readings of the three Paris manuscript at the Bot of the pages these read-ings are more e bassi chosen, and the fauits of the version are furthera be referrexto the use of the ill-
i sollowed the edition o I 73, with ali iis errorsan inaccuracies.
Bibliophile ad tollexa his labour of love, and his
Wor was on ali sides received wit the recognitiondue to his monumentat achievement. To the greatlossi Englis learning, he di no long urvive theconclusionis his laboura. The ver limite editiono the wor Was mon exhausted an it is by the mos generous permission of his ather, r. Jolin Thomas, of Lower mugiiton, anchester, that the translation-the oni trusi ortis rendering o Richard demum precious realise sinow so the firat time, made accessibi to the large book-lovin public, and fittin inaugurates the present series of English
classim me genera Editor destres is expres hisbest inanis to Μr. JAn homas, as also tometari. Kegan aut for thei hintam in allowin him toavali himself of the materiali include in the I 888 editio of the worh. e has attempted in the briefΡreface and Notes, to condense r. Thomas laboursi suta a Way as ould have been acceptable to thelamente scholar, and though he has made old toexplain ome sew textua dissiculties, an to ad somese reserences, he would fain hope that these additions have been made iis modest caution iththe reverence due to the unstinte tot of a Biblio-phile aster Richaia de Bury' own patiern. et onceagain Richaia de Bu ' Niobiblon edited an translate into Englis is E C. Thomas, is presente to