Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


. LV.


480 Nise and Iuli os cities no dependent on heathensem.

Constantinopi Some time since, ver ince it a made agran city, Orci inas made so by a Christian Emperor, tostic salse gods and yo it has increased, and Stili increaSes, and remains. Dd remain it Will, as longis God plenses. Forwe do notio this cit either promise an ternat duration be cause V Saninis Carthage remain nox in iis possessionis theΝam os Christ, et Onc on a time it god des Caelestis vas overthroWn because celestia She was not but terrestriat.

i no triae at ali thei imagos Ner overthrown es ore andove so ero in Goths illi Rhadagaisus' conquere d. Re member, myirethren, remember ibis no long time since, but

cam With a large riny much more numerous tha that os

Alaric Was Rhadagaifus was a Pagan; he sacrificed to Iupiter every V. very Where it Was annotin ced that Rhadagaisus didio coas fi om sacrificing. Then aid the all, mo, odo not sacrifice, he oes sacrifico, e Who remo allo exto Sacrifice musti conquered by him holoes sacrifice.' ut God mahin proos thatio even tempora deliveratice, Dorine preservatio of these arthi Lingdoins, consist in theso sacrifices, Rhadagaisus by the Lord chelp, a marvellouStyovercome Aster ard came thor Gothsolio id notSacrifice, the iame, ho though the were not Catholics


is mei rest Where thoi salvation where theiriopes Letthem then come, let them ivo ver blaspheming, let themleam to adoro let the scorpions illi thoi stingsio devoured by thomen, let them e turno into His od Who malles them pas ove into it tot them n earth bo exercised in


by faith. and the Apostle Pete thus spealis in his Epistie;

this as sal to the Pharisees These Pharisees ereJeWs, the choice me ascit mere of the Jess. For hos of mos consideratio an leamin Were the calle Pharisees.


t iniquius For halci more Perverse than a man who isti es t have