장음표시 사용
cent. Is Go verrimetit were a inalter of Wili Upori anys , yours, without question, ought to be superio uti But Govextiment and Legislation a re matters of Teasonauit j adgemen', and uot os inclinaxion; and , what lait os reasou is that, in Wbicli the determination precedes the disculLoti ; in which one set os mesti delibe-xate, and another decide; and where tho se M lio form e conclusion a re perhaps three hundred miles distant Dom thola Who hear the argumenta p
Partia ment ia Dot a Congres of Ambassadora Domdiserent and hosi de interests, which interests ea ch. must matulatu, as an Agent arid Advocate, agatus other Agenta and Advocates; but Partiament is a delisieratina
sidera, inhat t is os ali things in the worid, will styrio in inhat has the luasi lihelaeis to a positive and pro-cipitate eliga gement. To be a good Member of Partiament, is, let mo teli you, no ea sy task ; e specialty atthis time, wben there is se strong a disposition to run uto the perilous extremes of servile compliance orwild popularity. To unite circumspection with vigo uriis absolutely necessbry; but it is extrem ely difficult. We are no Μembers for a ricli commercial Ci ; his City, however, is but a part os a ricti commercial tisu, the interesis of whicli are various, multiform, and intricate. Ive are Μembers for that great Nation, inhich howe ver is itials but part os a great E ire, eX- tended by our Virtue and our Fortune to the farinest Iimits of the East and of the west. Ali these wide- spread Interesis must be considered; must be compared; mult he reconcited is possibie. We are Μembers for afree Country; and surely we ali lino , that tho ma-ehinc os a Dee Constitution is no simple thing; but asintricate and as delicate, as it is valvabie. WE arctΜembers in a great and ancient Monarchyp and wo must preserve religiously, the true legat rights of tho Sovereign, whicti form the Hey- Itone that binds to. gether the nobie and weli constructed arch of our Empire and our Constitution. A Constitution made upos balanced Powers must ever be a critical thing. Assuch I mean to touch that part of it which comes